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lundi 31 août 2015

PIF (sign-up before 9/8/2015) - Gillette Sheraton

Last Christmas, TheVez2 gifted me a user-grade Gillette Sheraton that I think is from 1937. It was part of the Mr. Bingle gift exchange. I tried it out several times, and I decided to go with a milder razor.

As this was a gift, I would like to keep it in the B&B community so some other member can enjoy this razor.

  1. You actually use the razor rather than adding it to a collection.
  2. You pass it on to another B&B member if you find yourself not using the razor.
  3. Have a membership date of June 2015 (or earlier).
  4. Have at least 50 posts.
  5. Say "I'm in"
  6. Enter by Monday, September 7 11:59 PM CDT. I'll draw a winner on Tuesday, September 8.

Please excuse the cell phone pics and reflections.

Attached Images

PIF (sign-up before 9/8/2015) - Gillette Sheraton

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