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vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Stretching a cartridge shave.

I was talking with my dad the other day about wet shaving, and how both the wife and I have switched over to DE razors.

My dad looked at us with incredulity and asked why.

"Dad, honestly, it's cheaper and I get a better shave."

"Really? How often are you throwing out your old blades? Gotta be careful; those old blades can cut someone if they're just thrown in the trash. Then there's also the cost of the razor. How is it cheaper?"

So I lay out that I can get at LEAST 200 shaves out of a box of Astra SPs (I usually swap out every 2 shaves, going full face and scalp shave), and the box costs me $10. The DE razor was $55, but that's a one time cost.

He then looks at me and says, "See, with the 5 blade thing that I have, I can get 3 months worth of shave. I go buy one of those blade packs from Costco for $25, and it can last me 2 years."

I can see stretching a cartridge to maybe changing the blade once a month, but that's GOT to be rough on your face unless you only shave twice a week. Going on a daily basis? I can't imagine it...I'd be wanting to change that blade out at the end of the week, maybe 2 weeks, stretching it out over a daily shave.

Stretching a cartridge shave.

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