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mercredi 29 janvier 2014

First Straight Shave Thoughts

Ouch. That's my first thought. I was disappointed because I watched all these videos of gents who have been doing this since before I was born, and hey, since they're pros, I will be my first time too.

so I have this aversion to pain. It's just not for me. I decided to take it very cautiously and sacrifice bbs for not bleeding. For the most part it worked. I got myself pretty good on my chin using my left hand (I'm right handed, and after actually hold the SR, I understand why folks say to use both hands), but other than that it was just a couple nicks. So from that standpoint it was successful.

I only did one WTG pass, and it's not very smooth. Expectation was BBS, but that was a horrible expectation. It took a couple months for me to get BBS with a DE, and that takes THREE passes. It leaves sort of a 5 o'clock shadow look, but I have the rest of my life to figure it out. I tried to keep the proper angle, but it either felt like the blade wasn't engaged at all (like I was dragging the spine down my face), or like the blade was jumping. At first I was thinking maybe it wasn't honed properly, but then I thought that Larry at Whipped Dog is a pro and I'm a novice. It has to be my issue.

Summary? My expectations were WAY too high. I need to take a day or so, heal up, and try it again. I'm still enamoured by thought of SR shaving, and I'm no quitter.

Oh, for reference, it was a sight unseen flawed Whipped Dog and I got the poor mans strop kit with it.

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