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vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Has the Mad Men auction been covered yet?

Don Drapers shave gear is on it. But all it is is Edwin Jagger equipment (brush and bowl). His toiletry kit also appears to have an EJ in it.

Roger has a Schick electric on there too. Still works. Lol.

Has the Mad Men auction been covered yet?

Lime Soap Recommendations

I really love the smell of limes. I recently bought some Joshua Tree Bay rum-lime soap and it smells fantastic-- but it doesn't lather worth spit so it's become my daily bath soap, and it works well at that.

It also came with a lime AS sampler. I like that very much for its smell... not so much for its properties as an after shave tho.

I know there are MANY lime shaving soaps out there. But outside of Joshua Tree I've never bought any. I noticed Joe at Italian Barber has a combination that includes Essential oils Lime Soap with Lime Healing Aftershave. Or, for another few bucks, I can also get an Omega boar brush (I do love the one Omega boar I already have, so this is definitely a plus for me).

I have one RR soap already (P160) and I think it performs beautifully. I certainly plan to get more Razorock soaps in the future. So, based on my experience with the one RR soap I might be inclined to make this purchase. But, I don't want to buy another Joshua Tree, if you get my drift(wood!).

So, two questions here: Has anyone tried the Razorock Essential Oils Lime soap (and even better, the soap and the Aftershave). And, what other lime soaps have you guys used that you thought were really rockin'?

Lime Soap Recommendations

Checking In!

I just got done with about my 6th shave or so. I took my time and let the DE do the work. I used another members suggestion of using olive oil on my face as a pre-shave. I followed another members advice to resist the urge to do touch ups and follow the old saying "No soap, No razor". I also followed the advice if holding the razor by the tip. I gotta thank these guys. A few other members I wanna thank for helping to be patient. I gotta tell you, I had the smoothest shave I have ever had with only two nicks. I also have a trouble spot on my neck where it grows in a circle, that even cleaned up properly. I gained a little confidence on that one.


Checking In!

Would This do for a shave bowl/lathering bowl?

Hey, so as the title says i have this what i call lathering bowl here, was wondering if this is too big i am not interested in purchasing any of these shave bowls as they cost way too much so i found this in my house. :laugh: (Definitely was not me who chipped it , hehe)

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Would This do for a shave bowl/lathering bowl?

Sensitive Skin Issues

I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I would like to know what would be the best course of action would be to get rid of, or at least minimalize the irritation. First, a little info:

I use a few DE razors, some gillette super speeds, ar merkur 41c, and a weishi. I try to use the same razor every time in order to get a good baseline, and Ive only recently started trying new blades. I also just recently started trying new soaps.

I know Ive made the mistake of going ATG on my neck. Necks the most sensitive area. Ive tried to go just WTG and XTG, but to no avail. Still nice red painful bumps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I left out anything that you would need to know, just ask.

Sensitive Skin Issues

Rowdy Roddy Piper

Dead at the age of 61- cardiac arrest in his sleep.

Rowdy Roddy Piper

Orient Watches

Need a little help guys. Never owned an automatic before, and keep running into recommendations for Orients. They seem to be the best "bang for the buck" watches at the moment, according to several watch forums and a friend who is into watches. Budget is a little bit of an issue (first year of law school in the rear view, and money is tight going into year two.) Can't settle on which model, for reasons listed below:

1) The Bambino. I prefer the first edition in white with a brown strap. Classic, plays well with a suit but can also be dressed down. Issues I have with it are the size of the lugs (21mm) and price. Before you roll your eyes at my quibbles with the price, hear me out. The most reasonable deals I can find from non-eBay listings seem to be in the $130 range. Definitely a deal. However, other Orients seem to available for slightly more (see following), and may be a better value. What's wrong with 21mm lugs? Well, I'd like the option to change straps. If not to match what I'm wearing or my mood, then just because I intend to have the watch for a while and will likely wear the first strap out eventually. 21mm is an odd size, as opposed to 20mm or 22mm. Moving on...

2) The Curator. Wow. Gorgeous watch, especially the grey, which is the one I prefer. Issues with this one: comes with a black band. I rarely wear black. I own one black suit, and also a tuxedo. I'm a bit of a traditionalist with evening wear, so I don't wear a watch to black tie functions. Best deal I've found on this one is around $179. As I mentioned above, the Bambino is a good deal, but the price puts me off compared to other Orients. For $50 more, I get a sapphire crystal and a power reserve indicator, plus 22mm lug width. Downside on the price here is that because I don't wear black very often, I'd have to buy a brown band. So there's another $30, bringing me to $210. Is the curator worth $80 more to me, compared to the Bambino. Not sure.

3) The Producer. Kinda fun. Like the square/tonneau case, but not sure I want that for my everyday watch. Also not 100% sold on the display showing part of the movement through the face. At $149, it splits the difference between the Bambino and Curator price wise.

And then there are the Seikos. By the time (no pun intended) I get to watches in the $250 category, I start leaning towards waiting a few months and springing for a SARB065 Cocktail Time (plus a brown band.) I'd really like to find one of the older SARBs that were 38mm across the case. Those are getting rare, and tend to command a pretty penny on the watch forums, from what I've seen. I also really like the SKX007 on a bracelet. It's probably the only watch I'd get with a metal bracelet instead of a strap. I'd also likely wear it with navy and gray suits, in spite of the black face. But I keep coming back to the Orients.

So, there's the dilemma. Anyone with experience in Orients care to chime in? Is there something else I should be considering? Ready to step up to automatics, but can't quite pull the trigger. I appreciate your help in advance.

Orient Watches

August 2015 Acquisitions

Hard to believe that we are in August already, this year just seems to be going so fast!

What great stuff has everyone got this month?

August 2015 Acquisitions

How to open a wine bottle.with a badger brush

Cool video and actually useful in its idea.


How to open a wine bottle.with a badger brush

Stretching a cartridge shave.

I was talking with my dad the other day about wet shaving, and how both the wife and I have switched over to DE razors.

My dad looked at us with incredulity and asked why.

"Dad, honestly, it's cheaper and I get a better shave."

"Really? How often are you throwing out your old blades? Gotta be careful; those old blades can cut someone if they're just thrown in the trash. Then there's also the cost of the razor. How is it cheaper?"

So I lay out that I can get at LEAST 200 shaves out of a box of Astra SPs (I usually swap out every 2 shaves, going full face and scalp shave), and the box costs me $10. The DE razor was $55, but that's a one time cost.

He then looks at me and says, "See, with the 5 blade thing that I have, I can get 3 months worth of shave. I go buy one of those blade packs from Costco for $25, and it can last me 2 years."

