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كل عام و انتم سعداء اتقياء
بقلوب بيضاء
و وجوه مشرقة مبتسمة
كل عام و انتم امنين مطمئنين
كل عام و الفرح يعم حياتكم و العافية تغلف اجسادكم
كل عام و انتم بخير
تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمال
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هنئ اصدقائك بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك
قم بكتابة اسمك وقم بمشاركة الرسالة مع اصدقائك

vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Just shaved for the He! of it.

Four days off, food all stocked, Super Bowl weekend and the wife is away :thumbup:, no need to go out and I shaved because I wanted to. I can honestly say in over 30 years this is the first time that has happened. Even when she is home I usually take a day or two off from shaving.

Approximate date of this Gillette Tech

Hey guys,

Not looking for an exact date, but is this model of Tech pre or post WW2?

Any ideas on approximate date?



TTO Razor name

Hello Everyone,

I saw a video on youtube awhile back, I believe that GeoFatBoy put out, of a razor that I would like to know what it is. I believe that the razor is adjustable and is a different take or version of the TTO style head. The razor, instead of opening like the butterfly TTO, opens with top plate standing straight up. Does anyone know what the name of the razor? Also, where to get it?



Reckoner cycling workout analysis and accountability

I got into bicycling in 2011, stepped up to a nothing-to-write-home-about but decent road bike in 2012, then hardly rode at all last year. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and thought I'd post some data here.

I started by recording my distance, time, and velocity. I don't have a cadence computer or heart rate monitor (nor do I want them). I'm obviously not going to break into the world of competitive cycling any time soon, but it has been usefully to break out the data in a few ways to come up with goals for next month--rides by day of the week, rides over and under the average, and so on. Here's my homebrew Excel file results. I'm sure there are apps to do all this crunching for me, but I'm also pushing myself to learn a few new formulas in Excel every month.

I'm hoping to get some advice from other folks who keep track of their rides/workouts/etc. What other useful data do you collect? How else should I think about interpreting what I've got?


Notable things I learned from doing this: I had my best rides on Sundays, I didn't ride at all on Tuesdays (Tu/Th are my long days), and I could stand to increase my Monday or Saturday rides.

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Time between Shaves?

Usually, I would only shave twice a week on the days I needed to appear clean shaven. But this is different, now I have the urge to shave (and reading this forum doesn't help.) :001_tongu

As far as irritation goes, I find that I have pretty resilient skin. I was able to dry shave every day for a month with a 5 blade cartridge while I was at Field Training this past summer.

I was wondering how often everyone shaves? Right now, I'm finished my 4th DE shave, so I am nowhere near a master at it, but was wondering how often I should/can shave.

EDIT: I forget to really put in the main point of this post, how often do you all shave?

Dremel bit advice-deepen handle hole

I need to deepen the hole in a brush handle to end up with a shorter loft for the knot I want to attach. Which Dremel bit or accessory should I use for this purpose? Thanks.

Can you help me fix my injector?

I got a pair of injectors in today. I noticed in the auction pictures that the blade didn't appear to be loaded correctly, and I was hoping that maybe whoever made the listing, just didn't know what they were doing when they inserted the blade, but unfortunately I was wrong. No matter what I try, I can't get the blade to insert correctly. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the spring, or something is bent.

Please, if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it, please let me know.





Art of Shaving-Oak Brook

Art of Shaving stores definitely get mixed reviews here--but I want to share this. Walking through Oak Brook mall today (outside of Chicago), I hemmed and hawed about going into their store. Having been through Loccitane, C and E, Nordstroms and Niemans I wasn't really sure how excited I was about continuing this hunting and gathering trip.

And...I was quite pleasantly surprised--they guys working were great. I spent a little bit of time talking to them, and while they explained their various wares to me (and I do use their sandalwood stuff) they expressed quite a bit of wet shaving knowledge and we had an nice conversation about the various Merkurs and different AOS brushes they sell; and they even listened as I told them about my love for vintage Gillettes and re knotted brushes.

If you are in the area, it is worth stopping by.

Massive Software Sale!

All items include CONUS Shipping. However, there is a $20 minimum purchase order!

Payment via paypal. Please allow up to one week for me to ship due to large amount of product I am selling. Interested in trading for or buying Semogue Brushes. Especially LE's or hard to find. Thanks!


None have been lathered from the tub. All have been scooped out when used.

Billy Jealousy Whipped Cream 8oz 70% $14

GFT Coconut 200g 75% $18

James Bronnley 5.2oz 50% $10

La Toja Sensitive 150ml 75% $5

Lavanda 3.5oz 75% $6 SOLD

Musgo Real Oak Moss 3.4oz 80% $9 SOLD

NYSC Elizabeth Street 4oz 90% $12

Nivea Mild 100ml 85% $5

O Melhor 3.4oz 70% $8

Palmolive Classic 100g NEW $6 SOLD

Proraso Sandalwood 5.2oz 85% $6

Tabac 100ml NEW $8 SOLD

RazoRock Bee's Knees 5oz 95% $7

RazoRock XX 4.2oz NEW $8 SOLD

TOBS Eton College 5.3oz Pot NEW $12 SOLD

TOBS Lemon & Lime 5.3oz Pot 95% $11 SOLD

TOBS Rose 5.3oz Pot NEW Pot $12

TOBS Shaving Shop 5.3oz 95% Pot $11

TOBS St. James Collection 5.3oz Pot NEW $12 SOLD

TOBS Mr Taylors 5.3oz Pot 50% $7

TOBS Sandalwood 5.3oz 95% $11 SOLD

Veleiro 125g 80% $6


Jabonman Ylang Ylang Pachulu Naranja 95% $15 SOLD

Mitchell's Wool Fat 3.9oz $13 TRADED

Valobra Fougere Tub 99% $24 TRADED

D.R. Harris Arlington Refill NEW $15


Captains Choice Bay Rum 90% $15 SOLD

Captains Choice Lime NEW $16

Diplomat Classic 60% $6 SOLD

D.R. Harris Arlington 85% $24

D.R. Harris Marlborough 75% $21

D.R. Harris Windsor 80% $22

Fine Blue 80% $11 SOLD

Floris Elite 65% $30

La Toja Classic NEW $15 SOLD

Myrsol Agua Balsamica 75% $20 SOLD

Myrsol Formula C 40% $11 SOLD

TOBS Victorian Lime 55% $14

Wm. Neumann & Co Signature 1907 50% $12

Wm. Neumann & Co 1911 75% $18

4711 70% $8


Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad 3.4oz 50% $14

NYSC Elizabeth Street 4oz 90% $16

Institut Karite 8.45oz 85% $20

Edwin Jagger Aloe Vera 3.4oz 90% $24

RazoRock Aftershave Wax 2oz NEW $10 TRADED

Simpson's Aftershave Balm 75ml $20

Floid Aftershave Balm 125ml NEW $15

La Toja Classic Balm 100ml 75% $10

Just purcahsed a 2 blade de razor - Razolution 4Edge

I just purchased the Razolution 4Edge razor:


On the way from Germany so it's probably going to take a while to get here :).

