Hello and Seasons Greetings!
My name is Special Delivery Ryan, S.D. for short. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin' ya why. GRU Christmas is comin' to B&B! We're makin' a list, and checkin' it twice. Gonna find out who's in and who's out. GRU Christmas is comin' to B&B!

For those not participating in the yearly restraint, but are looking to cut down on some of their spending, these smaller quarterly restraints might be for you. Since the GRU-Fall is coming to a close, we are opening registration up for the final round of 2015 (my personal favorite) – GRU Christmas
Dates chosen for this year:
GRU Spring: Jan 1st - Mar 20th
GRU Summer: Apr 1st - Jun 21st
GRU Fall: Jul 1 - Sept 23
GRU Christmas: Oct 1st - Dec 23rd
That gives close to three months of restraint followed by about a week of purchases to prepare for the next quarterly restraint as well as the 2016 sabbatical.
There are five exceptions to the purchasing of items (see rule #5):
There are no prizes for making or breaking the pledge, but it's a matter of keeping your word and making a commitment. If nothing else your wallet will be better off. Remember, he's gonna find out who's naughty and nice! :santa:
Please copy the list and add your name to the bottom of the current list with your exception. We will maintain a list of the entrants throughout the restraint period. We'll use this thread to help each other out like the other restraint threads. Feel free to chat here about your great (and not so great) shaves, post pics of your pre- and post-restraint purchases, pics of what dropped you out of restraint if you don't make it, encourage each other to continue on to the end. IF YOU FAIL THE RESTRAINT BY PURCHASING AN ITEM PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU PURCHASED HERE IN THE THREAD! On occasion we'll also ask for a check-in to ensure we haven't lost anyone. If you don't answer we will mark you DNF (did not finish) until we get an update.
The list will be updated periodically by myself, along with the other sabbatical leaders as necessary. We will also be available for rule clarifications.
Mods: We respectfully request that you all leave this in the General shaving forum until October 1st so we can get as many as possible to see this restraint. Thread can be moved to the Brotherhoods and Clubs on the 1st - thank you.
Shaving items to check stock on BEFORE October 1st!!!
ALSO for anyone that might need some help getting through the quarter, check out kansaskyle's wiki page: How_to_Survive_a_Restraint
The List:
1. S.D. Ryan :santa: - no exceptions
My name is Special Delivery Ryan, S.D. for short. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin' ya why. GRU Christmas is comin' to B&B! We're makin' a list, and checkin' it twice. Gonna find out who's in and who's out. GRU Christmas is comin' to B&B!
For those not participating in the yearly restraint, but are looking to cut down on some of their spending, these smaller quarterly restraints might be for you. Since the GRU-Fall is coming to a close, we are opening registration up for the final round of 2015 (my personal favorite) – GRU Christmas
Dates chosen for this year:
GRU Spring: Jan 1st - Mar 20th
GRU Summer: Apr 1st - Jun 21st
GRU Fall: Jul 1 - Sept 23
GRU Christmas: Oct 1st - Dec 23rd
That gives close to three months of restraint followed by about a week of purchases to prepare for the next quarterly restraint as well as the 2016 sabbatical.
- Gentlemanly Restraint starts at 12:00:01am (local time) on October 1st, 2015.
- Gentlemanly Restraint ends at 11:59:59pm (local time) on December 23rd, 2015.
- Start and end time are based on your local time zone.
- Gentlemanly Restraint is restricted to shaving items only, but if you want to be hardcore you can try not purchasing hair products or whatever other AD's you may have.
- No purchases are allowed during the restraint period. NONE. No purchases even if you get a gift card to WCS, ebay, Amazon, etc. If you need something you may trade for it; that's why you are part of a community that can help you out. This also means that you should have enough stuff to see out about 3 months of shaving.
- Trades will be limited to two trades a month with non-Sabbatical entrants (not counting B&B passaround boxes), unlimited with those still in the Sabbatical, as shipping does add up.
- Last but not least, bidding and winning any shaving-related items on any auctioning site will render you OUT. This includes auctions that will close after the end of the restraint. If you're still in the Restraint and you put a bid on an item and win, you're out.
There are five exceptions to the purchasing of items (see rule #5):
- B&B Group Buys or B&B Branded Items, because some are limited edition and all are good deals. They must be advertised on behalf of B&B to qualify. The annual Mr. Bingle exchange is also exempt.
- One named item of your choice. This is your personal exception. You must name the item before the start of Gentlemanly Restraint. It has to be relatively specific; no blanket statements qualify (e.g. "a razor or a brush" is too vague"). Use your best judgement here.
- Sue Moore Auction Items. This is a great cause and we should all try to participate in it if possible.
- For the folks participating in the previous monthly restraints, 1-3 October is allocated for making any and all shaving-related purchases as long as they successfully complete that restraint. One day given per month of restraint to restock. For example, if you complete the August and September restraint back-to-back, you will have two days to make purchases. If you only complete September, you will have one day.
- Items you purchase as gifts are allowed. You are not allowed to buy solicited gifts for other members of the restraint.
There are no prizes for making or breaking the pledge, but it's a matter of keeping your word and making a commitment. If nothing else your wallet will be better off. Remember, he's gonna find out who's naughty and nice! :santa:
Please copy the list and add your name to the bottom of the current list with your exception. We will maintain a list of the entrants throughout the restraint period. We'll use this thread to help each other out like the other restraint threads. Feel free to chat here about your great (and not so great) shaves, post pics of your pre- and post-restraint purchases, pics of what dropped you out of restraint if you don't make it, encourage each other to continue on to the end. IF YOU FAIL THE RESTRAINT BY PURCHASING AN ITEM PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU PURCHASED HERE IN THE THREAD! On occasion we'll also ask for a check-in to ensure we haven't lost anyone. If you don't answer we will mark you DNF (did not finish) until we get an update.
The list will be updated periodically by myself, along with the other sabbatical leaders as necessary. We will also be available for rule clarifications.
Mods: We respectfully request that you all leave this in the General shaving forum until October 1st so we can get as many as possible to see this restraint. Thread can be moved to the Brotherhoods and Clubs on the 1st - thank you.
Shaving items to check stock on BEFORE October 1st!!!
- Soap, razors, blades, brushes, After Shave, After Shave Lotion, Balms, alum block, pre/post scrub, and
- styptic pencils are a good start.
- A travel kit stocked with a disposable razor, and all accessories to travel, just in case. Keep in mind it is against TSA regulation to bring DE/SE/straight blades in your carry-on.
- Cleaning supplies to clean any traded razors during restraint. Rubbing alcohol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Barbacide etc. as they count as shaving purchases.
- Stands, stain, or anything needed to restore brushes stands etc.
- And anything else you might need for shaving.
ALSO for anyone that might need some help getting through the quarter, check out kansaskyle's wiki page: How_to_Survive_a_Restraint
The List:
1. S.D. Ryan :santa: - no exceptions
2015 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Christmas (GRU - Christmas)