I can see stretching a cartridge to maybe changing the blade once a month, but that's GOT to be rough on your face unless you only shave twice a week. Going on a daily basis? I can't imagine it...I'd be wanting to change that blade out at the end of the week, maybe 2 weeks, stretching it out over a daily shave.

Stretching a cartridge shave.

jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Wanna see what $7K looks like.

This is our new beast. I named him Thorin. He is a Bengal cat or more commonly know as a Leopard Cat. The breeder we got him from was one of the originators of the breed. She also wrote the standards for the breed and started the Serengeti line of Bengals. She is an amazing woman. This little guy was exactly what she had in mind when writing the standards. He is the perfect embodyment of Bengals. She had him sold for $7,000 with a waiting list. That is until she found out he had a heart murmur. After several cardiac ultrasounds it was determined that he has mitral valve regurg. So she refunded the money to the buyers and refused to sell him. She doesn't want to taint her reputation or her lineage. So long story short, she allowed us to adopt him for free with the promise to never breed him and get him fixed. She knows about my extensive cardiac background and we were a perfect fit for his needs. Plus he's just so damn kewl.


Wanna see what $7K looks like.

Lesson learned about the power of the Yeti

A while back I bought my wife and daughter their own razors. Ive been struggling with my daughter using my products without asking ever since. Basically taking them from my room and leaving them in hers. So when I need them I have to go on a scavenger hunt. Today she decided to "borrow" my Yeti Snot. I have it melted in a used Proraso green tub with the neat Yeti label on the lid.

After hearing this blood curdling screaming from upstairs, the wife and I rushed to see what on gods green earth was going on. She was in her shower fanning her tender bits screaming that it was on FIRE. Thats when I saw the Yeti on the tub. I told her to run cold water on it and it would stop... (insert evil laughter her...:devil:...)

About 30 minutes later when I stopped laughing my tail off and picked myself up off the floor, I reminded her about not "borrowing" my products without asking because some are dangerous. She learned that the Yeti is not, I repeat NOT for the tender bits likes eyes, mouths and girly nether regions. Im sure I made my point this time.

Lesson learned about the power of the Yeti

New to B&B

Hi everyone, I'm from Eastern CT and am new to the forum. I am interested in traditional wetshaving because, from what I see posted here and in other places, it seems fascinating to me. Although I currently use disposables and foam/gel, I am seriously considering investing in a vintage DE razor. I would also like to search for an inexpensive shaving brush and soap or cream set. Looking forward to hearing from you!

New to B&B

ghaleb's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
Ghaleb Al Masri
What are your nicknames/aliases?
Where do you live?
Ras Al Khaimah
What is your age (or) generation?
What are you in the real world?
Family man, overweight, career in audit
What is your favorite shave setup?
Not sure yet. Currently waiting on delivery of a merkur 34c, a muhle r89g and an r41 along with a couple of brushes, soaps, creams etc. covering various brands.
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Martial arts before getting old, now running and gym whenever I can (not much). CIGARS,CIGARS,CIGARS,cooking,binge watching TV shows.
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Just started going old school with a feather popular I was able to find here in the UAE. Looking forward to learning and gaining from other members' experience.

ghaleb's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Replacing Guerlain Vetiver aftershave gel / balm with neutral SPF alternative?

Hi all. I have been a long time user of Guerlain Vetiver aftershave balm (as well as their associated products). I like the fragrance and it always seems to to a great job. But recently I have struggled to find it at a good price in Europe. I used to pay 30 euros (high enough!) but now the price is crazy - 60 or so. I won't save much even if I import from the US. I guess maybe they are ending the line so prices are high.

I read elsewhere on the forum that a clever alternative would be to use a neutral high quality aftershave balm and squirt some of the same brand aftershave into it. So I get both the fragrance and quality I want. This sounds ideal. At the same time I would really like to get something with an SPF.

So, can anyone recommend a neutral, high quality aftershave balm with an SPF that is available in Europe? I found the Every Man Jack range in the USA which I am willing to try but the shipping cost will be 3x the product cost :(
All suggestions appreciated.

Replacing Guerlain Vetiver aftershave gel / balm with neutral SPF alternative?

Coffee FAQ's - need advice? Gear got you stumped? Inquire within!

Besides being a coffee professional, I'm also a consumer. As such, I've run the full course of miserable incremental brewing upgrades over almost 20 years. I was also a pro barista at one point, so I have a fairly good grasp of gear, brewing, and what works (or mostly doesn't :lol: ). I'll give a quick overview here:


There are a lot of good sources for good coffee. I'm one of them. Roasting coffee is like art: each coffee is up for the roaster's interpretation, and every roaster hopes their style resonates with customers. So instead of plugging myself, I hope you'll just give us a try!

In general, the main points to keep in mind when buying beans are freshness, grinding before brewing, and proper water temp. If it doesn't have a roast date, it ain't fresh, so buy freshly roasted stuff.

Coffee is generally at its best from days 3-10 out of the roaster, after which it's a gradual decline, and after a month or so, would use fresher stuff. Freezing coffee slows staling a LOT, but it must be done like so: keep a weeks worth out, and freeze the rest in ziplock freezer bags. Every week, pull more out. Many people keep it all frozen, and open it daily to remove the desired quantity. This promotes condensation, and basically ruins the whole idea.

Ground coffee goes stale to the point almost anyone can taste it within 2-3 days. That's why pre-grinding sucks. STORE IT AS WHOLE BEAN, GRIND BEFORE BREWING!

Water temp isn't as hard and fast a rule as some think. My preference is 200-205 degrees, and if you want to 'keep it simple, stupid', just do that. If you want to geek out, in general lighter roasts can handle (and require) hotter water to extract the same amounts of solids as a darker roast, and Matt Perger, world champion barista/brewer, uses boiling water. I suspect he's using very light roasts when he's doing that, but according to him, he uses boiling water for all drip coffees. I disagree, but of course cofees difer, as do tastes. That gives you an idea on water temps.

Cliffs: great coffee is easy, just follow the above three points. Gear advice to come!

Coffee FAQ's - need advice? Gear got you stumped? Inquire within!

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Funny pictures

How about if we just post some funny pictures?

I hope there will be many funny pictures here.

eddie haskell.png
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Funny pictures

Triple wild catch

Today I decided to branch out my antique store hunting and headed across the river to the state of Washington and scored three beauties. Two gold Aristocrats and one single ring with it's blade banks and case serial number D441412. The case has seen better days though. Haven't had a chance to clean them up yet, but they should shine up quite nicely.
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Triple wild catch

Hello, Newbie to DE Shaving Here

I went from having long hair almost to my waist to a shaved head in 1997. I started with the Gillette Sensor Excel, and I really liked it, but only shaving WTG. The first year or so, that I did ATG I got a lot of razor bumps and had to replace the cartridge for every shave, which meant more $$$.