I know multi blade is sacrilege to many of you but i've struggled to get a good shave with a single blade and seem to get the best shave with my old two blade atra type cartrdige razor. I've thought for a while a double blade DE might be the best for me so I was pretty excited to see this one, although the gap between blades appears bigger than my atra so I will be curious to see how it is different.

I figure i'm going to try first with duller blades like a dorco since it seems like a pretty aggressive angle.

Anyways if anyone is interested i'll post my results.. although i'm not a pro like a lot of you.


Personna Israeli Viking Sword, PRecision, Crystals

Hello i posted in the past asking what these were


somebody here told me they're the same as the Crystal Blue

i then purchased this


and basically found out that the Viking Sword has almost the same paper, and the blade has the exact same writing on it, as you can see on this picture.

are they all three the same? all three ?

Note i haven'T tried them yet .

Savile Row 3824

CloseEnough's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Kingsley Badger Shave Brush - White # 28


Starter kit, Coticule + slurry stone + shave ready gold dollar

Imperial Aftershave

Anyone have a boar/badger mix? Which brush and how do you like it?

Whats best safest tan product. darkest shade

Sweet shaving mug

My First Straight.

WH Morley and Sons 5/8 3 pin Spike Point, Hollow ground.. majestic stuff


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Proraso Green just changed my life.

Best shave ever. Beats higher priced creams too. I didn't need a pre-shave oil as well. My razor burn and irritation literally disappeared, and the scent and overall experience was magical.


Nancy boy replenishing

T&H Ultimate Comfort

TOBS Avocado and Sandalwood

How could I have not tried this as my first shave? I am about 2 months into wet shaving, but boy oh boy what I was missing.

I have VERY sensitive skin, with thick curly hair that grows in all directions, so I am prone to ingrowns etc. Nothing.

I am going to try a pre-shave oil tomorrow to see if it helps, but I don't think I will even need one.

Does their green pre-shave cream add to the experience?

What is the worst case of RAD you've ever seen?

How would this compare at around the 90 day mark?

(2) Weber PH (Classic Handle and Bulldog w/heads)

ATT Kronos M1

ATT Atlas M2

Tradere OC

Feather AS-D2

Ikon Slant

Merkur 43C

Razorock Slab


Muhle R89

(4) Super Speeds - Silver tip flair, black tip, silver tip non flair, black handle flair



Black Beauty

Shick G8 injector

Got a used Dell 1235cn 5 in 1 laser printer. advice

It came with partials of toner cartridges. It seems to have streak coming out in the magenta. I am planning to replace the magenta cartridge and think there is an 80% chance this will fix the issue.

Does anyone have an opinion on cartridge sources, refurbished ones, OEM (original equipment manufacturer???) compatible equipment and pricing?

Thank you

Waiting on shave gear

I have been DE shaving for a bit (Muhle R89 Grande), and finally jumped into trying straight razors. I missed out on a few Dovos on ebay, but just locked into a Palisander 6/8 shoulderless. Its on its way. I lurked here for a while getting input from a lot of posters and went with a Tony Miller strop setup (2.5 inch with linen)--that is being put together as well.

I'll post once I try the gear. I also wanted to put out in the post how helpful Larry at Whipped Dog has been--if I had missed out again, I would have pulled the trigger on a sight unseen/rich man's strop kit. He was able to answer emails and even advised some of the razors I was bidding on were good quality. He isn't in this for the cash and burning through customers--he just wants to make sure folks are geting a good gear at a good price. He is the man, and whenever I need honing, I will go to him right off the bat.

Tony was super helpful as well. Everyone raves about his quality products, and I expect I will be no different. But right off the abt, he was able to trade several emails, and also pointed me to a setup that would work for me, rather than try and get me to buy the most expensive items he sells. If you every thought of making the jump to his stuff, if his customer service is anyhting like his products, you'll be very happy.

The razor is advertised from a guy in Seattle that bought it from the Superior shave, and it was honed at The Perfect Edge (by Howard). It appears to be in great shape, and once I go over it with Tony's set up, I'll give it a try. Assuming I'm not in the emergency room, I'll let you guys know how it went.

Thanks again for this site--it was so helpful on narrowing down choices on equipment, and I could make choices on what has worked for you guys and what to steer away from. This whole DE shaving endeavor was backed with the full support of my wife, as it "would save us money" v cartridges in years to come. Little did she know I dropped more coin on shaving than I have put into my Jeep. Well, maybe not that much.

Now I just have to intercept the UPS driver, and somehow tell my wife I got these things for about $20 at a thrift store by my work. But you guys have been there I am sure.

Shopping for Muhle Synthetic - Handle Materials and Ergonomics

Discomfort with holding my brush has me looking for a new one. I already bought a new boar (Omega 48) that is nice and big. The boar, despite being 2x the size, is half the weight of my old full badger with a metal handle. The badger weighs in at about 135 grams dry. I would like to try a synthetic and I'm thinking about going to the extreme on the other side for weight. I wanted to try a Muhle since it seems the most favored of the synthetics.

These Muhle Moderns at http://ift.tt/1bI53sf look like my best bet:

A few questions:

  1. The lightest one's, like the 21H33, weighing in are 28 grams. The handle looks comfortable, albeit a bit short, but I'm worried about the wood. How quickly does it degrade? Is one kind of wood better than another in terms of lasting longer over time?

  2. Similar question for the 21A3, Acrylic glass but more from the perspective of how easy it is to scratch. I probably won't opt for this one since it's heavier but I do like the aesthetics of it.

  3. For those who have ordered from Connaught Shaving, how long does it usually take to ship to the U.S.

Thanks in advance!

Start of Newbie Collection

Here is the start of my collection, I will be adding and ikon Shave Craft 101 soon, I picked up the Minora blades in Falmouth Jamaica last week they are made in Brazil by Gillette I think cost $1US per pack, Since I do not have the case for the ABC pocket razor can any one lead me in a direction to find one, thanks for all the welcomes photo.jpg

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Anyone ever tried to do this?

In my search for a great lather bowl, I have seen many different shapes, sizes, and designs. Having an engineering/scientific mindset, I like the idea of ridges/groves in the bottom of the bowl to help bring air into your lather. The bowls I have found made specifically for this purpose are rather expensive, and IMO not worth the money.

My question is this:

Has anyone ever tried to "carve" the spirals, or ridges into an existing ceramic/porcelain bowl that you liked? If so, how did you do it, and was it successful?

I have a bowl that is perfect, but would love to add this feature and considered trying to use a dremel tool on it or something like that.

Any feedback is much appreciated!

When time is of the essence

Like all of you, I relish the opportunity for having a slow relaxing shave in the morning before going off to work. I enjoy facial prep, whipping up fantastic lather, and performing a careful 4-pass shave. I love the variety of rotating multiple creams and soaps, brushes, razors, and blades. However, there are occasions when I simply don't have the luxury of time. I would find it interesting to know what you do when you need a really quick shave in the morning. I know this may sound like blasphemy, but my go-to quick shave is using Cremo cream with a Gilette Fusion ProGlide in front of a shower mirror. I can get a BBS shave in less than 5 minutes this way. Certainly not as fulfilling as the real thing, but it gets the job done. How about you?

