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dimanche 30 août 2015

THE Cartridge Razor Thread

This thread is to hold conversations about cartridge razors of all types all blade counts

What cart/system razor do you use and why do you enjoy the type/brand of cart razor you are shaving with?

I'll start off.

I've never shaved with a cart/system razor.


I do own two because I thought they were cool or unusual

2 blade Schick in silver (maybe a girls razor as it is in a pink case). I believe these are called trac II blades.

5 blade Remington "King of Shaves". 5 blades Maybe only need to shave once a week. Not sure. I never opened the package

I've never used a cart/system because I started shaving before they existed and never tried on, not because I don't like them.

THE Cartridge Razor Thread

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