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بقلوب بيضاء
و وجوه مشرقة مبتسمة
كل عام و انتم امنين مطمئنين
كل عام و الفرح يعم حياتكم و العافية تغلف اجسادكم
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تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمال
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هنئ اصدقائك بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك
قم بكتابة اسمك وقم بمشاركة الرسالة مع اصدقائك

lundi 31 août 2015

2015 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Christmas (GRU - Christmas)

Hello and Seasons Greetings!

My name is Special Delivery Ryan, S.D. for short. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin' ya why. GRU Christmas is comin' to B&B! We're makin' a list, and checkin' it twice. Gonna find out who's in and who's out. GRU Christmas is comin' to B&B!

For those not participating in the yearly restraint, but are looking to cut down on some of their spending, these smaller quarterly restraints might be for you. Since the GRU-Fall is coming to a close, we are opening registration up for the final round of 2015 (my personal favorite) – GRU Christmas

Dates chosen for this year:

GRU Spring: Jan 1st - Mar 20th
GRU Summer: Apr 1st - Jun 21st
GRU Fall: Jul 1 - Sept 23
GRU Christmas: Oct 1st - Dec 23rd
That gives close to three months of restraint followed by about a week of purchases to prepare for the next quarterly restraint as well as the 2016 sabbatical.


  1. Gentlemanly Restraint starts at 12:00:01am (local time) on October 1st, 2015.
  2. Gentlemanly Restraint ends at 11:59:59pm (local time) on December 23rd, 2015.
  3. Start and end time are based on your local time zone.
  4. Gentlemanly Restraint is restricted to shaving items only, but if you want to be hardcore you can try not purchasing hair products or whatever other AD's you may have.
  5. No purchases are allowed during the restraint period. NONE. No purchases even if you get a gift card to WCS, ebay, Amazon, etc. If you need something you may trade for it; that's why you are part of a community that can help you out. This also means that you should have enough stuff to see out about 3 months of shaving.
  6. Trades will be limited to two trades a month with non-Sabbatical entrants (not counting B&B passaround boxes), unlimited with those still in the Sabbatical, as shipping does add up.
  7. Last but not least, bidding and winning any shaving-related items on any auctioning site will render you OUT. This includes auctions that will close after the end of the restraint. If you're still in the Restraint and you put a bid on an item and win, you're out.

There are five exceptions to the purchasing of items (see rule #5):

  1. B&B Group Buys or B&B Branded Items, because some are limited edition and all are good deals. They must be advertised on behalf of B&B to qualify. The annual Mr. Bingle exchange is also exempt.
  2. One named item of your choice. This is your personal exception. You must name the item before the start of Gentlemanly Restraint. It has to be relatively specific; no blanket statements qualify (e.g. "a razor or a brush" is too vague"). Use your best judgement here.
  3. Sue Moore Auction Items. This is a great cause and we should all try to participate in it if possible.
  4. For the folks participating in the previous monthly restraints, 1-3 October is allocated for making any and all shaving-related purchases as long as they successfully complete that restraint. One day given per month of restraint to restock. For example, if you complete the August and September restraint back-to-back, you will have two days to make purchases. If you only complete September, you will have one day.
  5. Items you purchase as gifts are allowed. You are not allowed to buy solicited gifts for other members of the restraint.

There are no prizes for making or breaking the pledge, but it's a matter of keeping your word and making a commitment. If nothing else your wallet will be better off. Remember, he's gonna find out who's naughty and nice! :santa:


Please copy the list and add your name to the bottom of the current list with your exception. We will maintain a list of the entrants throughout the restraint period. We'll use this thread to help each other out like the other restraint threads. Feel free to chat here about your great (and not so great) shaves, post pics of your pre- and post-restraint purchases, pics of what dropped you out of restraint if you don't make it, encourage each other to continue on to the end. IF YOU FAIL THE RESTRAINT BY PURCHASING AN ITEM PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU PURCHASED HERE IN THE THREAD! On occasion we'll also ask for a check-in to ensure we haven't lost anyone. If you don't answer we will mark you DNF (did not finish) until we get an update.


The list will be updated periodically by myself, along with the other sabbatical leaders as necessary. We will also be available for rule clarifications.

Mods: We respectfully request that you all leave this in the General shaving forum until October 1st so we can get as many as possible to see this restraint. Thread can be moved to the Brotherhoods and Clubs on the 1st - thank you.

Shaving items to check stock on BEFORE October 1st!!!

  • Soap, razors, blades, brushes, After Shave, After Shave Lotion, Balms, alum block, pre/post scrub, and
  • styptic pencils are a good start.
  • A travel kit stocked with a disposable razor, and all accessories to travel, just in case. Keep in mind it is against TSA regulation to bring DE/SE/straight blades in your carry-on.
  • Cleaning supplies to clean any traded razors during restraint. Rubbing alcohol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Barbacide etc. as they count as shaving purchases.
  • Stands, stain, or anything needed to restore brushes stands etc.
  • And anything else you might need for shaving.

ALSO for anyone that might need some help getting through the quarter, check out kansaskyle's wiki page: How_to_Survive_a_Restraint

The List:

1. S.D. Ryan :santa: - no exceptions

2015 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Christmas (GRU - Christmas)

Make your own hair clay

Interesting article. I have the ingredients and may give it a try when I am bored.


Make your own hair clay

corrosion limits on vintage razors

I am curious, just how much corrosion is acceptable on vintage razors? Rust boy takes it to a level not always found on ebay items. But I see a lot of ebay items where, the top cap has corrosion on it that is right where it would hit your face the most.
The whole safety thing. I know a replate would remove any actual issue, but if a decent ish Gillette comes up... what is the safe limit?

corrosion limits on vintage razors

Razor emporium Heritage Shave Connecticut Tallow mug shave soap

I'm just wondering if anybody tried that shaving soap from Rasor Emporium, is it comparable as Vintage Williams?