Adjustable Frankenrazor?

My brother talked me into trying DE shaving a few months ago and since then I've picked up about a dozen razors from antique shops. Found that I like the NEW OC, my '49 SS, my Slim and a '48-'50 Aristocrat that I picked up recently. Just received a birthday FB, which I've disassembled and am cleaning up.

So, I got to thinking that I'd like an vintage adjustable OC TTO razor. Never made. But after taking my FB apart, I got to wondering how difficult it would be t replace the base-plate section with an OC base-plate from a OC TTO like an Aristocrat. I wouldn't tear apart a perfectly good razor to do this, but I'm sure there are razors out there that are only good for parts.

Anyone ever try such a thing? Seems like the downside would be that we're talking about cannibalizing Aristocrats, Senators or Populars, the majority of which are British made.....

Custom straights, rescales, shave readies


Walnut burl as shown $85 can be made with stock blade for $75


Ebony wood as shown with barbers notch $65 and stock blade for $55


Blue G 10 scales with spanish point $75 can be made in red or black , and with barbers notch or stock blade for $65


Rescaled 66 in black acrylic $35 can be barber notch or spanish point for $12 additional or in white scales for the same price.

I also have pasted crox strops and starter strops for sale for $25 for the 2 or $13 each with a razor purchase only. I have stock 66s($23), 200s($34) and 208($30) as well. I can only post limited images on here so I can send you pix of these. Paypal only, my personal email is bml3152@gmail.com if the inbox is full. Shipping daily. And all prices here are shave ready and shipped conus. Canada ship is additional. Please contact for details. I also have in white camel bone for $75 modded.

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Above the tie kronos /ikon stand

Dear sirs

Any idea about if ikon stand fits att kronos handle? i want to buy a stand for this razor. Or any other suggestions? Thank you

Shaving Buddy: An app for managing your collection and keeping track of your shaves!

Hi everybody,

i just completed my app Shaving Buddy and wanted to present it to you as there's been some desires earlier (like here).

Basically, it's a tool to manage your collection and a log for your shaves in one, together with some little statistics.

I'm usually not very active on forums (sometimes on a German one) but managed to grow a decent collection in a couple of years of flea-market-searching and on the other hand I managed to get some awesome stuff I while on vacation, but used it up and forgot the name (like the orange Floid). This is why I had to make something to keep track of my inventory and now you can enjoy it, too.

You can find it here: Shaving Buddy

It's free for up to 5 tools of each category and the unlimited version is $2,99.

If you have any feedback, questions or feature requests, feel free to tell me here :)

Have fun!

Shaving With The Star Trek Personna

Well... thanks to a cool loan from a member on another forum, I now have a Personna injector to play with and I shaved with it this morning.

I had only seen photos of the Personna before and had imagined it to be very similar to the PAL adhustable, but I was mistaken!

Superficially they look almost identical but the Personna is smaller, lighter and has different head shape and geometry which is much closer to the Schicks.

Unlike the PAL, the angle was

very easy to find, though not Schick intuitive, and the shave was very mild indeed.

It shaves rather like my Schick J but not as efficiently or comfortably, and I came away with a very good result but one that my Schick J, L or M would have done so much better.

The PAL adjustable is erratic and fierce, whereas this Personna is just too timid.

They both look beautiful, but one's mad and the other one can't cook :)

ASR got it exactly right the first time with the Injectomatic which is a superb shaver and a worthy rival to the Schicks.

If only they had kept to this head geometry and innovated with handle design, we would have a great range of ASR injectors now.

Instead they experimented with the head designs and we ended up with this pretty nonsense which looks so good but shaves so unsatisfactorily.

It's a triumph of form over content.

buzz/crew cut.how do you wash your hair/head?

I'm folically challenged, so I get SWMBO to run clippers (without a guard) over my head every week.

I'm sure there are a few others out there in the same position.

A question, do you wash your head like it's an extension of your face, so soap or face wash? Or do you use shampoo?

At the moment, I generally hop between the two, I do have dry/flaky skin problems on my head, where as my skin on mt face is quite oily.

I'm curious to experiment with the apple cider vinegar if I can find some for sale here.

Bamboo Fountain Pen

I ran across these pens today and thought they were rather unique. This Canadian maker (Ken Cavers) uses JoWo nibs, and apprently does nice work. I guess I'm just posting this as an example of what's possible. Taccia also makes a bamboo style fountain pen out of horn, but it comes at a premium and, imo, doesn't look as nice.







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Want to Buy WTB: Shaving soaps and creams

I've run out of creams and I am up to my last puck of soap. I'm a frugal person so I'd like to buy a couple of soaps at once for an enticing price.

Do you have barely used soaps or creams that just weren't your cup of tea? Give me a PM with pics/prices and we can talk.

Soaps and Creams I'm interested in:

Proraso Red/Green/White

Col. Conk Soaps

C.O. Bigelow Cream

RazoRock soaps (Have already tried Zi'Peppino Green Tobacco and would like to try something else)




Please no MWF.

Sabi/Toro Mastiff and Parker 94R handle comparison (pics)

Pics first.


I ordered the Parker 94R to see what the handle was like. My usual "heavy, grippy" handle is my Toro Mastiff - I believe that it's identical to the Sabi T1/T2 (one of them). I received the Parker today and wanted to post my thoughts for anyone considering either.

Toro Mastiff - My continued preference as a replacement handle if you want a "heavy" or grippy handle. I should note that I have never tried a Weber/Ikon bulldog style handle, as I don't care for the aesthetics. This is the one on the left in picture 1 with the "strips" of grippy stuff and the shiny flared bottom. The knurling is quite secure even with lather, and I use this handle for head shaving when I really don't want to drop the razor.

Parker 94R - Another heavy handle. It's not as "nice" aesthetically in person as in online pictures, in my opinion. It doesn't have any visible flaws, but it's simply a diamond-checked handle up close with no real detail to it. It's also heavy, and the knurling is even deeper than the Toro Mastiff. It feels even grippier, and the ring around the bottom knob suggests that it would also be nicely grippy for people who shave with a "3 fingers holding the very end of the handle" grip.

The Parker head reminds me of an EJ style head. I prefer the vintage Gillette heads myself.

Cost for the Parker was $25ish from ShoeBoxShaveShop, with Gary providing outstanding customer service. Two thumbs up.

In short - I'm keeping my Toro Mastiff.

