Taken from numbeo.com, cost of the daily things you can do with your 25$ in US.
Please read the above chart again this time slowly.
What if there is a product for that same 25 Usd.
A product, you will enjoy using for many years, a product that you can pass to your offsprings, or a beautiful present making your long time shaver friend smile,
maybe first tempting call for a friend to the wet shaving community.
A product, not like the quality of an ATT 303 Stainless Steel Razor, but better, a 316 Chromium Nickel Stainless Steel containing molybdenum. Generally used in special sectors like jewelry, aerospace industry(jet engine parts), pharmaceutical,marine etc
A product, not like a Rockwell, not just a stainless steel handle, but better, a truly CNC machined head and the handle engraved from stainless steel blocks.
A product that doesn't have any top/bottom plates, no moving parts, no welded parts.
A product that is not outsourced from china, but made by one single firm from start to finish. Patent pending search and developments, angular computerized models and real life samples tried hundreds of time.
A product that is made by a Turkish firm with 25 years of experience in producing heavy machinery parts, robotic parts and mold manufacturing in industrial and defense industry.
A product;
that carries all the mentioned specs above for a price of 2 bottles of wine.
I present you with honour, Rocnel SS De Razor.

What I got as a customer/Presentation:
Beautifully presented natural cardboard box. Inside the box, wax stamped authentification certificate. The beauty, Rocnel 316 Stainless Steel Razor, wrapped in a linen cloth securely.
A presentation that makes you smile and feel special when you hold it.
The Razor itself, is just like a hornbach hammer. It’s not like my Merkur 41c, which is light and cute; on the contrary so serious, feels like a gun, a solid piece of hardcore metal.

Loading The Blade :
You don't need a dice to count how many times you used that blade. Just use half of a normal DE blade for one or few times(YMMV).
You don't need to unscrew anything to load your blade. Break a ordinary DE blade in half and push it into the slot while holding from sides.
The slot is specially designed with a 0.01 mm precision and curvature. When easily placed, it holds securely, these is no play or stretch on the blade, solid as a rock.
A sample video of one of our friends from Turkish shave-forum Geltir, showing how to load the blade to a Rocnel.
Usage/Characteristics of the Razor:
Close and efficient.
It's a just a tad on the aggressive side. But just a little. If you like the 34c, you will like the Rocnel.
Weight is 53 grams for head and 80 grams for the handle. Any person a newbie or an experienced wet shaver can use it easily.
First time you touch it to your face, you will go slowly as I did, not knowing what will it feel like, but after few strokes you find out it's no different than a normal De safety razor.
I used it daily for 3 days and also after a 2 day weekend rest. It gets the job done smoothly in both conditions. Used it with Tabac, Saponificio Varesino, Arko soaps and Tobs Avocado and Proraso creams. I feel like rinsing a few times more in heavy foams like Arko, so similar to a fatboy.
Overall as I said before, close and efficient without any rash or burn.
Handle Only Usage:
Next day, I took out my beautiful CNC machined Rocnel handle, and tried it on my Razorock Mentor De Head. Wow, that handle looks handsome on any DE-head attached.
Steel Handle makes the shave easy. I simply let the weight do the work.
Flat handle isn't slippery as I thought it would be, so happy with my choice. Rocnel will also offer a diamond pattern handled set or separate handles alone.
Shave finished beautifully with my Phoenix soap.

A week passed quickly trying that Rocnel handle with original and different razor heads.
What more can a Rocnel give me?
With start of a new week, shall we leave the Double Edge aside and enter a whole different world. The Single Edge. 

Let's unscrew that Stainless Steel Hex Socket screw and mount it to a 1912 Gem Junior and make that a frankenstein Single Edge razor.
Please turn down the volume of that music you are listening, at least while using a SE head in a shave. That whisker cutting sound of the 90 years old SE, that beautiful handle to hold. It's just a symphony of something old and something new.

There is a new quality in the market, different and fresh new approach to wet shaving.
A design made from scratch, with multi usage scenarios for a lifetime.
A new brand that I believe, we will hear many times with variety of quality stainless products in wet shave community.
Thank you Rocnel, welcome aboard. You made us wait, but better late than never.
...So what you say folks, still wanna spend that money on a 2 bottles of wine :)
Best Regards

Soon you will have opportunity to order online internationally from executive seller
You will have variations of handles (flat and diamond pattern),
Optionally you will be able to order separate handles and a beautiful special stainless steel base.
About the product quality, service and after sale support, do not have any hesitations. Rocnel is behind the product and also seller Extrashaving is well known company in Turkey and in our wet shaving community. You can trust both firms.
Also you can find beautiful pictures of our native users from here
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Rocnel Single Side(SS) DE Razor