To say I have gone a bit overboard would be an understatement regarding this new shave hobby I jumped in to a couple of months ago. I installed a shelf in my bathroom that contains my wall of Soaps, Creams, AS, PS, Blades, Mugs, Bowls, Razors, Brushes, Alum and ect, each of these items being a great experience. My first shave was with a Merkur 20C Satin finished handle it was a good shave and better than the usual cartridge. Next razor purchase was the Black Beauty of which i enjoy very much but need to find the right blade/razor combo for. This past Monday the Edwin Jagger DE89L arrived at my door and after using it this morning with a feather blade i have to say I believe. My shave this morning I felt was perfect for me as I was able to keep a perfect angle with the blade the whole way through and recieved a very BBS shave. I have had good shaves before with my other blades but for a first run and with no fuss this made my day.
Though I prefer the long handles due to big hands this handle was honestly perfectly fine, shorter than my long handled black beauty but also heavier. The lines in the handle provided a great grip that I fel after my first go through i should have no issue with. The safety bar I am learning i prefer the smooth chrome to the super adjustables lined bar, they just feel smooth and seem to have a cooling effect on my face while shaving.
I was considering the Muhle R89 but upon researching found out both models contained the same head so i went with the less expensive option.
Though I prefer the long handles due to big hands this handle was honestly perfectly fine, shorter than my long handled black beauty but also heavier. The lines in the handle provided a great grip that I fel after my first go through i should have no issue with. The safety bar I am learning i prefer the smooth chrome to the super adjustables lined bar, they just feel smooth and seem to have a cooling effect on my face while shaving.
I was considering the Muhle R89 but upon researching found out both models contained the same head so i went with the less expensive option.