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Pro tip - super lather MFW + TGR Cream

Forgot to post this the other day I mixed the two up in my Col Conk bowl using a PJ2 and sweet baby Jesus the product that came out was out of this world. Highly recommend giving it a try if you have these two products. If bet MWF also lathers nicely with T&H UC but I don't stock T&H anymore....

ok I'm lost! my razors lose their edge fast and I don't know why

Ok i have searched and searched and can't find anything. it seems like my razors lose their edge surprisingly fast, after about 4-6 shaves. I have 3 razors but just added another yesterday. My new razor which went from my best shaver, seems to have lost some of its sharpness after one shave! I have been shaving with a straight for 6 months now and I feel like my technique is good but not great and I keep changing the amount of strokes I do on the strop to see what works best but haven't noticed much difference. Currently I go 20-30 on linen and leather pre and post shave but have gone up to as many as 60. The strop I have now is a beginner strop that is nothing fancy. I have honed a couple of my razors using lapping film which gets them smooth and sharp again for a short while. Sorry if it's a stupid question but im lost on this .

Thanks in advance!

jeudi 30 janvier 2014

Shave is great except for lower right had side neck


I have been DE shaving for just 2 weeks now and my shaving is going great except for the base of my neck on the right hand side. This area is very raw no blood.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?

I'm starting to think I may have to change hands to my left hand, when shaving this area, to get the best angle. I'm sure I hydrate and coat the area with the same treatment as the rest of my face.

I would love any insight into this problem as it happens every shave and is persisting between shaves and every other part of the shave is going so well.

Best badger for 70-100 bucks

I am researching here and other sites for opinions, as I am willing to spend a bit more for a quality face lathering brush. I am thinking a Simpsons, but not looking to shell out for the chubby. I am looking at the duke 1 or 2. Any other thoughts on a dense brush that is good for face lathering? I have a WD, but it has some shedding issues. I don't need the finest knot, but want some softness with backbone.

My first straight arrived today.

My beautiful mail lady brought me a package from a gentleman named Bill on one of the Facebook forums. A nice simple ready to shave straight. I have never used one, have watched a zillion videos, and having it in my hand earlier scared the hell out of me. Some point over the weekend I'm gonna muster up the courage to dive in.


Any suggestions?

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What do you guys use to hold your soap?

I was reading about lathering tonight. I don't think I have ever had a good lather. I printed out a great routine I found and am excited to try it. I bought a nice shave bowl and thought that is were I would keep my soap. I guess I am getting that from memories of my dad shaving. He would always keep his soap in his bowl and mix it all up together. So.....my question is where do you guys keep your soap? I have some Proraso that has its own dish. Everything else i have doesn't have containers. I am guessing you all use different stuff. Will you guys tell me what you use?


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Bunn MCU coffee maker

I am looking for a single serve coffee maker that allows me to use my own coffee. I saw this at Bunn website and was wondering if anyone has experience with this machine.


First Attempt, So Here I Go!

This will be my first attempt at a restoration.

I have stripped the old knots and repainted what was left of the stamped model numbers and names. Now I am waiting for my package from TGN. So far I am pleased with my progress, even if I feel I'm being conservative with my polishing.

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Homemade brush and razor stands?

Does anybody have a homemade brush and razor stand? If so, post some pics! I want some ideas. Im trying to find some household items I can use to build something for my brush and razor

pic test

Pic Test!

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Am I weird, or does anyone else do this?

Since I started DE shaving, well, since I joined this forum, every time I see a guy on TV or in person now that has some stubble, I want to shave them. I mean, I'm as str8 as they come, but you can only shave your own face so many time, and it's just become a joy to do.

Come on fess up, don't make me have 2nd thoughts about this.

10K Pick a PIF PIF of incredible wonders PIF

The 10K Pic a PIF Post

Now with 30% more PIF then the next leading brand*

Well i'm not long off my 2 year anniversary here at Badger and Blade, and just hit my 10, 000 post on the forums. When I cam to the forums I was looking for some answers to some shave related questions, I got those in the first few moments of my time here. What kept me coming back was a lot more then a great shave, but it was the interactions with so many great members along the way. This place really is a great community, full of a diverse set of members and true gentlemen of character, as well as some true characters as well. Since coming to the forums, ive picked up three or four great new hobbies, including calligraphy, what I like in a great cup of coffee (That Sam makes for me whenever I come over), picked up a pipe or two, not to mention the whole shaving thing (No really I still do shave). It is odd that somehow it feels like at times im still a new guy, and on the other hand like ive been here forever as well. In a lot of places in your life you rarely get back what you put into something (just ask anyone who is a real car guy lol) but being here and putting in a lot of effort and time, this place just keeps giving back, whether being asked to be part of the stewards, the PIFs I have been a part of, being trusted to help out in a big way in the auction last year, and the interactions ive had and friendships that have developed over the time here are so much more then I could possibly give back (although I do try my hardest)

Badger and blade is a great way to spend my free time, and I have enjoyed every minute, and every member I have had the fortune to spend here, and since I feel so fortunate to be part of this place I thought I would give a little back here at my two year anniversary and 10,000 post with a pick a PIF... uh PIF

although I will keep what the exact prizes are a secret the winner may select one of any of the following categories upon winning for their prize

1. Shaving (Stuffs to fit you)

2. Loose leaf tea (And maybe accessories to do something with it)

3. Nib (Package fit to you)

4. Brown Leaf (No tobacco here, but an accessory or two)

5. Coffee (And more)

6. something I may think of later and can't believe I forgot, we shall call this mystery box for now

7. Convince April to send me another box of Baklava (you get three chances to win for making this happen, just sayin)

now just to be clear, as I didn't run out spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to buy stuff for every category, Ill drop ship the winning stuff from a supplier to you

To Entre rulez

1. No "I'm Ins", cept the first guy who does it to blatantly go against the rules that always makes me chuckle, every time

2. complete one of the following tasks

a) a reasonable hand drawn facsimile of my white and orange cat with a blue mohawk

b) take a look at A Pipe Walk and open a thoughtful moment of calm somewhere on B&B, whether it be shaving, a cup of joe, or anything else and link it back here so I can have a gander

c) upload a video of you telling us about a great member who has helped you along the way

d) tell me how many people are Ouch, and which members are him, and why you think those members are him

*anyone who can accomplish perfect "a)" will negate anyone who tries letter "c)" unless someone who tries letter "c)" does so while holding a scouts honour throughout the video for no mentioned reason whatso ever, in which case they will negate anyone who does letter "b)", though letter "b)" can block if they dont use proper spelling or grammar in their posts (Must still be legible), and anyone who entertains me enough to make me "+1 super like" their post, will be entered as I see fit

we clear on the rules ?

then Ill take my fav 10 posts into the secret depths of the steward team cave and we shall vote on a winner,... unless im busy then ill just figure something out, or if im super busy ill just have Ed do it, and those that don't win can "boo" him whenever they see him around (Please don't "Boo" Ed for real, cept for one of you, one of you can cause it would be funny, but not the rest of you, K?)

any questions or comments are welcome, this thread is all about to derail anyway, so if you just want to share something funny while doing the usual "congrats on 10k posts" by all means, just keep it B&B friendly, and we are all good

Good Luck everyone

and glad to have the good fortune to have you all here !

*next leading brand also made by me to lower expectations so that I can legally claim and prove my 30%edness

Opinions on Razorock Brain freeze

Just ordered some from the Italian barber, never used Razorock, what Should I be expecting

Would anyone like to have 90 Voskhod Blades?

Hi All,I recently ordered a 100 pack of Voskhod blades (90 left). These are excellent blades but I'm afraid they just don't match up to my beloved Astra SPs. If you would like to have them, please let me know and I'll send them to you free of charge. These are sharp, smooth and I can get 5-6 shaves out of them. Please let me know.-uid0

Edit: 5 minutes after posting, I have a taker. Thanks for everyone's interest!

I'm curious about your guess.

I was having a discussion with one of my best friends today, about the shaving industry. He's an accountant, so we were talking numbers.

He asked me... "Joe, how many guys in the USA use a shaving brush?"

Honestly, I haven't a clue!

There are roughly 120,000,000 men in the USA over the age of 18

I'm guessing that maybe half of those men shave 2 times a week or more?

So, 60,000,000 shavers.

If I ventured a guess, maybe 5% of the shavers use a brush, so 3,000,000?

What would your guess be, I'm curious?

Just tried The Veg

So I decided to branch out and finally try The Veg :ohmy: I could have sworn I was at a nursing home full of old people. I wish someone would have just waved a skunk in my face. :scared: I can't believe this stuff gets so many positive reviews. I guess The Veg didn't choose me and I don't choose it. The smell was so awful my dog was sneezing and wondered away from me. My girlfriend gagged and sprayed with febreeze and what's worse is I got brave and put it on my wrists and the smell won't come off. Is there anyone else who doesn't like the Veg? I like my normal clubman but not this stuff

The next phase of human evolution.

I may live long enough to enjoy this planet yet.

Stopping In To Say Hello

Hi all. My name is Paimon and I'm a newbie to the world of "real" shaving. Recently picked up my starter set that included an Edwin Jagger DE89, proraso soap, preshave,escali brush and stand, and a sstyptic pen.

After a month of learning I managed to get my hands on a nice 60s Gillette Super Speed which has been absolutely amazing.

Hoping to learn some more here and hopefully pick up some nice new razors like a clean FatBoy once I get acclimated!

Thanks for the great forums!

Live Chat?

Didn't B&B use to have a Live Chat?

If not, can we start one?

Which fatboy would you rather have?

Ok...I originally posted this in a manner that was against the TOS. Sorry about that...I hope this version is acceptable!

So I've been looking at a few vintage razors and pretty much settled on the fact that I'd like to pick up a Fatboy, and two in particular that have caught my eye. I thought I'd reach out to you folks to get your thoughts on which might be the one that I should pursue. Let it be said that they're both in great condition and I would expect pay a similar amount for either one.

Choice #1:

This one looks like a natural beauty. Some signs of light use, but overall looks pretty darn mint to me. Not sure if the handle looks just a tad dull, or if it's just the lighting. It's a 1960.


Choice #2:

This one I think looks even better, but here's the catch. It's shinier than any Fatboy I've ever seen. Even ones that were touted as being unused. So...it makes me wonder if perhaps it's been replated. To me, even if that were the case I'm not sure if that's necessarily a bad thing. This is a 1958.


So anyway, I'd really enjoy hearing as much feedback as possible from everyone. FYI, the fact that one comes with a case and one doesn't really isn't that big of a factor to me. I'd simply like to know which razor you'd prefer to own, everything else being equal. Thanks in advance!

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Test lather with Real Shaving Co. Sensitive cream

I picked up a tube of RSC Sensitive cream after reading decent-to-good opinions of it, and I figured at $6 for 150ml it wouldn't break the bank if I didn't like it. I test lathered it, and within 10 seconds my bowl was full of lather. After some more mixing I applied it to my hand, and it seemed awful. Airy, no slickness, and it quickly broke down and dried. I'm sure there's room for improvement in the water/cream ratio, but it didn't feel watery to be honest and I used an average amount of cream. Like I said, at $6 I'm not concerned but I am hesitant to put this between my face and a blade...

Found a razor in my grandfathers stuff

Hello everyone, I am totally new to all of this but I have a question and your online community seems like its the right place to go. I was cleaning out my grandfathers apartment and found a box that says "Parker safety razor" it has a sticker that says "95R" and another old retail sticker that reads that it was sold for $71.00. The razor inside seems very nice, but could use a cleaning. Is it safe to use? Thanks, Mike

DE89 vs. Lord L6

I just started DE shaving with the inexpensive Lord L6. I didn't want to spend a lot starting out. So now I'm feeling pretty confident in using a DE razor and am thinking of a DE89. Problem is I've read some opinions that say The Lord L6 head gives the same shave as the DE89. For those that have used both can you clue me in.

Tadddd's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?
Todd, drawn out a la George Carlin

Where do you live?
Bay Area, California

What is your age (or) generation?
Millennial, 22

What are you in the real world?
Business owner, Swim School manager

What is your favorite shave setup?
So far, my Muhle R106 with Personna red blades.

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Electronic music and shows, Surfing, Cigars, Gin, and my VW.

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Ask me about cats

Stand for Omega Pro 48

Anyone recommend a stand that fits the pro 48?

mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Another visit to West Coast Shaving

I dropped in West Coast Shaving today (it's nice to be close :001_cool:). It wasn't for me this time, it was for my son's birthday. Here's what I picked up:

  • Edwin Jagger DE8911

  • Semogue Pure Bristle Brush

  • Taylor of Old Bond Shaving Cream

  • Proraso Aftershave Balm (green tea & oatmeal).

  • Blade Sampler Pack

I'm hoping he'll like this starter kit and enjoy it as much as I do!

What do you think of my selection?

Recipes Show Casing Saffron

Hello everyone,

I recently got a batch of high quality saffron in from a friend. I am wanting to try a recipe that will showcase this amazing (and freakishly expensive) spice. Any recommendations? Current favourite uses of saffron for me are paella and risotto, but I don't think those will truly let the saffron shine.

Sound off some ideas below!

just shaved with my first vintage razor. love!

after being on this forum for 9 months, i decided to delve into the world of vintage razors. duderubble sold me a lot of 4 for a very reasonable price. the four are, NEW, old style, super speed and a tech. I decided to start with the superspeed. I popped in a polsilver and went to town. i absolutely loved the shave! i also loved the idea of shaving with something that has been around for so long. I can't wait to try the others. I'm becoming addicted to shaving gear. At least that's less expensive than my last obsession.... guitars!

First shave with feather

I've been using Astra blades for first couple of weeks now and loved them. Decided tonight to switch to a feather to try them out, and I must say, I love them just as much if not more than the astras! Had a great shave tonight only went wtg and across the grain 1 time each but seems like I got a very close shave just from the two passes. It looks like I may end up ordering a stash of each blade. Still have a few more to try out first but loving these two blades so far.

Hudson Made Shave Soap?

Has anyone heard of or tried out this brand of soap? Massdrop is having a drop on them, but I can't really find reviews of them anywhere.


Help me identify this shaving set?

So I was hoping the wisdom of B&B could help give me some idea where this set is from, or who manufactured it. My mom picked it up at an estate sale or auction, I think. It came with some small plastic-wrapped soaps labeled "Il Ceppo," and I know they also make (expensive) shaving sets like this.

The handle for the brush is freaking HEAVY - perhaps brass? It disassembles (see pic below), but there are no markings on the inside of the handle.

In fact, there are no markings anywhere on any piece of this set.

How about it, fellas?

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5.jpg

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Favourite Irish?

I have not tried any of the premium Irish whiskeys yet, like Redbreast or Michael Collins.

From what I have had, I like the white label Bushmills best, followed by Powers, then Jamesons, and one I'm drinking at this very instant, Tullamore Dew. Irish whiskeys all have the same distinctive flavors, and are instantly identifiable to me.

Do you have a favorite Irish?

Help! Arlington Splash and Pledge

I really enjoy Arlington soap. I like the lather, I like the skin conditioning, and I like the scent. So I decided to get some Arlington Splash, and as soon as I applied it I smelled Lemon Pledge spray wax and none of the other notes I find in the soap. And with that in my head (nose) that I can't unsmell, the soap is beginning to smell Pledgey to me as well.

Is it usual for the AS splash to smell quite different from the soap and does the scent vary over the product line in general?



Another fan of the Vintage Blades Brand Brush

I've been wanting a larger badger brush for some time. I have a Simpson Special in Best that I really like, but at 19mm with a very short loft, it doesn't hold a ton of lather, and it seems to struggle with harder soaps. I had been eying some of the larger brushes in the Simpson line up, but then I read all of the positive review for the Vintage Blades brand brushes. Well last week I finally caved and order a 22mm brush.

After sitting in a UPS facility all weekend (being able to track your packages can sometimes be its own kind of hell) my brush showed up on Monday. I've only been able to use it twice so far, but already it's easily my favorite brush. Like others have said, the knot seems pretty stiff when dry. When wet it's a different story. The tips get very soft, yet remain plenty scrubby, but not scratchy, sort of like a well broken in boar, but with a much softer overall feel. It has a tremendous amount of backbone and easily lathered both MWF and my Trumper's Sandlewood, the Trumper's being one of the most difficult soaps I've tried. Definitely an excellent value and should be at the top of the list for anyone looking for an affordable badger brush.


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Cella PIF

I bought a kilo of the stuff. Who'd like 2/3? Pay the shipping and paypal (probably $10 or so) and I send it your way. I VASTLY under estimated the size of this thing. I'd rather it get used rather than rot in my freezer.

First Straight Shave Thoughts

Ouch. That's my first thought. I was disappointed because I watched all these videos of gents who have been doing this since before I was born, and hey, since they're pros, I will be my first time too.

so I have this aversion to pain. It's just not for me. I decided to take it very cautiously and sacrifice bbs for not bleeding. For the most part it worked. I got myself pretty good on my chin using my left hand (I'm right handed, and after actually hold the SR, I understand why folks say to use both hands), but other than that it was just a couple nicks. So from that standpoint it was successful.

I only did one WTG pass, and it's not very smooth. Expectation was BBS, but that was a horrible expectation. It took a couple months for me to get BBS with a DE, and that takes THREE passes. It leaves sort of a 5 o'clock shadow look, but I have the rest of my life to figure it out. I tried to keep the proper angle, but it either felt like the blade wasn't engaged at all (like I was dragging the spine down my face), or like the blade was jumping. At first I was thinking maybe it wasn't honed properly, but then I thought that Larry at Whipped Dog is a pro and I'm a novice. It has to be my issue.

Summary? My expectations were WAY too high. I need to take a day or so, heal up, and try it again. I'm still enamoured by thought of SR shaving, and I'm no quitter.

Oh, for reference, it was a sight unseen flawed Whipped Dog and I got the poor mans strop kit with it.

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Latest brushes Over the holidays

Gents here is a pic of a few I built over the holidays.

All acrylic with either aluminum T6 or brass trim!!


Camo brush 004.jpgCamo brush 005.jpg


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Camo shaving brush

Did this one a while back. Camo acrylic with polished brass. Finest badger knot.

Enjoy!!Camo brush 001.jpgCamo brush 002.jpgCamo brush 003.jpg


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My 3rd PIF of the month

I'm on a roll here fellas. I've got tons of stuff waiting in the wings to sell, but since I am not at my 45 day mark, I can't.... And I am literally running out of room, so I'm slowly PIF'ing some stuff to make room for my soap binge (i'm literally embarrassed to say how much I've spent on soap this month). I'll hold on to my razors and brushes until selling time, but i can live with giving away a little more soap:001_cool:

So today's serving is a nice jar of Razorock XX. I ordered a bunch of Razorock, and this is the one I liked the least. It's a fantastic performer, I'm just not into the scent. It has only been used once. So it's got a long life ahead of it!

Here's the way to win. If you can guess the number of blades I currently have on hand (including the ones loaded into my razors), then the soap is yours. If nobody guesses it precisely, then the closest person wins. If there is a two way tie, I'll do a coin toss. If there is a 3 or more way tie, I will use random.org to select the winner. I will keep guessing open until 9AM PST on 1/30/14. Guesses after that time will not be eligible to win.

I will ship CONUS on my dime. If you live outside of CONUS, you will need to cover the shipping charge.

And the standard PIF rules apply. You should post a review of it once you use it, and by accepting this PIF you swear on your gentleman's honor to do a PIF sometime in the future. If you do not comply, the shavegods will replace your razors with Women's disposable cartridge razors.:001_tt2:

Let the guessing begin!

Valet Auto/Strop Razor.

Have Valet Auto/Strop Razor. I got some blades for it today and was wondering how to get the old blade of it and put in a new blade? Mine has date on it April 9th 1912. Thanks for your help.

Storage Problems

I like to think that I've done a fair job of keeping my self under control with this hobby, and compared to some of the other wonderful people on this site, I really don't have that much stuff. But despite that, I was running out of room for my shaving gear. To give a bit setup, the vanity in our master bath has two sinks with large empty cabinets under each. These cabinets are the typical under-sink arrangement with no shelving and are generally difficult to use to store small items. Luckily, there is also a smaller cabinet in between that has these very nice roll out shelves. I've been trying to keep my stuff contained to one of the roll out shelves, but as you can see, it was getting quite cramped.


The lack of easy storage for small objects has also lead to my wife's make up being permanently stored on the counter along with her hair styling tools. Not really a great solution for either of us. So, over the weekend I built and installed a shelf under one of the sinks and moved my gear in there. I'm pretty happy with the results so I thought I'd share.







Now I have a lot more room, and my wife has a place to store her stuff too.

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New Sticks Face Lather

Face lathered with Arko for the best shaves so far.

Just purchased Wilkinson stick from Germany, along with Speick and Toja/Lea deal from Spain.

Can't wait.

Now I'm a fully converted face latherer.

Looking to upgrade my badger - suggestions?