Razor emporium Heritage Shave Connecticut Tallow mug shave soap

WTT: B&M Rhapsody

Hi Guys--

I have a full (Lathered 1x) tub of B&M Rhapsody. Looking to trade for a similarly full tub of other B&M scent, MLS, Catie's, or good euros like SV. The scent is very complex and intriguing but unfortunately makes my skin tingle. As always the B&M lather is terrific.

Thanks for looking! (I don't know why the photos load sideways...)

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WTT: B&M Rhapsody

Is Cella really that good???

After a bit more than a year DE shaving with mostly Pre De Provence soap, and occasionally GFT Coconut cream, I've decided to try Cella...

Although most shaves I still can't get a perfect lather (even following Marco's Method), I'm very impressed with how well it works... Very slick, and leaves my face feeling amazing all day!

Is it the tallow? The few ingredients? Can't imagine how some of the most regarded soaps perform if Cella is just amazing so far...

Is Cella really that good???

It's SEptember! What are you shaving with?

All lined up and ready to go:
KKG SE.jpg
Top Row:
Schick E2, Schick G1, Schick G3, Schick G4, Schick I1
Bottom Row:
GEM 1912, GEM Micromatic Clog-Pruf, GEM Micromatic Open Comb, GEM G-Bar, GEM Featherweight

The 1912 is first up - sentimental favorite - it belonged to my Grandpa. Here's to you, Val! :thumbup1:
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It's SEptember! What are you shaving with?

Went cartridge/disposable near the end

Used the tech tonight and I just could get the hairs under the neck to cut. nothing would work. Even the "Gillette" slide. It was ridiculous. So I looked around and found some Bic 3-blade disposables. It got most of it and I have less irritation than if I used the DE :lol: I also have like little whiteheads now on my cheek area. I'm like all "what" about this whole process lately. It MUST be the blade, must be.

I might start using the cartridges if they are always that good. I like no pain and looking not red :lol:

Went cartridge/disposable near the end

What I finally learned after over a year of wetshaving


So I've been wet shaving for over a year and been apart of this lovely forum the whole time. And while reading all the posts during that time I constantly read a lot of reviews that MWF wasn't worth the hassle. And the few praises where there as well.

Well last Friday I finally ordered the fat and used it tonight. I used my Stirling synthetic and soaked the puck and was expecting the worst. Wow that lather was quick, painless, and easy. So slick, so refreshing, and all around a superb product.

So if you are on the fence about the fat... Buy it! It's amazing and if you are one of the unlucky ones I'm deeply sorry because right now the fat is on top of my list. It beats out everything I've tried from cheapies like arko and the most expensive like mdc. This soap can not be beat.

What I finally learned after over a year of wetshaving

On line find!

Hi folks! Here is a neat little silver shaving cup and brush I found online a few days ago, and could not resist! I just received it today, and thought I'd share it with the group. It is actually in much better shape than I thought. I'm thinking I'll re-knot the brush, even if I never use it, thought it is very usable now. What do y'all think?
(Not sure why it is turning the pics upside down and sideways) :blush:

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On line find!

Pulled pork rescue

SWMBO put some pork in the slow cooker yesterday for pulled pork, and doused it with the spices I use for my Jamaican Jerk chicken...for the marinade that the meat soaks in overnight.

WAY to strong if you just dump the spices in.

I tried to rescue it by making a pseudo burnt ends thing with some Stubb's Original BBQ sauce. It worked kinda sorta okay...kinda sorta.

Looks good though.

Anyone else have a suggestion for rescuing a disaster?

But there is nothing that will replace a good smoked pork butt with hickory, mesquite, pecan, apple...or a mix of whatever.
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Pulled pork rescue

Assumed Knowledge & Acronyms

Several years ago I purchased an antique motorcycle. Diamond in the rough, it was very repairable. I'm good with most mechanical repairs, but in searching for parts for a 25 year old machine, I had to go to other than the Dealer. I found a community much like B&B. It's still around helping Newbs in every facet of those old two wheelers. I'm proud I became part of the group. But it took time. Eventually I understood the esoteric minutia and the acronyms tossed about by old hands.
Fast forward to this community - Is there a central collection agency of terms, and especially acronyms used by ya'll old timers? Who is Keeper of the Dictionary?
I suspect I'm about to be told, "Lurk More!"

I think have decoded one acronym; BBS = Baby Butt Smooth

Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope!

Assumed Knowledge & Acronyms

With the grain (WTG) only.your thoughts.

I am generally a one pass shaver...WTG...with touch ups. And I walk away from the mirror with a great shave and no irritation and only the rare nick or weeper. As much as I like the idea of a 3 pass shave I just can't seem to do it without major irritation...no matter what I try (prep/technique/tools/software/process).

I recently have started a 2 pass WTG shave and I am achieving amazing results...without irritation and achieving near BBS. I am wondering if others have any experience with 2 pass WTG shaves?

With the grain (WTG) only.your thoughts.

Do you take a Siesta?

Some parts of the world still do.

Here let me help:

Do you take a Siesta?

New Speick Shaving Sticks in a twist storage tube.

New Speick Shaving Sticks in a twist storage tube.

SwiftSteele Check-in and Product Review

Hello all, I've been reading this forum so much since I started my DE journey that I thought I ought to join.

I actually keep a short beard, but I use the DE to shave my neck and head. I'll share my limited experience as anyone who bases their purchases on Google research may wind up looking at a similar purchase.

Razor: I started with an Edwin Jagger DE89L (lined for a little extra grip). I have nothing to compare it to yet but have no complaints. It has a nice weight to it and I quickly adapted to letting the razor weight do the work rather than putting pressure down. I went a little overboard on ebay and have several vintage Gillettes on the way. I'm most excited for the Gillette Slim adjustable. I suspect a Super Speed (also in the mail) would make a better starter than the Edwin Jagger, and at 1/3 the cost. Hopefully someone else can weigh in on this.

