This is a lengthy first post, so here: tl;dr straight razors and DE give me 1 pass with minimal irritation, but only Power Fusion cartridge razor allows multiple passes with/against/across grain for bbs and NO suffering.
Just made an account after lurking for a bit. I'm not *entirely* new to wet shaving, but I'm still experimenting with products and razors, as I probably will forever!
What I've stopped experimenting with as much are blades themselves. I have extremely sensitive skin, and incredibly dense follicles. I also have slight keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs, which travels just a tiny little hint up onto my cheeks right by my jaw bone. (You'd really have to search to notice it, but that's exactly what I've done...! :D) This magical combination means that I can do one pass with the grain with maybe a nick here and there if I'm being rough, but a second pass with ANYTHING rips me apart. Alas, because my hair is so dark, without a second pass people (usually women that don't realize how thick beard hair can be, but often men as well) will question if I've shaved that day/if I know how to shave/if I'm growing my beard out/if I'm going for that Ethan-Hawke-living-in-a-dumpster look. Frustrating is an understatement, especially considering how much I enjoy my newfound and stupidly expensive hobby.
For context: I own the Edwin Jagger DE8911bl, with which I've tried numerous blades. Feathers are too aggressive, Astras seem to be the most comfortable for me, and if you show me a Derby I'll bleed from spontaneous facial stigmata as the ground opens up and my soul tumbles in. I also own a Dovo shavette, and I can line up a beard pretty easily until I get to my neck. That's when the harsh razor burn, nicks, and general hell breaks loose. I've had "Master Barbers" take a figurative stab at it with straight razors, and even they can't soothe the overdramatic flesh carpet that is my dainty, beautiful little boy face. I was extremely disappointed after getting into wet shaving only to find out it's nearly impossible for me to get a "true" "manly" "perfect" "if you can't do this you're probably just an idiot because anyone can do this" shave.
However, I've found ONE exception, hallelujah praise the Great Silvertip in the Sky. The Lexington Power razor from The Art of Shaving with Fusion cartridges. The vibration and multi-blade combo allows me to do two, even three passes (if I've really prepared), and leave me with NO irritation -- aside from some soft redness for a few minutes. Hate all you want on the cartridges, tell me I haven't seen a real barber, claim my technique is doodoo and my gear is all wrong. But for me, and I hope for a handful of others out there, this is the ONLY solution for my skin if I want a real bbs shave.
So, the reason I post this is manifold. First, as a beacon of hope for maybe the one other dude out there with my specific issue. Second, as a way to gauge my experience so I can find out if it is just me. Am I alone in this experience? Is anyone else too sensitive for single blades and perfectly suited for the "hysteresis process" of Gillette cartridges? Am I doing something wrong here? Has anyone else found a different solution to extreme sensitivity/dense beard hair?
Apologies for the text wall, but thanks for making it this far. Glad to join the community at last! 
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Skin too sensitive for single blades?