Hi everyone I'm new to B&B and to traditional wet shaving, only having been at it for a little over a month, but really am enjoying it.
Of course there has been some learning involved and a couple rough shaves along the way, but I think I'm starting to get it down a bit and have a question for some of you more experienced shavers.
I just recently bought a Lutz slant razor on eBay and really love it. It shaves super smooth and I love it's vintage quality. It was new old stock and in decent condition when I got it despite some oxidation here and there and a specific spot where the plating wasn't quite perfect. I initially didn't give it any though but have recently seen discussion on zamak razors and their tendency to deteriorate and from what I understand the Lutz slant is made of zamak.
With any other razor I'd just shrug it off but this one holds a spot in my heart being that my family is originally from Germany and I actually bear the same last name as the razor which I find super cool. I hope to keep it and pass it on to my son one day but am now thinking the only way I'll be able to do that is if I don't shave with it anymore to preserve it since my son is only 3 now.
Anyway just curious what you guys thoughts are if I should stop shaving with it? Another option of course is to just purchase another one for display only to pass down but that's less money I have to get another different razor. :)
Thanks for any and all input and this site rocks!
Of course there has been some learning involved and a couple rough shaves along the way, but I think I'm starting to get it down a bit and have a question for some of you more experienced shavers.
I just recently bought a Lutz slant razor on eBay and really love it. It shaves super smooth and I love it's vintage quality. It was new old stock and in decent condition when I got it despite some oxidation here and there and a specific spot where the plating wasn't quite perfect. I initially didn't give it any though but have recently seen discussion on zamak razors and their tendency to deteriorate and from what I understand the Lutz slant is made of zamak.
With any other razor I'd just shrug it off but this one holds a spot in my heart being that my family is originally from Germany and I actually bear the same last name as the razor which I find super cool. I hope to keep it and pass it on to my son one day but am now thinking the only way I'll be able to do that is if I don't shave with it anymore to preserve it since my son is only 3 now.
Anyway just curious what you guys thoughts are if I should stop shaving with it? Another option of course is to just purchase another one for display only to pass down but that's less money I have to get another different razor. :)
Thanks for any and all input and this site rocks!
Vintage Lutz slant question