Blades: the DE89 came with Derby-Extra blades, which I thought were truly turrible. I quickly dropped them in favor of Feathers, which I would recommend even for a newbie. I was hesitant to jump straight to using a blade regarded by most to be the sharpest on the market, but the nicks have been few and the irritation/burn has pretty much been non-existent. Next on my list to try are the Polsilver Super Iridiums, and perhaps some Gillette Silver Blues for when I'm wanting a milder shave (might be great for the head shaves).

Soaps: Col Conk's Bay Rum, Arko shave stick, and Taylor of Old Bond Street Coconut.
-Col Conk: Cheap, melts to fit the bowl, and lathers quickly. Maybe I haven't found the right lather consistency but I find this to be a so-so shave soap.
-Arko: I know this is one of those love it/hate it soaps. I for one love it. It's super slick, I actually like the smell (it feels classic to me), and being able to work up a great lather on my face is really convenient.
-TOBS Coconut: haven't used it enough to judge, but it smells heavenly. I'll probably use Arko as my daily but TOBS for a special event. It's a bit expensive (everything is when compared to Arko), but we all deserve a taste of the finer things once in awhile.

Aftershaves: Pinaud Bay Rum, Pinaud Classic Vanilla, Baxter of California Shave Balm.
-Pinauds: I love the Vanilla scent, but if I use Conk Bay Rum soap I match the scent in aftershave. This is alcohol based so it'll burn a smidge, but if you apply it with the grain you'll barely feel it. One time I put it on my head after a shave and thought I was going to die. For my head I usually use...
-Baxter of California: this stuff is great. I actually found it before I started wet shaving, and after I started head shaving. My scalp tends to dry out, and Baxter does a great job of moisturizing it so I don't get flakey skin later. It also delivers a cooling sensation that feels great after a shave, and is particularly kind to nicks and irritation.

Brushes: AoS mini badger and Omega Boar. I wouldn't bother with anything from Art of Shaving. For the price of the starter pack you can get better full-size products (Conk is 5 bucks, Arko is less). Boar brushes take longer to break in but you can get a high-loft Omega for 8 bucks.

Overall, I'm loving it so far, and I'm very thankful for the many in depth reviews from the experienced members on here. I hope my own little review helps some newbies. When "YMMV" shows up in every other post, you have to wonder if you're going to enjoy the same products as a 10-year veteran. In the case of Feathers at least, it seems the answer is "Yes, you will. Buy them already, and melt the Derby Extras down to create a spare shave bowl that you won't need because you can apply Arko directly."

Arko Brotherhood Initiate

SwiftSteele Check-in and Product Review

Good BBS shave, but irritation a couple days later as hair grows back?

Sometimes I get a good, irritation free BBS shave.

But as the hair is growing back a day or two later, "teething" through the skin, my lower neck gets a bit irritated and I get some red bumps.

Anyone dealt with this before?

Good BBS shave, but irritation a couple days later as hair grows back?

Hidden wild find

I picked this up at what is becoming my favorite stop for hunting. I have probably walked past this a couple dozen times in the last few months and never opened it up. I don't know if the Tech is original to rest of the kit, or if it is worth cleaning up most bottles are empty and the labels are falling off. But the tech looks almost unused, just a little bit of gunk to know it has seen some action. The date code is W-2 either 51 or 76. The etching on the head looks like my NDC gold ball end, so that makes me think 51, but the plastic handle and rest of the kit make me think 76. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Hidden wild find

Witch Hazel at Family Dollar/Dollar General

Anyone know if they carry this stuff? These stores just opened up by me and I need some!

Witch Hazel at Family Dollar/Dollar General

Three Ever-Ready Brushes In-Progress

It's been a while since I've restored any brushes, but I finally got off my duff and started in on these three. All three are Ever-Ready, of varied ages.


The above photo shows them pretty much as I got them. The green and black is a Model 200. The red and black is a more recent 300PBT, and the cream and blue is a 100.


In this picture, the knots have been all removed (with the help of a drill with a Forstner bit and a Dremel tool with a sanding drum). The red and black 300PBT had the hole enlarged significantly and the sharp-edged top section reshaped with sandpaper. The knot shelves were removed, so the entire handles are hollow. Filler and weights will be added later.

Since these photos were taken, I've ordered replacement badger knots from Virginia Sheng on eBay (22 mm Silvertip for the Model 200, a 20mm Silvertip, and a 20 mm Finest. I haven't decided which one will go where yet). I've also spent a considerable time hand polishing with Novus plastic polish (#3 Heavy, #2 Fine, and #1 Clean & Shine), and they're looking pretty good. Once the new knots are received, I'll test fit them, make adjustments as necessary, load the cavities with filler and weights, and then epoxy the knots in place. Final steps will be to repaint the engravings, give them a final polish, and then seal them with Renaissance Wax.

I'll post more pics as the process moves along. :001_cool:
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Three Ever-Ready Brushes In-Progress

Speick aftershave balm

I know the Speick aftershave splash is very popular here, but has anyone tried the balm?

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Speick aftershave balm

ideas for company cookout

My company holds monthly cookouts for the employees -- the company pays for the burgers, dogs, sausages, drinks, etc. Managers take turns tending grill for the 3 shifts. Employees and managers usually contribute pot-luck style side dishes, salads, desserts, etc.

I'm looking for some ideas. I've contributed grilling master time and also chili and potato salads, etc. I'm looking for ideas for something different.
needs to be easily transportable
Able to made the night before
Able hold up through at least lunch and dinner times. (refrigerator available in between shifts)
Since there are a bunch of people contributing, it doesn't have to make a ton.

