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samedi 25 juillet 2015

Variety Pack just ordered - Help with order

Hey guys so I have been DE shaving for a little less than a month now and we'll I made the biggest newbie mistake. I took my friends advice and purchased a 100 pack of personnas right off the bat! Not a good idea because although they get a good shave I'm wondering if there is something better out there for me so I finally ordered a variety pack

Astra Platinum
Astra Stainless
Derby Extra
Rapira Platinum
Treet Platinum
Shark Super Stainless
Lord Platinum

Which should I start with etc? They are all 5 packs except for one I believe the Treet is 10. I would also like to one day try the Shark Super chrome. I have a thick beard and I need to shave everyday for work, hope that helps with your suggestions.

Variety Pack just ordered - Help with order

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