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vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Adjustable Frankenrazor?

My brother talked me into trying DE shaving a few months ago and since then I've picked up about a dozen razors from antique shops. Found that I like the NEW OC, my '49 SS, my Slim and a '48-'50 Aristocrat that I picked up recently. Just received a birthday FB, which I've disassembled and am cleaning up.

So, I got to thinking that I'd like an vintage adjustable OC TTO razor. Never made. But after taking my FB apart, I got to wondering how difficult it would be t replace the base-plate section with an OC base-plate from a OC TTO like an Aristocrat. I wouldn't tear apart a perfectly good razor to do this, but I'm sure there are razors out there that are only good for parts.

Anyone ever try such a thing? Seems like the downside would be that we're talking about cannibalizing Aristocrats, Senators or Populars, the majority of which are British made.....

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