Can be a salad, side dish, or other accompaniment. Not big on making desserts.

Ideas, guys?

ideas for company cookout

Pre-War Tech compared to English Arisocrat

I've been DE shaving for just about a year, and I've tried numerous razors (see my current and retired DE razors if interested here). I've decided I prefer milder razors, and my daily driver is a pre-war Tech.

For those that are familiar with the mild, efficient nature of the pre-war Tech, how does it compare to the English Aristocrats? Is there a particular model that would offer a similar mild experience, but perhaps be a bit more efficient?

Since I'm in the 2015 annual restraint, I was thinking of making an Aristocrat my completion prize (eight months in the book after today), and an English Aristocrat is the only razor I have on my wish list at this point. I just don't want to spend money on it, if I'm going to be disappointed compared to the pre-war Tech.

Pre-War Tech compared to English Arisocrat

Straight WTS two Dovo Straight Razors

1 Dovo Best Quality Ebony 6/8 Straight Razor
Needs a fresh honing. Has minor staining but otherwise in good condition.
Regularly $124.99 and I'm asking for $74.99



1 Dovo Pearlex 6/8 Straight Razor
Needs a fresh honing. Some minor rust around tang.
Regularly $169.99 and I'm asking for $101.99



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Straight WTS two Dovo Straight Razors

Hotel coffee

No, I am not talking about that flavor crystal "stuff" that is in some hotel rooms.. I am looking for suggestions on what I can do that is pretty compact, good, and doesn't make too much of a mess. I have seen suggestions for via, aeropress, french press, and even brink a kettle. Whatever solution I use will need work with both 120/240 voltage.

I generally roast my own beans and have a small hand grinder. I picked up an expandable holder and paper filters (minimize mess). I don't have a good solution to heat the water. Ideal is when there is a tea kettle in the room (not as often as I like) and sometimes a coffee maker can be jury rigged to make hot water but the machines are normally pretty dirty and it takes awhile to get clear water out of them. I have seen the little immersion heaters but don't have any first hand experience with them. But I am thinking that an immersion heater would require two cups (one to heat the water and the other below the filter to contain the coffee).

Is there a small dual voltage tea kettle or is there a better way to make water hot? Also I would be interested in changing from pour over to another approach if it does not generate too much mess. I tried french press in a mug but I make too much of a mess when dumping the leftover grinds.



Hotel coffee

How many ways to shave

How many of you have different ways to shave? Such as a simple two pass shave, with the grain against. I have several different ways to shave depending on a few factors, such as time, how I feel and what equipment I am using. Here are a few ( I have even named the styles) that I employ. Note that these are probably tailored to how my hair grows, which is straight down on face and middle of neck and outward on sides of neck with a 20-30 degree downward angle, so I can get away with a straight down pass especially if shaven close the day before.

*Classic ---- 1st pass down, 2nd pass up. It is how I have shaved for years until I came across this site!
*Classic plus add an against the grain pass
*Double down two passes down. I will use if I have a week or more of beard or just a quick shave not looking for a close shave.
*AOM --- three passes with the grain I learned from the art of manliness site. Use once in a blue moon
*By the Book 3-- 3 pass with across and against. dont really use too much, mainly when I started with DE
*By the Book 4 --- 3 variations - mild wtg wtg xtg atg, medium wtg xtg xtg atg, agressive wtg xtg atg atg. I use medium mostly, especially when I want a nice smooth irritation free shave from lots of stubble
*Reverse Leanardo. down, down, up, up, against right neck, against left neck. I use this one when I have plenty of time and using a quality soap like Cella.
*Half reverse Leanardo -- down, down, up, up.
*Montello-- wtg, down, up, against. This is one of my favorite because for me, going in one direction is a little easier/faster than going in the direction of hair. And this one hits my neck area more by the book, which is more needed then the rest of my shaving area. Gets a really close shave.
*Expresso-- wtg, down, up. Good for when I'm in a hurry and need that first wtg shave the classic doesn't provide

Thank you for looking. On an average week, I only use two or three different styles, but I do enjoy the variety of shaving, just like changing razors, soaps ect. during the week. Do any of you folks use a similar strategy?


How many ways to shave

PIF (sign-up before 9/8/2015) - Gillette Sheraton

Last Christmas, TheVez2 gifted me a user-grade Gillette Sheraton that I think is from 1937. It was part of the Mr. Bingle gift exchange. I tried it out several times, and I decided to go with a milder razor.

As this was a gift, I would like to keep it in the B&B community so some other member can enjoy this razor.

  1. You actually use the razor rather than adding it to a collection.
  2. You pass it on to another B&B member if you find yourself not using the razor.
  3. Have a membership date of June 2015 (or earlier).
  4. Have at least 50 posts.
  5. Say "I'm in"
  6. Enter by Monday, September 7 11:59 PM CDT. I'll draw a winner on Tuesday, September 8.

Please excuse the cell phone pics and reflections.

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PIF (sign-up before 9/8/2015) - Gillette Sheraton

Get your mittens!

August is coming to a close,
And The Auction is near.
It will soon be the season for
You know who, to appear!

If you're new to The Forum,
Get your posts to 45.
Your list will need tweaking,
By the time I arrive!


Get your mittens!

Bring liquor from Canada to US

Quick question for Americans who have traveled to Canada and brought alcoholic beverages back home.

I will be going to New Brunswick and PEI and will be staying in Canada for 3 days. I'm hoping to find some nice Cuban Rum (like Havana Club) and bring back a few bottles.

I know I'll have to declare them, and pay taxes/duties on them (I'm going through Calais, ME / St Stephen, NB. I don't think there's a Canada Duty Free shop there.)

Can anyone give me a run down of this plan and maybe an idea of how much I'll pay? I think I can bring one bottle through for "free" -- would that apply to my wife also, even if we're travelling together?
The documents on the various Govt websites are something less than clear.

Also what is the current status of bringing back Cuban cigars from Canada?

Bring liquor from Canada to US

A Look at Master Penmanship [Video]

This is absolutely beautiful stuff. I'm not sure if this has been posted here before, but I figured some might enjoy seeing this...

A Look at Master Penmanship [Video]

WTB: Semogue 2000 Brush

If you have a Semogue 2000 Boar Brush you aren't using I would like to buy it, or try it.
I just picked up a Omega Pro 10098 boar and after exclusively using synthetics for a few years kind of like the feel of the boar. I would like to compare the Omega to the Semogue. I bowl lather and head and face shave so the larger knot works out well. PM or email me at houlejames@hotmail.com if you have one.
Thanks, Jim

WTB: Semogue 2000 Brush

The "Cowboy" Soap Showdown!

Roundin' em up, ya'll. :cowboy:


A showdown is a comin'! :2guns:

:barbershop_quartet_ "A D A D A .... wah wah waaah..."
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The "Cowboy" Soap Showdown!

RIP Wes Craven

One of the great horror directors

RIP Wes Craven

Stirling AS

I got some samples from Stirling a few weeks ago: Ozark Mtn, Barbershop and Sharp Dressed Man. These are some fantastic after shaves! The scent lasts a long time, usually 6-8 hours for me. My wife actually likes all 3, she's very picky about what I use. And, the price is reasonable.

I noticed that they dry very, very quickly on my face. Much quicker than the Captain's Choice and Wm. Neumann after shaves I use. That's not a bad thing, just an observation. My face feels great after putting it on.

I'll be ordering full bottles soon.

Stirling AS

Honing Service, Recommendations

Hi Everyone. So I've decided to take up the fine art of straight razor shaving. Been doing lots of research, this site has helped a lot.I've acquired a razor I'm happy with (for those curious, http://ift.tt/1Jrq63d), strop, cream, just waiting on the brush (Not looking into the honing stones yet, want to get my skill up in the rest of the field first).
As I had expected I don't think it is shave ready, It feels really sharp and managed to remove hairs from the back of my had well enough but pretty sure it's meant to be sharper and as a newcomer to this I can only assume and from what I've read it almost certainly dose need a professional honing. (It failed the HHT if thats any reference to go by).

My issue is I'm in melbourne Australia and not sure quite how to find one. I did manage to find this online


Just not sure how credible it is, cant find anyone who's used the service and as a newbie if I go ahead with it, I wont know if it's a sub par job.
Saw some other threds where people have recommended members of this site. If I recall properly someone called Ozy in Sydney was one. Anyway any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Honing Service, Recommendations

Menghai dayi must try list? Puerh tea

So I was wondering if people want to suggest must try teas (sheng or shuo) from menghai including number and year if available... Maybe try giving realistic must tries (stuff we can get still regularly or semi regularly)

I picked up some 2009 v93 that I'm hoping to get soon!

Menghai dayi must try list? Puerh tea

DIY - Exterior Caulking - Got any tips?

I am prepping some exterior windows in preparation to paint. This may be a question for a professional painter, but I expect some DIY'ers have ran into this issue before. My basic question is how to best handle joints/seams that appear to have some mildew growth.

Problem is illustrated here, where the paint at this seam in between the window sill and window sill nosing is softer and darker than the surrounding paint, making it easy to insert a flat scraper:
window sill joint scrapper.jpg
It appears that a thin seam of caulk was laid down to protect the joint, which was a good choice as the wood surfaces butted together were not primed by window manufacturer or builder. :( There is some similar mildew penetration into the seam of caulk bordering the bricks (seen in the picture below the scraper), where the paint has a noticeably darker stripe. Initially I was thinking of trying to remove all that brick edge caulk as well and reapply a silicon based (non-paintable) caulk, but now I am not sure that is the best choice.

Cleaning out that seam pictured was time consuming and prone to gouging the wood in different spots, especially on the vertical slope, creating additional work to try and smooth out. To repeat this exercise for other windows will take a lot of time, so my questions include:

1) Should I take the simple way out and paint over any caulk lines that are holding up, and not let a little mildew worry me? The wood below that seam I removed looked fairly clean, so I suspect it is more a cosmetic issue which I could live with.

2) Take the time to remove all these old caulk lines, even at risk of gouging wood and leaving those sort of visible imperfections behind.

3) Thoughts/recommendations on using a silicon based caulk at edges where window meets the house? i.e. beside the brick molding and below the window sill nosing; versus continuing to use something containing acrylic. I don't appreciate the trade offs between ease of use, appearance, and durability of 100% silicon.
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DIY - Exterior Caulking - Got any tips?

dimanche 30 août 2015

I"d love to know what these razors are .

I picked up these two Gillettes at a local auction yesterday, here in Woodend Vic Australia. They cost about $10 each. There are some unusual features (to me anyway) which are a bit baffling .. hope the pics I'm posting will help someone identify them. They're both marked as Made in England, hence no date stamps.

The first, dubbed a 'Service' razor, has me baffled. I thought till I opened it that it was going to be a 2nd World War vintage issue, but while the case and handle look modern .. and though it shaves as smooth as a Tech (albeit with open-comb), the way the head connects to the baseplate makees it look like an OLD! Could this be much older than I thought?
The second was to my eye, on first inspection, like an LC New. But again, the handle has me baffled ... the way it undoes from the bottom of the handle.
The way it shaves is really unusual too, not like any other gillette ... it seems to go through a two-day beard like a scythe, with a sort of 'heavy' feeling and loud sound, but strangely enough, feeling very very smooth. It might suddenly be my very favourite razor. It feels totally different than my short or long comb New razors, and yet feels much smoother than my 'new Improved' razor. Any hints? It came in a very nice polished tin case with just 'Gillette on velveteen in the lid, but no name.
HOpe the pics help ....
Attached Images

I"d love to know what these razors are .