So for the past year or so, I've been using my Kingsley #28 and I've liked it. I'm looking to upgrade, and wanted some input. Anyone have feedback on these brushes?

Edwin Jagger 1ej947sds Traditional English Best Badger

Parker Safety Razor 100% BEST Badger Bristle Shaving Brush

Any suggestions in a similar price range would also be appreciated. Thanks!

First ever DE shave and already loving it!

Shaved just after hot shower with merkur 180 lh w/ astra sp, maggards preshave oil, proraso green soap, vdh boar brush, maggards alum, EJ aloe vera AS lotion. Well my beard was pretty long, longer than should have been probably, and had to make a 3rd pass wtg. Did not go ATG or XTG, figured I would place it safe this first week. All things considered it went great, no nics or razor burn at all! My technique definitely needs work. Alum block did not sting at all and cheeks are almost BBS, maybe once brave enough to go atg, but neck is close but still needs work. Made sure to do a good prep before shaving which I could tell helped a lot compared to what I would feel with carts. Love having no more tugging and pulling! Hoping things get better as week goes on but all in all it was a great first experience and an enjoyable one.

News flash! "White house beard meets razors edge"

Now were getting somewhere..:001_cool: Clean shaven & looking sharo from the "top".


2014 Winter Olympics

Begins February 7th

Who's going to watch?

I've been watching the Summer & Winter Olympics since I was a kid. I love them! It's the only sports I watch too.

Admittedly I don't follow the sports throughout the year but I like to pick a sport during the Olympics and follow it as best I can, while watching the others of course.

2012 it was Swimming. Men & Women. Simply incredible! I thoroughly enjoyed the intensity of it.

This year I'm on the fence about what sport to follow. It's tough to find a sport that gets a lot of coverage throughout the Olympics. At least during the Summer anyway, when there are 41 sports compared to Winter at 15. I'm thinking either Bobsleigh or Curling. Quite the opposites.

So what does everyone here tune in to see?

What country are you rooting for?

Finally got more than 3 shaves out of a blade

Personna Reds in my book are my new friend.

i finally got to #4 with a blade. My technique must be improving..

Anyone else recently get past a certain number of shaves that you have been trying for?

Question about aggressiveness...

Where would the ''experts'' here rank a Mühle r89 on a scale from 1-10 on an aggressiveness scale? 1 would be ?? and 10 would be Mühle r41 (2011).

Rolls Razor

my antique store find of this early year! - I bought a red hard shell case, weighty nickel apparatus that houses the whole good and clean . . . razor, strop, hone, all manuals, and hand numbered QA form.

- what do you know about this thing?

I will be providing the porn tomorrow,


Three cream samples for the price of one

I don't know if they do this all the time, but I ordered .25 oz. of Nancy Boy replenishing shave cream from the shave Shave Den sight and got that and a .25 oz. of the signature scent and a .25 oz. of the blossom wood scent. All three scents I like. The scent reminds me of the way Twinkle silver polish that I used to use to polish my trumpet smells. I haven't tried any of these creams yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

The "right" way of left handed writing.

I put the word Right in quotations because I feel that, to an extent, it is a YMMV thing.

As many if you left handed writers out there, I had to deal with all the school nonsenses. No actual teaching for left handed writing, right handed desks, a hand covered in pencil lead or pen ink or a paper all smudged up. Like many here, I started with just looking for a better way to shave, and now own a fountain pen. This has lead me to finding ways to better my handwriting. Has anyone else gone here; http://ift.tt/KTeopR ?

It shows what the correct way of writing left handed is supposed to be, and like many I'm sure, I use the wrong "hooked" way of holding my hand. I hold the pen/pencil close to the tip and very tight, to the point of a big callous on my middle finger. I've decided on finding some resources like the link above and re-learning how to write.

Has anyone else tried/done such a thing? How did it go for you? How long did it take you?

I haven't done very much, but I feel like my biggest issue will be getting used to left-slanted letters.

Pendragon RazorHandle Pass Around

I've been using the Pendragon Bronze razor handles for several weeks now, and they are terrific. :001_wub: I am starting a pass around on the most popular one, the patinaed handle.

It's called the Pendragon because it is decorated with Celtic Knots, and Dragon Scales. Pendragon may be translated as "Chief Dragon." And I'm sure we all know that Uther Pendragon was the legendary father to King Arthur.

This will be the handle ONLY and does not include the Old Style gold-plated head in the photo. It's mine and you can't have it. :sneaky2:

I'm restricting the first pass around to ten people. I ask that you not keep the razor for longer than one week, and you write a review...good or bad. Sorry, first pass around is CONUS only. I will try and include OUTUS for the subsequent pass arounds. We may free up a second handle for that at some point.

I have two requests to try it already, so if those people sign up, I will move them up to 1 and 2.

I'm having trouble letting go of this handle. :bored:

:scooter:I'm leaving town for a week on business, back Friday, January 31. So, Monday, February 3, I will send it to the first person. I think I'll use a USPS flat rate box. It is your responsibility to pass it along to the next person on the list that will be posted.

Here's my thoughts so far on this special handle: It is a gorgeous piece of art by renowned sculptor Deran Wright. It is sculptural bronze. The weight is 89.3 grams, and it is almost exactly 4 inches long. Experimentally, it works with Gillette heads, EJ89 heads, iKon heads, Joris (so assuming Fatip). It does not work with Cadet/Razorock. I tried that today and it was very tight so I did not force it in. I'll check with Deran, I assume the handle is drilled after casting, so perhaps we can do one for a Cadet.

This handle is so darned good, I'm having trouble using anything else. Grateful that I have the chrome handle to see me through (same length, 119 grams).

I love the balance, the weight, and the grippyness. If you love grip, this will absolutely spoil you forever. I just cannot go back to my Weber Classic and my iKon OSS. I'll probably PIF them sometime in the future when I have my very own patinaed handle.

Finally, there is an aspect to fine bronze, first demonstrated to me by Mr. Wright, many years ago, when I commissioned a one of a kind bronze tiger for my then boss in Japan, Mr. Fujisaki. The tiger was named Fujisaki the Tiger. When the bronze was stroked, it would sing. Singing bronze.

This handle...IMHO, transmits sound better than any other handle I have used.

So, first ten get to try it. If you don't make the cut, I will put you on the list for the second go around. If demand is great enough, I will simply extend the pass around indefinitely.

If you wish to purchase one, price is $95 shipped. Pay through PayPal to pendragonrazor@gmail.com. Right now, fulfillment is 6-8 weeks, as each is cast as ordered, but we may order a small number and so have stock on about 5. Run is limited to 150. Each comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the artist.

Nope, no one can post to this thread...so PM me, Chadao, and I will assemble a list. When it's done, I will PM the participants. The passaround list will simply be your name here. When you are ready to pass it to the next person, PM them and get their mailing address. That way I am not posting all your mailing addresses in public.

Thank you. I look forward to your opinions.

You can PM me or send questions to pendragonrazor@gmail.com. Deran sees these emails, too.