Then my wife bought me a Mach 3 because of the 'fancy' 3 blades and all the hype from others about it being a great razor. I did notice the difference, however, I preferred the flexibility of the Sensor Excel around and behind my ears. I dealt with it (having stubbles behind my ears all the time) and kept using the Mach 3 until a co-worker mentioned and joined the dollar shave club last month.

I did some research and stumbled upon 'old school wet shaving' and got hooked on how cheap the blades are going the DE route. So last week, I went on a mission to find a DE razor at every antique shop I could find in my area. After hitting up approx. 7 shops, I found one that I liked (I was looking for a TTO).

It was, I believe, a 1970 Black Beauty Super Adjustable P2, in very decent shape for $12. Bought some old blades with it, Gillette and Wilkinson sword. It had a bit of soap residue, but cleaned off very easily. I went out and bought the VDH soap and brush set from Walgreens, and have shaved my face and head twice so far 4 days in between each.

I felt some irritation on the 2nd shave (I sport a mustache and goatee), but I think it was my own fault for touching up without lather. I'm happy with the result, and based on reading all the posts on here I know that it will only get better with time and effort on my part. I used the Gillette blade for the first and half of the 2nd shave (1st pass on head, cheeks, and neck), then popped in the 2nd blade. I recently ordered and received a 100 pack of Astra SP's to use when I run through the Gillette's and Wilkinson's.

So... here are some questions I have:

Should I bother using the Gillette's and Wilkinson's or just jump straight to the Astras?
About how many ATG head shaves should/could I get from each blade?
Do I need to wash/rinse/rub with alcohol, each blade before use?

Thanks, and here are some pictures of my find:

Hello, Newbie to DE Shaving Here

Dr. Jon's Aftershave Tonics now available at TheShavingEdge.com

Hi All

Just want to mention that we now have Dr. Jon's Aftershave Tonics available on our site.

Designed to match Dr. Jon's best selling soap fragrances. What's your favorite?

Dr Jon's Aftershave.jpg

Dr. Jon's Savannah Sunrise Aftershave Tonic
Dr. Jon's Anne Bonny Aftershave Tonic
Dr. Jon's Hydra Aftershave Tonic
Dr. Jon's Classic Aftershave Tonic
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Dr. Jon's Aftershave Tonics now available at TheShavingEdge.com

Den clean out

Thinking about cleaning out the small den. Just too many products I don't use. Have any of you cleaned out the den then looked back and wished you hadn't? Not sure if it is too many products. Or just narrowing down to what I like. When I re visit some of the products I have I get kind of just a meh. Not that they are bad or not performing just that they are not what I remember when I first used them. Is it like a car or guitar you just bought then after a while your just kind of like this is good but ... Just trying to decide if I am hunting the perfect product and ignoring improving my technique. Thank you for your time and sticking out the post. Thanks in advance for any insight. Happy shaving all.

Den clean out

Anyone Like Standup Comedy?

What comedians do you listen to or watch?

Anyone Like Standup Comedy?

mardi 28 juillet 2015

My best shave yet!

Razor: Black Beauty (used for the first time today set on 5 for WTG and ATG, set on 1 for XTG)
Blade: Astra Super Platinum
Brush: Custom with a 24mm TGN finest banded badger
Soap: (Made a uber lather for the first time) Citrus goats milk shaving soap bowl lathered with Old Spice shaving lather and mix of essential oils with menthol
Aftershave: Skin Bracer

This is my first BBS to include XTG. Made the uber lather just for the heck of it and probably won't bother doing again. I can get just as good of a lather with just my soap. I will work menthol into my lather more often though. I really enjoyed the chill. Setting 5 on the razor was the perfect aggressiveness for going WTG and ATG and setting 1 was perfect for going XTG to achieve a BBS. And ending thing with Skin Bracer aftershave was very soothing. No sting at all. Tomorrow I shall find out if the same setup minus the uber lather will provide another BBS shave.
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My best shave yet!

OMG Mr Taylor's where have you been all my life.

So I like my TOBS creams. I always have a tub of Sandalwood on hand and have tried a few others but for the most part moved on to other soaps and creams over the years. The other week I ordered a tub of Sandalwood for my father as a gift, unfortunately he hated it. So I gladly repossessed it and picked up a tub of Mr Taylor's for him instead.

One sniff and i was in love. This stuff smells awesome. Like a dapper 70yr old English Grampa, but in a good way. lol. Ended up buying a tub for myself as well as some aftershave balm. Love it.

OMG Mr Taylor's where have you been all my life.

Musgo Real Shaving Soap

Every review I've read on the Musgo shaving soap is that it simply doesn't lather at all. So much so that I would think the manufacturer must be aware of it and must see the need to improve it? Since these reviews go back quite a few years I'm wondering if they ever did improve it? Has anyone bought one lately?

It's a shame if it's still got the same problem because the scent is immortal and one that I would love to have in a soap.

Musgo Real Shaving Soap

Anyone here like small brushes?

Was thinking of starting a club for small brush lovers.

I have 2 small brushes.

Simpsons Wee Scott

Omega 11047 that I use for traveling

Anyone here like small brushes?

Spinach Veggie Burger

I ate a lot of meat this weekend and needed to lighten up for a few days. The result: veggie burgers.

I topped mine with some jalapeno jack, lettuce and a bit of mayo on a ciabatta roll. Really hit the spot!


3 cups cooked rice
1 bag chopped spinach (frozen worked well)
1 clove minced garlic (I add more usually)
1 cup minced each: onion, celery, carrot, mushroom
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp each: marjoram, oregano, basil, nutmeg, black pepper, thyme, chili powder
A few (3-4) shakes of Tabasco
Bread crumbs
Shredded mozzarella

Saute onion, celery, carrot, mushroom with spices and Tabasco until tender. Add spinach, saute until tender. Drain. Mix with rice. Add bread crumbs and mozzarella until the mix will bind. Form patties. Bake 30min @ 350.

Makes 8 big burgers. Don't skimp on the spices!
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Spinach Veggie Burger

I hope this isn't redundant but .

I've looked through the WIKIs and scrolled the first 10 pages of this Forum but I can't find what I want to know.

How does knot size relate to lather creation?

Ditto on Loft size?

And, what effect does Knot-to-Loft ratio have on lathering (all methods), lather releasing, and all the other aspects of lather that I'm too new and ignorant to even know to ask about?

Also, I suppose the type of hair in the brush is a factor but is it possible to leave that out of the comparison for now?

Please direct me to the nearest person with all the answers.

I hope this isn't redundant but .

Our 5 star reputation on ebay

Direct Link: http://ift.tt/1DLbYiz

We are not new to Worldwide sales and deliveries. It is truly not easy to maintain a 5 star reputation on Ebay.

Our 5 star reputation on ebay

Stirling Post-Shave Balms. Holy Sh*t!

Just fell in love... Sorry Nivea, maybe for travel, maybe...or not

Highly recommend the Executive Man Balm btw, the face feels delightful :lol:

Stirling Post-Shave Balms. Holy Sh*t!

lundi 27 juillet 2015

BACK TO BASICS - The Enders Speed, not a Looker.

Just got an Enders Speed,with some Blades. Basically a fixed head,into which Durham/Enders blades are Slotted, hails from
Mystic, Conn.

Have unwrapped one , which looks as though in VGC. Will maybe sterilise it and give it a whirl,at least on my cheeks.

Have positioned blade to show how it slots into the head, no retaining Clips.

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BACK TO BASICS - The Enders Speed, not a Looker.

Restoring/Revamping a Brush - "Sealing" the Knot?

I recently received this unknown brush and in cleaning and getting it ready for use I noticed some white residue around the base of the knot that looked like built up soap. As I plucked this away, I realized that it may actually have been white caulk that was used to seal the gap around the knot base. So I continued and finished cleaning out the gunk and am now left with a fairly large gap at the base. The knot still feels solid and tight in the handle, so I don't think it was doing anything to hold it in place.

Question: Should this gap be filled or sealed? Use some silicone caulk or similar?

I've seen threads detailing how to replace a knot, but none specific to this issue. Thanks.

PS: Any idea what kind of knot/brush this might be? Some black markings on the handle, but nothing legible as it has all been worn away.

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Restoring/Revamping a Brush - "Sealing" the Knot?

dimanche 26 juillet 2015


One short come available now. I'll be posting a review of the Tech tomorrow.


Nordstroms Anniversary Sale

Nordstroms is a having their Anniversary sale for the past week. Whole bunch of men's clothes, shoes, grooming and cologne sets are on sale. Considering it's Nordstroms you won't find rock bottom prices, but there are still some decent deals to be had.


Just a couple of items I noticed below in the grooming section:

Kiehl's Body Fuel 33oz bottle- $50

Kiehl's Ultimate Man Body Scrub Soap Bar- $10

Jack Black Beard Lube 33oz Bottle- $60

Baxter Of California "Wet Shave" Starter Kit- $100

Nordstroms Anniversary Sale

Plisson Restore

Cut the Plisson synthetic knot from the L'occitane Cade handle and placed it into a 23.5mm faux ivory handle from TGN.

I had to grind down the inside of the handle with a dremel and sanding bit so the lip of the metal cup could sit down on the edges of the hole in the handle. Used 5 min epoxy to set the knot, but will let set for 24 hrs before using.

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Plisson Restore

Tokyo shop

I am travelling to Tokyo in the month of August. Does anyone knows where to find a shop for Japanese razors and blades in Tokyo? Thanks

Tokyo shop

samedi 25 juillet 2015

Another new dude

Hey. I'm new here. I've got 2 sets of twin boys, stationed in the UK with the USAF. Been wet shaving for around 6 months? I don't remember exactly when I started. My current set up... Let's jist say I've accumulated quite a lot of stuff hahaha...

I'd like to learn how to hone and make my own strops. Glad to be here


Another new dude

Fred83's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
What are your nicknames/aliases?
Fred, Fred83
Where do you live?
In a little village in the South of France, roughly halfway between Milano in Italy and Barcelona in Spain, with a wonderful person and 5 cats :)
What is your age (or) generation?
What are you in the real world?
I work for a local public service
What is your favorite shave setup?
At the moment... 1965 Gilette Slim as razor, Ladas or Vidyut blades and a Denver shaving cream - a bit spiced with a touch of lemon, perfect for summer mornings. I rotate with other in thé weekends. As an aftershave, I mainly use Vicco cream, or a body Shop balm. Brush is Maison du Barbier.
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
It's summer, right now, so it's too hot for my favorite activity, which is walking in the hills and forests around my village. So, at the moment, it's either swimming, reading or listening to music
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Obviouly, English is not my native langage, but I'll do my best to contribute when I can. I love your forum - discovered it by chance couple of months ago looking for information about a razor and enjoyed it a lot ! Thanks to you all for your contributions ! Glad to meet you !

Fred83's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Variety Pack just ordered - Help with order

Hey guys so I have been DE shaving for a little less than a month now and we'll I made the biggest newbie mistake. I took my friends advice and purchased a 100 pack of personnas right off the bat! Not a good idea because although they get a good shave I'm wondering if there is something better out there for me so I finally ordered a variety pack

Astra Platinum
Astra Stainless
Derby Extra
Rapira Platinum
Treet Platinum
Shark Super Stainless
Lord Platinum

Which should I start with etc? They are all 5 packs except for one I believe the Treet is 10. I would also like to one day try the Shark Super chrome. I have a thick beard and I need to shave everyday for work, hope that helps with your suggestions.

Variety Pack just ordered - Help with order

Al-Star / Safari question

So Heres what I'm wondering. Will the clear smoked forward grip section from an Al-Star thread into the barrel of a Safari, and if so, does the Safari cap lock onto the Al-Star forward section?

What at I am trying to accomplish is to load a converter on the Al-Star forward section with my ink of choice but be able to change that forward section from color to color Safari.

So if someone has an Al-Star and a Safari could check that out for me I would appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!

Al-Star / Safari question

New guy :

Hello everyone, my name is James i'm from Ripley in the UK and I found this place after searching for a better way to shave after shedding my beard of 2 years. I started growing a beard as I didn't really like shaving, I always found it harsh and irritating, this in part was due to using a Gillette Fusion I think, so when I took the beard off this time I swapped to a Mach 3 thinking that less blades would help, it has done but i'm still not happy. So i've ordered a starter set from traditionalshaving, a Merkur 38c, blade sample pack, badger hair brush and a sandalwood soap. Looking forward to it all arriving and finally having a decent shave and having blades not cost me the earth.
I'm also looking forward to getting to know you all and chatting about manly things :D

New guy :

Stirling's Big New Brush

The new Stirling synthetic brush arrive today, and damn it's big! :w00t:

I like big brushes, I have several large (some might say oversized) brushes. The Stirling synthetic brush is not the largest of the brushes I own. But it sure fills like it.

Above is a Whipped Dog 24mm synthetic, a Whipped Dog 30mm Silvertip (set an extra 10mm lower), the new Stirling synthetic, Omega 10048 and an Omega 10098.

The total height (as I measure it) is 4.8 inch, Stirling's website says 5.7 inch. The Omega 10098 is 5.7 (145mm). The Stirling is clearly not that tall. The knot appears to be more dense then the Plisson pour L'Occitane, it's more like the Grooming Co. synthetic knot (only on steroids). The handle feels solid and has a good weight to it.

