In a thread asking why there is no cart sub-forum it was suggested that a poll would determine if there is sufficient interest to warrant a cart sub-forum.
The intent of this poll is simply to discover if there is interest. This forum of course belongs to the owners, and their opinion whether or not to establish such a sub-forum is the only one that really matters in the end.
This poll is simply intended to gauge the level of interest. My intention is NOT to discuss the merits, or lack thereof, of cart razors, (though I suspect it may come up in the comments).
The intent of this poll is simply to discover if there is interest. This forum of course belongs to the owners, and their opinion whether or not to establish such a sub-forum is the only one that really matters in the end.
This poll is simply intended to gauge the level of interest. My intention is NOT to discuss the merits, or lack thereof, of cart razors, (though I suspect it may come up in the comments).
Would you be interested in a Cart Razor sub-forum