We do have a chrome version available as well, weighing in at a hefty 119 grams. $100. Alex2363 described it, in this photo with a Joris Rhodium plated head, as "pimped out." I like that. :thumbup1:

anywhere still have the 2012 se soc brush in stock?

edit answered in other thread sorry to start a second one can a mod close this one?


Hello. Blade question.

I have purchased a blade sampler pack. Is there any particular order I should use these in? (some are better to start with, some are more aggressive, etc.)

Gillette Silver Blue

Gillette 7 O’Clock Super Stainless


Shark Super Stainless

Lord Super Stainless

Best place to get scales?

Like the title says.. Whats the best place to get pre-made scales?

FREE BOTTLE to several lucky winners - a Captain's Choice offering!

See our Facebook page for a chance to win:


Captain's Choice has a FREE BOTTLE with your name on it!

See our Facebook page for more information:


Thayers Witch Hazel Sampler Pack

Witch Hazel I love it, most.... of the time now it is all I need to sooth my face after a shave. But my wife just hated the smell of it. She even said sometimes it gave her a headache. I was using just a generic Witch Hazel, why not we all ready have it in the house.


But something had to be done. So I ordered Thayers sample pack.......I know the shipping for this is ridicules, but I wasn't going to risk getting a full bottle and that not working out also. Plus if it worked, what flavor would I prefer? Well I have been loving this.....and so dose my wife. :biggrin1:

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Hello, first post.

Wow. I have been using a safety razor (is that correct terminology?) for about ten years now and today I googled how long a badger brush lasts and next thing I know I find this amazing site. I'm really excited. I no longer have communication with the friends who turned me on to this type of shaving so all my experience since I started has been trial and error. Hopefully I can learn some things (my only other learning experience was talking to the guy at the knife shop).

Hello everyone.

Pending local ban.

Hope this is proper to post this here; just looking for some more information sources.

After the last city council meeting last Monday it appears that they are about ready to ban any smoking in restaurants and bars in the city. It won't effect me much as I only go out to eat lunch a couple of times a week with the attorney I work for and we sit in the non-smoking section, and I don't go to bars.

But I am very opposed to the proposed ban due to the infringement on private businesses (that argument hasn't worked in other towns in this state), the demonization of smokers, and the door that it opens to further restrictions on private businesses (read that the New York City bans on...well, you name it). The newspaper coverage of the council meeting can be seen here.

I have looked at Heartland.org and some of the linked articles on Policy Bot, but I was wondering if anyone had any other sources to suggest that might have some more information about the junk science and data manipulation that is used to ban smoking.

Although it appears that the next council meeting will be a "You can talk but we won't listen" session.

Brush Differences on Lathering

I've been DE shaving now for about a month and using primarily a VDH pure badger brush that came with the luxury kit. I also have a JCG Collection pure badger brush and decided to give it a go the other day. WOW, the difference in the lather produced using the same set up (VDH Luxury Scented soap combined with TOBS Sandalwood cream) is tremendous. I get a much higher volume of lather with the JCG brush. Is this really a result of the brush, does the brush make that much of a difference?

Teflon Coated Blades

I've read that all blades have some kind of coating, and that some (or maybe it was most) have teflon. So the ones that advertise it ... is that all just marketing, or do some have more than others. I was prompted to ask because I just received near full box of Timor blades today that I bought on BST. I used up my last one a while back. I love Timors. But I also like Voskhods a lot, which so happens to be another blade that touts their teflon coating. So is it just a coincidence that I happen to really like a couple of blades that advertise themselves as "teflon coated" or is it possible they do have a little more in them (on them I guess) that might make them glide just a bit easier?

Semogue 610 acrylic defect?

I gave both my new 610's (one black, one red) a break-in soak in warm water and mild dish soap followed by a lather build and left them to dry over night. The black one looks great but the red one seems to have developed a fine white ring inside the handle on the red section just about a 32nd of an inch above the clear. Now, I'm hoping this is like condensation inside a watch crystal that will evaporate after a day or so and provided I no longer fully immerse the handles, and hang upside down to dry will not reoccur. Has anyone experienced this with their Semogue 610's or their acrylic handled siblings (620, 830 etc.)?

First shave with a DE89L with Feather Blade, just WOW

To say I have gone a bit overboard would be an understatement regarding this new shave hobby I jumped in to a couple of months ago. I installed a shelf in my bathroom that contains my wall of Soaps, Creams, AS, PS, Blades, Mugs, Bowls, Razors, Brushes, Alum and ect, each of these items being a great experience. My first shave was with a Merkur 20C Satin finished handle it was a good shave and better than the usual cartridge. Next razor purchase was the Black Beauty of which i enjoy very much but need to find the right blade/razor combo for. This past Monday the Edwin Jagger DE89L arrived at my door and after using it this morning with a feather blade i have to say I believe. My shave this morning I felt was perfect for me as I was able to keep a perfect angle with the blade the whole way through and recieved a very BBS shave. I have had good shaves before with my other blades but for a first run and with no fuss this made my day.

Though I prefer the long handles due to big hands this handle was honestly perfectly fine, shorter than my long handled black beauty but also heavier. The lines in the handle provided a great grip that I fel after my first go through i should have no issue with. The safety bar I am learning i prefer the smooth chrome to the super adjustables lined bar, they just feel smooth and seem to have a cooling effect on my face while shaving.

I was considering the Muhle R89 but upon researching found out both models contained the same head so i went with the less expensive option.

A couple discounts at shavingcreams.com


I think the most attractive one is $15 off the Hirsch cream, making it $15 for the 8oz pot. Its their in-house brand that was designed to be similar to/compete with Art of Shaving creams; I have the lemon and its good stuff, and 8oz is a ton of product.

Free shipping for $25 orders.

Campbell's Liquid Shaving Cream

After discussing my shaving practices with my barber, who has been shaving for over 50 years, he gave me a couple of technique and product suggestions. One of the things he said that really got my attention was that he uses the Campbell's shave cream that he uses for his hot lather machine at home. He said to put a couple of drops of the concentrate in the bottom of a bowl and whip it up with a brush and some hot water. No need to buy the $300 machine it's supposed to work with. I've always liked the super clean smell of Campbell's. I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has ever tried shaving with barbershop concentrate, prepared as he suggested?

Dad's Old Gillette Super Speed

Hi Guys,

My dad just gave me his old super speed that he bought in 1954 for $1. He had been using it up until 2012 when the knob had become so corroded that he could no longer open it. I was able to fix it, but am thinking of getting it replated. Does anyone know of a good company that I could send it to? Thanks.


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Aristocrat Info

Just aquired an Aristocrat with 1922 serial number. Were all of these gold plated? All of the photos I can find show gold plated, but the one I have appears to be all silver. Thanks for any help.

Let's play identify the safety razor - need help identifying this razor

Does anyone have a clue what make/model of razor I have? Other than the outside of the case where it says "safety razor", there are no markings anywhere.

I am wondering if anyone has a clue what this is.first.jpgfourth.jpgsecond.jpgthird.jpg

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