It arrived to late today to shave with it so I made a test lather with Stirling Barbershop soap (what else). :001_smile
WP_20150724_19_42_03_Pro 1.jpg

As you might imagine with a knot this size it loaded quit easily. It felt like it had good backbone (for a Plisson type knot). I will know more once I actually lather with it for real.

So far this seems like a great brush, and it addresses many of the issues I have with the Plisson pour L'Occitane brush (poor handle, no backbone, small knot) and the Grooming Co. brush which has a better knot then the Plisson but the small handle is kind of a fail for me.

I will give it a try tomorrow, I will follow up then.

Stirling's Big New Brush

vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Floris summer sale

.....great sale at Floris..........

............got the JF Shaving Soap Bowl at a great deal......

Floris summer sale

Shavette Questions ?

I wanted to use Straights and found it to be too much work for what little time I do have ... So I use DE razors now ( Gillette Slim and Jagger DE89 lined) and I really like them and the shave .. So in one of my trades I got a shavette with blades and should be here soon😊..I am ready to give it a go and was wondering if you guys have any suggestions or advice ?? What blades do you guys use ??? Does anyone use feather or Gillette Silver blues blades or something similar and is that a wise choice ?? Oh I am not the quality of the shavette I am getting but its a Parker and will post up pics later and I also have a Sally's supply by my house that has really nice shavettes for cheap ..


Shavette Questions ?

Looking for fellow Canadians

Hi all,

I'm not looking to plan an official get together just at the moment, but I am looking to connect with some fellow Ontarians, although all are welcome. This site is fantastic, and has inspired me to look to connect with other Canadian friends who enjoy discussing and partaking in wet shaving, drinking scotch, and/or other gentlemanly/awesome endeavors. Feel free to private message me or comment here. I'd be interested in having people that I can trade soaps/creams with, talk about new or old products, etc., which can be done via e-mail, or in person if we end up being in the same neck of the woods. Down the road, it would be excellent to organize something in Ontario, but as a first step, I'd just love to connect with some fellow Canucks and share my enthusiasm for awesomeness with others.


Looking for fellow Canadians

Bingo is back!

For those who don't know, BINGO has become kind of a "thing" here at B&B. And it's back for its 4th installment! The wildest one yet!

I'll bet there are some of you who didn't even know B&B even had a Great Outdoors Forum!!!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go sign up for Bingo! And bring your hammock!

Bingo is back!

2015 B&B Bingo: The Great Outdoors Edition

Welcome to the FOURTH Edition of B&B Bingo. If you missed any of the first 3 rounds, please check them out HERE, HERE, and HERE.
The Topic: The Great Outdoors!

This is a B&B Sanctioned game. To be eligible to play - You must:

  • Abide by the B&B Terms of Usage, at all times
  • Be a member in good standing with...
    • 45 days of membership
    • 50 quality posts

  • Have a way to view PDF files on your phone, computer, tablet, or other device. The cards are in PDF format.
  • Have an active e-mail address that we can send your B&B Bingo card to.
    • We will not use your e-mail for any other purpose aside from this bingo game.
    • Note* Return use of our e-mail address for any other purpose, could cause the sender to lose his, or her Badger & Blade privileges.
    • All e-mails will be kept in strict confidence.

The Game is OPEN to Worldwide participation.

Up to 35 contestants are allowed per game.

The game will start and the 1st Bingo words will be called after 8:01 am, Monday August 3rd , Louisiana time.

Gamewords will only be played from Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST. (This was determined as the best way to not have my wife kill me, and I have obligations outside of B&B, as well as limited access to a computer in the evenings and weekends)

There are 50 numbered cards. Contestants will be allowed to pick their card number. first signed up, first choice of cards. When you sign up in this thread, please indicate the card number you would like. Please ensure you check the latest recap post to see what cards are still available.

After signup in this thread, please send me a PM with your e mail address and card # requested. Again, your e-mail address will not be used for any other purpose. Cards will be e mailed to all players in the evening, so please be patient if you do not receive an e-mail right away

The game is very easy, and standard Bingo Rules apply.

5 in a row, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal word matches constitutes a win. the center space is a "Free" space (For Bigfoot Believers Only!)

The Steward of the hosting Forums will post 3-gamewords throughout the day within the Great Outdoors Forum.

Word placement will be VERY DIFFERENT from previous editions. There are not many threads in the Great Outdoors (lots of dirt, though), and I have only ever posted in a few of them, so hiding words will pose difficult for me. The key to finding words will be to spot the Big Identifying Graphic For Obvious Object Tagging (an example is shown below)! Any post belonging to the Steward officiating the Great Outdoors Bingo bearing an image of this particular subject matter will contain a gameword. If a word or phrase in a marked post appears on your card, then that is a gameword! If you have questions... ask Dane.


These posts will be placed in random places in random threads throughout each day, until a winner is decided.

The First contestant to post "B&B Bingo" in this thread, will have his card compared to the call list. If it appears that the card is not "Bingoed", we will continue with the word posts as normal.

The winner will receive his choice of prize by selecting from one of three doors!

Door 1 Door 2 Door 3
Door1.jpg Door2.jpg Door3.jpg
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2015 B&B Bingo: The Great Outdoors Edition

What am I doing wrong?


I'm relatively new to DE shaving. I have the VanDerHagen soap and brush set - not the premium, I think mine is the basic set. My set has a nice ceramic bowl, a puck of pinkish soap, and a cheap plastic handled boar-hair brush. The brush often sheds, and is really rough and unpleasant of my face, even after soaking in warm or hot water.

I can't seem to get a decent lather with the soap and brush. I get a lather all right after 30-60 seconds of agitation, but its very thin; nothing like I see on the videos, and I follow their steps. As it is now I could probably get a comparable lather just from regular bath soap. I more often than not resort to canned shaving foam - Noxema in use right now. I know using canned shaving foam is DE shaving heresy, but it really is preferable to my attempts at using the soap puck and brush.

We do have hard water where I live. Could that make a difference? Any other comments and tips would be welcome!

What am I doing wrong?

TOBS Sandalwood

I got a sampler pack of TOBS from Maggard Razors last night, and I thought I'd give them a shot this morning.

First one I've tried so far was the Sandalwood, and I was pleasantly surprised at how thick the lather was from the cream! It whipped up nicely, got a thick lather, and I didn't feel like I needed to keep adding water to it like I do with the Bigelow/Proraso cream.

The wife came by as I was whipping it up and she saw it in the bowl; her comment was, "Wow...that looks like Cool Whip! How much did you use?"

"About the size of my pinky nail."

"Wow! Now I want to try the stuff you gave me!" (I gave her several of the TOBS samples that I smelled and instantly took a dislike to - Peppermint, Lemon Lime, and Rose; something about those scents just hit me wrong).

