Witch Hazel I love it, most.... of the time now it is all I need to sooth my face after a shave. But my wife just hated the smell of it. She even said sometimes it gave her a headache. I was using just a generic Witch Hazel, why not we all ready have it in the house.
But something had to be done. So I ordered Thayers sample pack.......I know the shipping for this is ridicules, but I wasn't going to risk getting a full bottle and that not working out also. Plus if it worked, what flavor would I prefer? Well I have been loving this.....and so dose my wife. :biggrin1:
But something had to be done. So I ordered Thayers sample pack.......I know the shipping for this is ridicules, but I wasn't going to risk getting a full bottle and that not working out also. Plus if it worked, what flavor would I prefer? Well I have been loving this.....and so dose my wife. :biggrin1: