I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I would like to know what would be the best course of action would be to get rid of, or at least minimalize the irritation. First, a little info:
I use a few DE razors, some gillette super speeds, ar merkur 41c, and a weishi. I try to use the same razor every time in order to get a good baseline, and Ive only recently started trying new blades. I also just recently started trying new soaps.
I know Ive made the mistake of going ATG on my neck. Necks the most sensitive area. Ive tried to go just WTG and XTG, but to no avail. Still nice red painful bumps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I left out anything that you would need to know, just ask.
I use a few DE razors, some gillette super speeds, ar merkur 41c, and a weishi. I try to use the same razor every time in order to get a good baseline, and Ive only recently started trying new blades. I also just recently started trying new soaps.
I know Ive made the mistake of going ATG on my neck. Necks the most sensitive area. Ive tried to go just WTG and XTG, but to no avail. Still nice red painful bumps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I left out anything that you would need to know, just ask.
Sensitive Skin Issues