Jayce's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
What are your nicknames/aliases?
Where do you live?
South Dakota
What is your age (or) generation?
21/Gen Y/Millennial
What are you in the real world?
Male Student
What is your favorite shave setup?
Currently using a cartridge razor but WILL be turning to the DE safety razor AND the newer SE safety razor setup.
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Learning new things, better ways of doing things
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Noob at shaving, gillete fusion proglide does not get close enough. Switching as soon as i get my next paycheck

Jayce's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Do Alum and AS serve the same purpose?

My understanding is that they both serve as antiseptics, does that mean using both is redundant?

Do Alum and AS serve the same purpose?

New York Shaving Company?

I am not a smoker (maybe a cigar once in a while), but I enter several of the online contests that the big tobacco companies offer. Free swag in the mail is better than bills and coupons, right? Black and Mild is currently offering a classic shaving kit as one of their prizes. I actually won one this weekend! It is a brush, cream, shave oil and balm from New York Shaving company. I was just kind of curious if anyone has tried their products. I will have to wait 6 weeks to try it myself, so I figured I'd see if it was worth getting excited over. Most of the reviews I saw were for their brick and mortar shave services, which were underwhelming. Honestly I have never used a balm, shave oil, or cream before, so I won't have much to compare to. I am a simple puck and AS kind of guy.

New York Shaving Company?

Is it authentic?

Hey all,

I purchased a Cole/Hoffritz slant from Goodwill, and I was wondering, based on these images, if anybody has reason to believe it has been modified or is not all original.

Here is what I know:
The only other marking on the razor is under the top plate and it is the number 1.

I spent a bit of time cleaning it up. My suspicion is because it almost looks like somebody maybe painted the handle, and the top assembly of the razor looks unused. I mean not a single scratch on it! I soaked it and scraped off some white residue around the knob and under the head of the razor, and it was very difficult to remove so I'm not sure if it was soap scum.

Anyways, without further ado, here are the pics...



Is it authentic?

Kent VF5 Restoration

This was my first attempt to restore a vintage brush. I would like to say that everything went smoothly, but that wouldn't be accurate. After perusing a number of restoration threads, I cut down the knot and removed most of the bristles using a drill bit in my variable speed drill to loosen them up and then pulled them out with a needle-nose pliers. So far, so good. I still had some stray bristles around the outside of the hole that I couldn't get the pliers on, and the epoxy in the bottom of the hole was as hard as rock. I was reluctant to get too aggressive with my drill for fear of damaging the handle and I didn't have a Dremel tool (I do now), so I tried using hot water to soften the epoxy, as I had seen suggested in several threads. That didn't go well. I over-filled the hole and some water seeped under the masking tape that I had wrapped around the handle. The water had no affect on the epoxy, but it did a number on the butterscotch patina around the ferrule. It looked like a cardboard box after it gets wet and is left with ugly water stains.

I was heart-broken. My wife found me my first vintage brush, butterscotch, no less, and I felt that I had ruined it. After a few days of mourning and self-loathing, I decided that the only thing to do was to remove the remainder of the butterscotch patina on the ferrule to give a more uniform appearance. So I used wet-dry sandpaper to do just that, starting with 400 grit, then 1000, then 2000. The light butterscotch color that was revealed is quite attractive, and I was tempted to just sand down the whole handle. Cooler heads (my wife's) prevailed, however, and I retained as much of the original patina as I could.

I opened the hole up to 21.5 mm and ordered a 20 mm TGN Finest knot. The actual measurements of the knot were 19 mm by 64 mm, so I left the hole at 15 mm to give a loft of 49 mm, matching the height of the handle. The knot barely fit at that depth, but it did. I'm actually pretty pleased with how this brush turned out considering my blunder. The knot has great backbone but is plenty soft at the tips, and makes plenty of lather. My only issue is the the brush doesn't seem to want to give up the lather very easily.

Before and after pictures follow. I didn't take any immediately after the hot water incident as I was too upset.

Attached Images

Kent VF5 Restoration

Dwilloby's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
What are your nicknames/aliases?
Where do you live?
Central Ohio
What is your age (or) generation?
Mid thirties
What are you in the real world?
Financial advisor
What is your favorite shave setup?
Merkur 34C, TOBS Eton College, Personna Lab Blue
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Backpacking, Model Aviation, Civil War History
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
New to DE shaving, and eager to learn everything that I can from B&B!

Dwilloby's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Honing a Wapi

So I started homing a Wapi tonight. I had heard that they were easy to hone. Good grief this thing is giving me a hard time. I started as I usually do on a King 1000K and I still haven't set the bevel. It's getting there but SLOWLY.

Has anyone else had a hard time with a Wapi?

Honing a Wapi

Semogue 680?

Just came across one of these, but can't find any info on it and never have seen a plain ivory colored handle on a Semogue. Do you guys know anything about this brush?

Semogue 680?

RIP Oliver Sacks

Great physician, scientist and communicator. He did more to illuminate the intricacies of the brain through the quirks and challenges faced by those whose brains were not working right. Farewell, Dr. Sacks, you will be sorely missed.

RIP Oliver Sacks

First Responders Badge

Is anyone interested in getting a first responders badge started?
Who is the head of decisions on this matter?
I know I've asked, in the past, but I haven't heard much on it.

First Responders Badge

Looking for a wood and metal shave stand

Hey everyone,

I've been searching around online with no luck. I'd like to find a shave stand that is made of chrome with wooden accents. I just bought an olive wood brush, and would like something to compliment it. All I can seem to find is a bunch of kits, where you can turn the wood yourself (I don't have a lathe). Anybody know where I can find something like this?


Looking for a wood and metal shave stand

How can I contact heir Wacker?

Does he have a email to him personally ? Would like to ask about a razor.


How can I contact heir Wacker?

Vintage Lutz slant question

Hi everyone I'm new to B&B and to traditional wet shaving, only having been at it for a little over a month, but really am enjoying it.

Of course there has been some learning involved and a couple rough shaves along the way, but I think I'm starting to get it down a bit and have a question for some of you more experienced shavers.

I just recently bought a Lutz slant razor on eBay and really love it. It shaves super smooth and I love it's vintage quality. It was new old stock and in decent condition when I got it despite some oxidation here and there and a specific spot where the plating wasn't quite perfect. I initially didn't give it any though but have recently seen discussion on zamak razors and their tendency to deteriorate and from what I understand the Lutz slant is made of zamak.

With any other razor I'd just shrug it off but this one holds a spot in my heart being that my family is originally from Germany and I actually bear the same last name as the razor which I find super cool. I hope to keep it and pass it on to my son one day but am now thinking the only way I'll be able to do that is if I don't shave with it anymore to preserve it since my son is only 3 now.

Anyway just curious what you guys thoughts are if I should stop shaving with it? Another option of course is to just purchase another one for display only to pass down but that's less money I have to get another different razor. :)

Thanks for any and all input and this site rocks!

Vintage Lutz slant question

Flying with croap

Hey everyone. First, I apologize if this has been covered before. I did a cursory search and came up empty.

Does anyone have any experience taking a croap through airport security in your carry on? I'm taking a trip soon and would like to take one of my croaps, but I won't be checking my bags and wanted to see if anyone had experience with whether the TSA considers croap to be a liqud or not.

Thanks in advance.

Flying with croap

Honing in Los Angeles

I have my first straight razor on the way, and looking for honing in the Los Angeles .Orange county area.
Any suggestions would be appreciated .

Honing in Los Angeles

Identyfing and dating 3 SE razors

recently I have bought 3 SE razors.
Could you help me with identifying them? What are they names?
What year they were produced?
What material they are made of?

1. That is probably GEM Damaskeene 1912 (?)


2. This is probably GEM Junior 1912 (?)

3. This is probably Ever-Ready with Ornate Handle 1912 (?)

Attached Images

Identyfing and dating 3 SE razors

New Omega

I just got this Omega 11137 from my wife for my birthday.

I also have a Semogue 1800 on the way. Can't wait to use both brushes!!

New Omega

Car alarm

I just bought my first car the other day, a 2002 Mazda 626. This morning I went to Dunkin' Donuts to get a cup of coffee and when I came back out, I unlocked the door with the actual key as opposed to the key fob, and a few seconds after I got in the car, the alarm started going off. Does anyone know why this could be? I can't find an answer anywhere else and would appreciate someone's insight who knows a lot about cars (I don't). Thanks.

Car alarm


Good afternoon!

I imagine that my story sounds a lot like the majority around here. I'm in my late thirties, and have shaved for about 20 years. I started out with a two blade cartridge and Gillette foam in a can. I used that setup for several years, and then moved to more blades and gel in a can. I made a few stops along the way to try out an electric, but wasn't satisfied with the sacrifice of comfort for convenience.

I joined DSC in January, beginning at the mid-range cart and their shave butter. I graduated up to their top of the line model, and wasn't really satisfied with the shave I got. But that started me down a path to actively searching for a better shave. I stumbled upon Art of Shaving, and got the starter kit full of Saddlewood supplies. I got the first really great shave in my many years of shaving.

One thing led to another, and I ended up browsing B&B, five new DE razors, five more brushes, 400 blades, roughly 20 different soaps and creams, and fifteen new aftershaves. I've been exclusively DE since April, and although I have learned a lot, I'm finding everyday that I have lots more to learn. Who knew that a mundane maintainence task could be more enjoyable by adding more work to it? What I used to do in two minutes takes more like thirty now!


Are there better handles available for the Gillette Guard?

Not that I need a new razor :tongue_sm or an extra stash of cartridges, for that matter ... but I have wondered about it for some time already; the drawback of the Gillette Guard, apart from it not being distributed to Europe and the USA, is the flimsy looking plastic handle.

Did anyone already produce a better quality / heavier handle? Or is this a "chicken and egg" dilemma, where it won't happen before the Guard cartridges are more widely available? (don't see that happening really)

Are there better handles available for the Gillette Guard?

Shaving brush with screw bottom

I once owned a shaving brush with a threaded 'stopper' on the bottom, sadly, after pulling the bathroom apart I now consider it as lost. Was this compartment underneath used for storing a squirt of shaving cream?, sadly this type of brush does not seem readily available in the UK. Apologies if this has already been discussed somewhere in the bowels of the forum.

Shaving brush with screw bottom

THE Cartridge Razor Thread

This thread is to hold conversations about cartridge razors of all types all blade counts

What cart/system razor do you use and why do you enjoy the type/brand of cart razor you are shaving with?

I'll start off.

I've never shaved with a cart/system razor.


I do own two because I thought they were cool or unusual

2 blade Schick in silver (maybe a girls razor as it is in a pink case). I believe these are called trac II blades.

5 blade Remington "King of Shaves". 5 blades Maybe only need to shave once a week. Not sure. I never opened the package

I've never used a cart/system because I started shaving before they existed and never tried on, not because I don't like them.

THE Cartridge Razor Thread

I have too many soaps and keep getting more, can't bring myself to 3017 any.

I don't know what to do.

(General note: My wife hates most scents, thus the prevalence of unscented stuff.)

Right now I have (spoilered to not take up the whole post space, gave lots of unnecessary detail as I'm feeling loquacious today):

(Just for kicks I've rated each from 1 (least favorite/worst) to 5 (most favorite/best). But note that if I really don't like a soap I just toss it, so a 1 is just the lowest among those I find acceptable.)