I have a feeling that the TOBS creams are going to become a staple in my household in the very near future, both for me and the wife. :)

TOBS Sandalwood

Today is National Hot Dog Day!

Hmmm...today is National Hot Dog Day...'Yeah Baby'!

The Mrs. and I like ours (Hebrew National ¼lb Franks are the best), with sautéed onions, different 'topshelf' relishes / mustard's, slaw and banana peppers, but nix on ketchup.

However...the Mrs. 'needs' ketchup on hers. :lol1:

Sarah Schmalbruch - MSN Food & Drink - Business Insider - 23 Jul 15

"Today is National Hot Dog Day, so we decided to honor the best hot dogs around the US. Foursquare created a list of the best hot dog joints in America by digging through millions of user ratings. Since Foursquare users can now save and favorite the restaurants they love, the site was able to find out which hot dog joints are worth a visit. From rattlesnack and rabbit dogs in LA to a bacon-wrapped dog with chili coleslaw in NYC, here are the 40 best hot dog joints you need to try across America". :thumbsup:

Hot Dogs.jpg

Read More: http://ift.tt/1KpB6mJ

"The noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it". Lawrence J. Peter
Attached Images

Today is National Hot Dog Day!

Vie-Long natural horse hair comparison

Vie-Long offers different types of horse hair in their brushes, and my curiosity once again got the best of me, especially after I recently purchased two American style brushes; one with white and one with brown horse hair.
I have two other brushes with the same type of hair, just the knots are larger, so I thought it could be fun to compare the knot sizes and these two hair types.

The two types of knots:
The brown knot consists of 35% mane and 65% tail hair.
The white knot consists of 50% mane and 50% tail hair.

The brushes in this test:
Knot type
Knot size
Vie-Long Professional #2 35/65 20.3 61.0
Vie-Long 13071B 50/50 24.0 54.2
Vie-Long American style 35/65 19.4 49.1
Vie-Long American style 50/50 20.9 49.5

The first comparison will be of the two brown hair brushes:
I didn't expect much of a difference between the two brushes, as I thought the larger knot of the Professional would compensate for the equivalent higher loft, but I was wrong.
Immediately when loading the brushes I could feel a difference. The Professional felt almost floppy compared to the American style, which showed a really great backbone and loaded the soap quite fast.
Lathering up took less time with the American style, again because of more backbone.

Applying the lather in circular motions the backbone again gave a noticeable difference of the feel of the brush. The Professional splayed more and thus covering more area in a stroke, whereas the American style felt more firm and massaging.
Applying lather in painting strokes was more similar, although again the American style felt more firm in the knot and of course didn't splay as much as the larger Professional. Nice feel from both.

The feel of the tips was equal; a light massaging effect with just a slight prickliness, which I didn't find uncomfortable in any way.
If I should compare the tip-feel to a badger brush, it would be in the region of a Best badger or Finest badger.

My personal favourite of these two is the American style, to my surprise actually. Even though the knot is smaller I find the more firm backbone to be more to my liking. It loaded the soap and whipped up the lather fast and with no difficulty at all. Creams won't be challenge and I have no doubt that it will face lather quite nicely as well because of the backbone.
The Professional can do all three as well, but it will take longer especially in face lathering as it splay somewhat more and has a softer backbone.
However, one has to remember that the Professional is developed exactly for; professional barbers, who use the brush in a slightly different manner than you do at home.

Next comparison is the two white hair brushes:
With the experience of my first test clearly in my mind, I would say that it was naturally to expect a similar behaviour from these two brushes.
And once again I was wrong :)

Despite the differences in knot size and loft height, those two brushes felt and behaved similar. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't detect any noticeable difference between them.

Their backbone is very firm, and they loaded fast and with ease. Whipping up lather was an equally easy and fast procedure.
The firm backbone means that there is very little splay when applying lather in both circular and painting motions.

The tip-feel from both is definitely pricklier; in fact it is close to where I think it is too much (I like soft tips).
Anyone who likes a good massaging effect where you really can feel the tips will likely like this brush. The white hairs will most certainly do very well for face lathering.
The tip-feel would be similar to a Pure badger or prickly Best badger.

Since the two brushes are so equal in behaviour the difference that makes the "winner" is the handle, and here it is the 13071B that takes the honour.
The larger handle makes it a little more comfortable for me to hold, and I like the slightly higher loft as well.

And last the comparison of the two American style knots:
Almost identical measures and very similar behaviour and yet a noticeable difference as well.
This is almost just a repeat - backbone in both brushes is great, they feel very firm. They both load fast and whips up lather with ease.
They don't splay much no matter the technique; circular or painting motions.

The tip feel is where the difference is. The brown hair knot feels more comfortable and less prickly than the white haired version, and this actually took me by surprise, as I would have thought the knot with most mane hair would be the softest, but that is not the case.
I find the prickliness from horse hair is more direct and harder (lack of better word) than the prickliness from a boar or badger. The two latter has a softer feel even with a prickly brush, and they can soften up on use, especially valid for boar brushes, whereas my experience with horse hair is that they maintain the prickliness they are "born" with.

Of the two I prefer the brown hair knot (35/65 mane/tail) due to the softer feel.
I think the knot size/loft height ratio is spot on for these knots. They will be great all-rounder’s able of doing whatever you want from them - apart from being heavenly soft tipped :)

Should I have a small critique point it would be the handle width. I wouldn't mind a couple of mm's more in diameter to ease the hold of the brush.
It is 29 mm at its widest at the base and 17 mm at the narrowest point.
But it is really nitpicking, because it is not a strain to hold the handle.

I have chosen a version with dark wooden handle, but the American style also comes in a version with light wood and it is possible to choose a version with a 2-band badger knot as well.

Vie-Long natural horse hair comparison

S2 Kronos Slant, Europe Only (Free shipping but Europe only)

S2 Kronos Slant, Europe Only (Free shipping but Europe only)

Kronos Slant Safety Razor, hand crafted from solid 303 stainless.

List Date: 7/24/2015

For more info, click here to view the original listing: S2 Kronos Slant, Europe Only (Free shipping but Europe only)
On Sale For: ?163.83 + FREE! Shipping


Mobile friendly version: S2 Kronos Slant, Europe Only (Free shipping but Europe only)

Go Mobile: Download the free Panjo iOS app now!

S2 Kronos Slant, Europe Only (Free shipping but Europe only)

Prepare Yourselves

Attached Images

Prepare Yourselves

Photo streams of the B&B members?

A bit related to a discussion (via PMs) that I had earlier today ... I am sure that there are several members here who have a photo stream online somewhere, on flickr, 500px, DeviantArt, or another photo sharing community.

Wouldn't it be nice to see a bit more of the photography of our members, besides what is posted in the Darkroom?

Here's my Ipernity stream already :001_smile http://ift.tt/1DC9e7b

Thanks for adding to the list!

Photo streams of the B&B members?

Really Struggling with Razor Burn


Im 21 been DE shaving for around 3/4 months now, maybe a bit more...

However, im still tackling razor burn all around my "adams apple" - iv tried all sorts, holding the razor literally with fingernails so no pressure, letting my hairs grow out to follow their paths, and i STILL get red marks or little red "spots" around this area... (no-where else gets it)

Please god help, Iv tried alll sorts of products.

Right now im using "Aveeno wheat moisturiser" alongside "Witch Doctor" for my post-shave products to aid my skin... but im willing to change, im just sick of it and moving to university soon, and want to have this nailed before then


PS using Astra Blades

Really Struggling with Razor Burn

Does anybody use multiple aftershaves at a time?

I'm curious about this....is it redundant? I've found myself using Speick, then Lucky Tiger, then finishing up with Nivea sensitive. They all feel kind of different so I feel serve somewhat a different purpose, but I'm curious if folks out there do the same thing.

Does anybody use multiple aftershaves at a time?

Tonic for G&T's

I didnt want to hi-jack this thread..http://ift.tt/1KoydQv, but it got me thinking about the other half of this drink...

What Tonic's do you like?
Has anyone made their own?

I am a Fever Tree fan, Q Tonic is good, but a bit too dry for me, Schwepps is my go to grocery brand followed by a local-ish brand-Polar, not a fan of Canada Dry.

Any other good "Artisinals" or does anyone have a recipe to make their own?

Tonic for G&T's

In your opinion, what was the earliest of Gillette's "improvements" that wasn't?

We all know that in the past few decades, Gillette has paraded out a long series of new razors, each time dissing their previous razor in favor of the "latest, greatest" improved razor. Some of those "improvements" turned out not to be improvements at all, in the opinion of many people.

As a thought experiment, I want you to think back on all the changes Gillette has ever made since first introducing the Old Type, and then tell me which was the earliest of these that you think was actually a step backward.

IMO, the first "improvement" that wasn't was the abandonment of the open comb in favor of the safety bar. I'm not a Gillette historian, but I would guess that occurred in about 1938 or so, with the introduction of the Tech (?). Don't get me wrong, I love the Tech, but I don't think it is an improvement over its predecessor, the NEW. I think this "improvement" (like many others since), was really aimed more at increasing the company's bottom line, by simplifying manufacturing.

Your turn.

In your opinion, what was the earliest of Gillette's "improvements" that wasn't?

Buildup on blade?

I will preface this post by stating that I am a newbie in the DE game. I have 4 shaves under my belt. Here is my setup :
- RazoRock Mission
- Astra SP (fresh blade this morning)
- Omega boar brush
- Proraso red soap
- Pinaud Clubman

This morning I had my first nick-free shave, and it was a pleasant experience. I am still working on getting my lather where it needs to be, and perhaps that contributes to my problem (it is pastier and not as fluffy as it should be). Here's what's happening...

As I am shaving, I take a couple short WTG stroke, flip the razor over, a couple more, then rinse the razor off under running water. Repeat until done. Even with the new blade today, I notice that I gradually have a buildup of film between the blade and the lower plate (if that's what it's called, the plate closest to the handle). The soap and hair rinses away, but this film builds up. After I was done, I took the blade out, wiped it off on a bath towel, and it looks better, but if I don't do that (which I didn't on my first blade), after 2 shaves, there's a definite buildup, which no doubt is going to compromise the performance.

So, what am I doing wrong?

Buildup on blade?

Shaving Brush break-in

I have a new Simpson Case that I have been using this past week while on the road. I'm new to brushes and I was wondering how long a brush might "normally" take to break-in - and if there are any particular things to know about breaking one in. After about a week the brush seems to be holding more lather and is a little less scruffy to use. Some of this is probably me getting better at lathering technique but I'm wondering how much is due to a break-in period.

Shaving Brush break-in

Anyone reknot a SOC?

I'm looking to reknot my SOC boar. Love the handle but the knot has stopped performing like it used to.

I usually use the steam method to get my knots out but im hesitant this time due to the SOC wooden handle. Thoughts? Think steaming it in a pot will damage the handle?

Anyone reknot a SOC?

MWF - got there in the end with the fat!

I'm now a paid up member of the MWF fan club.

Experienced difficulties with getting a decent lather initially.

Found that a combination of moistening the soap before I get into the shower (it seems to absorb water), loading like I hate it, and a bit more time lathering (I face lather) got the results. I use an Omega boar and I get more than enough for three passes and any required touch ups.

Love the scent, and it's a creamy smooth shave.

Just wanted to share as I've read that a few others find it challenging to get dialled in so my learnings might be useful.

MWF - got there in the end with the fat!

La Saponeria Artigiana

We proudly present our newest acquisition:


Soaps are built according to strict production criteria and craft using exclusively vegetal raw materials: coconut oil, neem oil, hemp oil, argan oil, are some of the many ingredients used in our soaps. Certifiable organic. Genuine Italian product!


Attached Images

La Saponeria Artigiana

Marines Allow Their Operators To carry Glock 19 Over Issued MARSOC .45 1911

I don't know why I am just seeing this article now, but it seems the Glock is finally gaining the respect and ground that the venerable 1911 has always had for so long.

The Marine Corps has authorized MARSOC operators to carry Glock pistols, since most of the elite outfit's members prefer the popular 9mm over the custom .45 pistols the service bought them in 2012.
The Corps issued a Feb. 2 Marine Administrative Message, or MARADMIN, that green-lighted Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, or MARSOC, units to use the Glock 19, a proven design used by many units in U.S. Special Operations Command.


Marines Allow Their Operators To carry Glock 19 Over Issued MARSOC .45 1911

Fauldings Shave Cream

I tried it for the first time today and was surprised that a $2.50 tube of shave cream could that good. I'm not a huge fan of the scent haha but every other aspect was pretty decent and its available everywhere here in Australia.

Fauldings Shave Cream

New Chuck Taylors, Absolutely P-O! >

I have to vent here.


Like really?! What part of that looks "classic". NONE OF IT!!!! Why did you get rid of the chrome looking eyelets for the laces? Why are the laces for the black ones not WHITE like they SHOULD be? Where are the two racing stripes on the sole and the upper!?!

They have the nerve to call those "classic" chuck taylors?! I'm all for giving them a technological advancement, but to completely deface what has stood for 98 YEARS?! Something as American as white shirts, jeans and a leather jacket'ed guy eating apple pie while shooting off fireworks from the back of his 59 coupe deville?!

