Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
James Favre (yes I'm related, no dice on autographs :P)
What are your nicknames/aliases?
Doc (military combat medic vet - US Navy) or Jimi
Where do you live?
Wausau WI but originally from New Orleans
What is your age (or) generation?
What are you in the real world?
IT Application Analyst for a hospital
What is your favorite shave setup?
My Parker 96R (only razor I have atm) but I haven't sett on a blade yet - my first non-cart shave was 7/17/2015
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
I play guitar
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I will probably way over analyze every aspect of my shaving to get it right and in the process either convert my coworkers to DE shaving or die a bloody death at their hands while they scream "JUST SHUT UP ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU ENJOY SHAVING ALREADY!"
Jfavre08's Entry to the Hall of Fame