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lundi 29 août 2016

Calabrese TURDILLI

My cousin found a recipe from the 1950's my Aunt wrote down.It's for my favorite cookies ,a Calabria Christmas cookie called "turdilli" , they do look like little turds , but the origin of the name is unknown to me...Recipe calls for Muscatel , which used to be a fortified wino wine made with raisin quality grapes,but it did have a lot of flavor , they still sold it when I was young.Only a very few countries bottle a "muscatel" today,and it's not a wino wine. American vintners wouldn't touch the name with a 10 foot pole.So , what should I use ?..I'm thinking a very low proof ( 5% ? ) moscato will be sweet and have some flavor ,it gets boiled down anyway....Second choice would be a sweet Marsala or Vin Santo ???...Any ideas ??

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Calabrese TURDILLI

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