- [3] XPEC cream (the new one), unscented. Used twice. It makes good lather, but I prefer soaps. So I haven't really been using it, but don't really want to sell it either; seems like a lot of hassle and I keep thinking I'll use it at some point. (I would rate it a 4 or 5, except I never use it...)

- [4] Martin de Candre unscented. Has an odd odor to it, but not totally unpleasant (goes away quickly). The lather it makes is probably the best when observed in isolation out of everything I've tried. I say 'in isolation' because even though to all appearances it is the richest, thickest, and slickest out of all my soaps, the alum test after the shave is not the best. (I.e., the alum stings more after I shave with this than with some of my other soaps, using the same razor; so even though the lather seems the best in appearance and feel, it isn't the best in terms of protection. Not to say its bad at protection; it is quite good, just not the best out of every soap I've tried.)

- [2] Valobra unscented. I haven't used it much. Its a hard soap (I usually go for softer soaps, all listed soaps are softer unless otherwise noted) and performs admirably from what I remember. (Its been over a month since I used it.) It isn't that it isn't a good soap, its just when I want a nice unscented soap I typically go for the Martin de Candre (which beats this out in all ways, the odd subtle odor not-withstanding).

- [3] Barrister & Mann unscented. Another good performer, but its been a while. The lather is almost as good as the Martin de Candre, and may even be slightly more protective. I should give this another shot soon...

- [5] Cold River Soap Works citrus. Smells like fruit loops cereal. Fantastic lather, almost on par with the Martin de Candre. Better protection though; I am always less irritated after using this than I am with the MdC.

- [5] Haslinger Schafmilch. Very mild smell like some laundry detergent. Lather and protection are both great.

- [5] Mitchel's Wool Fat. Sometimes the scent is a little too much for me, but this makes great lather and has great protection too.

- [?] Stirling Glacial Wintergreen. The smell is just like wintergreen gum, which is not too bad but not great either. I like the menthol though (the only other menthol I've tried was Mystic Water soap's Prospect Creek, but I couldn't get great lather out of it). This lathers up very well, and seemed pretty protective too. I've only had it for 1 day though and only used it the one time, so no rating yet.

- I also just ordered 2 menthol soaps from Queen Charlotte Soaps (Vostok & Iced Key Lime).

So 10 different ones right now (including the 2 on the way). I keep feeling like I may use some of the ones that are less popular (with me) at some point, so I keep them. But I don't want to just focus on one soap exclusively. But at the same time I need to use some of these up...

I should also mention that I prefer lathering directly from a puck held in my hand, and store the pucks without a container (I prefer to let the scent fade out a bit anyway, if it is scented). So I don't have containers for any of the soaps I was able to extract from the container they came in (and when possible I order soaps without a container).
I'm thinking at some point I'll just toss the soaps I don't really use... but I haven't gotten there yet.

Anyone else have difficulty in this area? (Too many soaps, don't want to 3017, want to keep trying new soaps...)
What do you do?

I have too many soaps and keep getting more, can't bring myself to 3017 any.

Would you be interested in a Cart Razor sub-forum

In a thread asking why there is no cart sub-forum it was suggested that a poll would determine if there is sufficient interest to warrant a cart sub-forum.

The intent of this poll is simply to discover if there is interest. This forum of course belongs to the owners, and their opinion whether or not to establish such a sub-forum is the only one that really matters in the end.

This poll is simply intended to gauge the level of interest. My intention is NOT to discuss the merits, or lack thereof, of cart razors, (though I suspect it may come up in the comments).

Would you be interested in a Cart Razor sub-forum

New Wolf Whiskers Arrival

My better half's new Wolf Whiskers synthetic arrived earlier this week. The color scheme was a special request and the handle shape is a "Julie". The best part about this is I get my Wolf Whisker brush back that she had been using!

Peter is a true artisan and always take the time to make sure the transaction is a positive experience.

Attached Images

New Wolf Whiskers Arrival

WTB/WTF Walbusch B5

Seeking Walbusch B5 razor. Willing to buy or trade for. Please PM me.

WTB/WTF Walbusch B5

Hola de nuevo! Hello again!

Me apunté a este foro con la ilusion de un novato y al ver que no entiendo el ingles decidi dejarlo con algo de pena, ahora estoy de nuevo por aqui e intentaré poner los afeitados del dia para empezar.
I signed up for this forum with the illusion of a rookie when i did not understand the English decide to leave with some regret, now I'm back over here and try to put the shaved the day to start.

Hola de nuevo! Hello again!

Ancient Tamahagane Bruno Custom Razor - "Azumi"

Ancient Tamahagane Bruno Custom Razor - "Azumi"

For sale - this absolutely unique, one of a kind, stunning, "Azumi" Bruno Custom Straight Razor, made from ancient Tamahagane steel from the Nakago section of a Japanese Katana, recently restored by The Gentleman's Den in stunning Kirinite red custom scales (the pics don't capture how fantastic these scales are). It has been professionally honed and shave tested only by the Gentleman's Den, otherwise it has never been used.

The reason I am selling this is I have another razor made from this ancient Tamahagane steel being done by Bruno in the works, and am selling this one to fund some other projects.

I've also added two additional pictures, one of the original sections of the Tamahagane steel, including Pic #3 of the actual section this particular razor was made from.

Send me a PM if you have any questions.

List Date: 8/30/2015

For more info, click here to view the original listing: Ancient Tamahagane Bruno Custom Razor - "Azumi"
On Sale For: $813.38 + Shipping TBD


Mobile friendly version: Ancient Tamahagane Bruno Custom Razor - "Azumi"

Go Mobile: Download the free Panjo iOS app now!

Ancient Tamahagane Bruno Custom Razor - "Azumi"

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