Why does everything have to pander to the ghetto fabulous people in society? Why change what was an iconic image in the name of "fashion" and to sell more to your hippy hop crowd?!
These things are so far from greaser perfection that it makes me want to throw up my intestines. I understand they needed an upgrade, but UPGRADE DOES NOT MEAN CHANGE THE WHOLE DAMN THING AND HAVE THE NERVE TO CALL IT A CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!QKEULHGW4IULHFILUWEHFKEQUWGF87QW4 YR748302QR8QWOEIHJQR~!!!!

Get this, Chukkies have been going up in price and currently sit at 55 a pair after taxes and all, the shoes them selves fall apart after a year and a half....They cost 75 for high tops......75 FOR HIGH TOPS! this is the shoe young kids all the way through college wear. Like come on!
I'm so mad about this, everything is trying to change anything iconic. Stop trying to futurize EVERYTHING...Some of us like to wear a product that has been unchanged (in looks) for nearly a century, we like it, that's why it has been selling so greatly for nearly a century.

I dunno, I'm done with this. I wonder what's next, denim jeans made out elastic?:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry: :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

New Chuck Taylors, Absolutely P-O! >

jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Le Pere Lucien - Rose de Pushkar

I have been using MDC religiously every shave for the last few months (fougere scent). But rose is my favorite scent ever and I have been hard pushed to find a great rose scented soap. I don't like lanolin or tallow in my soaps (bad skin reaction) and I find Trumpers rose soap no good. I have even been toying with the idea of getting the unscented MDC and adding rose essential oil. But now I may not have to. I also thought of going back to creams to satisfy my rose obsession - Trumpers, Taylors, T&H, Salter all great scents but I prefer soaps now.

Today, after months of trying, a 98g tin of Le Pere Lucien Rose de Pushkar arrived, and I just had my first shave with it. My goodness this stuff is fantastic! The packaging (tin) is great, the scent is to die for (for me, ymmv) and the performance, from the lather, glide, slickness that whole darn experience was just wonderful.

Anyone else used this stuff? I posted on another thread that it was my second best (favorite) soap, not bad since I have only owned a tin of it a couple of hours. :001_rolle

I find the lathering a little tougher than MDC however I attribute that to the fact that its such a small tin. I have 2 wishes in life now, one that MDC comes out with a rose scented soap, and two LPL makes the rose in a larger tin (200g would be nice).

Thoughts everyone? And any tips on how to get a better lather?

Le Pere Lucien - Rose de Pushkar

Ice cube rub

Anyone do an ice cube rub as part of their postshave routine?

I'm finding it incredibly refreshing in the summer heat.

Guess my tap water isn't cold enough. :laugh:

Ice cube rub

Jfavre08's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
James Favre (yes I'm related, no dice on autographs :P)
What are your nicknames/aliases?
Doc (military combat medic vet - US Navy) or Jimi
Where do you live?
Wausau WI but originally from New Orleans
What is your age (or) generation?
What are you in the real world?
IT Application Analyst for a hospital
What is your favorite shave setup?
My Parker 96R (only razor I have atm) but I haven't sett on a blade yet - my first non-cart shave was 7/17/2015
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
I play guitar
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I will probably way over analyze every aspect of my shaving to get it right and in the process either convert my coworkers to DE shaving or die a bloody death at their hands while they scream "JUST SHUT UP ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU ENJOY SHAVING ALREADY!"

Jfavre08's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Another PIF for NEWBIES - A couple of vintage razors, a brush, some soaps and blades

I am clearing out some shaving stuff I don't use or don't have room to display on my small shaving shelf.
I would like this to go to someone who is relatively new to this and / or has only been with B&B a short time. You qualify if you joined this year - January 1, 2015 to present and have 100 posts or less. Open to US and Canada, since I am not sure the cost to ship over seas...
Just say your in, and let us know what your current set up is.
Here are the goodies so far (I may feel inclined to add a couple of things depending on what else I have in the back of my cupboard...)
Will probably end this in a week or so.
1 x Omega 10098 Boar Shaving Brush (great boar brush, but is a little big for my liking)
1 x Made in Canada Gillette Tech (nice user grade, mild shaver)
1 x Black Handled Gillette Super Adjustable (Excellent user grade adjustable razor. Nice long handle.)
1 x Tub Proraso Green 90% left
1 x Stick Polmolive 90% left
35 blades:
10 x Astra Superior Platnum
10 x Astra Superior Stainless
5 x Derby Extra
2 each Rapira, Voskhod, Lord, Personna Platnum, Gillette 7 O'Clock blades.

Newb pif.JPG
Good Luck,
Attached Images

Another PIF for NEWBIES - A couple of vintage razors, a brush, some soaps and blades

Soap lathering 1k bevel setter

Recently on the "Setting a good bevel" thread, Slash McCoy discussed the benefits of soap lather at the 1k level. I have used lather on my finisher, but never thought to use it on my bevel setter. Well tonight I tried it and all I can say is wow. I took my least favorite shaver a Portland 1/4 hollow, and prepped my Chosera 1k with the little red brick it came with. I reset the bevel and through my loop I saw the same consistent scratch pattern I am used to. I then lathered it up with some Tabac. - I won't use a brush again as it left tiny annoying hairs in the lather which go bump on the edge. - I spent some time on the lather getting lighter and lighter as I went. I looked again through the loop and was amazed. The scratches were dramatically reduced. I then took a big chunk of very flat, very hard and fine Wakasa and prepped the surface again. I washed off all the slurry, added more lather and went to work again finishing very very light. Wow, wow, wow. The edge looked better than I ever got going King 1/6 to Naniwa 8k. It looked almost like a early stage JNat edge. It hit HHT, tree topped hairs and looked like it could shave. I stropped it on canvas and leather and gave it a test shave. It was very passable. No pulling at all, just not as smooth as it will be after a full Jnat progression. I used my homemade high alcohol Everclear based aftershave and there was little to no burn.

This is an interesting alternative for budget minded honers. You could easily follow this technique with any number of high grit stones or film. And, if you are just starting out you get to buy a keeper bevel setter. I'm convinced the chunk of Wakasa played a key role, but you could also use your finisher to prep it.

I hope others will give this a try and report their findings.

Soap lathering 1k bevel setter


Recently came into the possession of this razor , it is a Minora open comb made in England ,I think it is 1930s vintage? Weighs in at 53 gram and appears to be silver plated ,looks a bit like my British flat bottom New but in my opinion shaves a bit closer .I didn't find a lot of info on Minora during my search ,apparently at some point Gillette took over Mnora but not sure of the date or if this razor is before or after the merger. Any info on this razor would be appreciated ,it is quickly becoming one of my favorites and is now my travel razor



minora1.jpgminora 4.jpg
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