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lundi 2 janvier 2017

Den clearance-Fatboys,Slim, Straights, Creed, Italian soaps and more

Ok, well this will be a long one. I've had my shave stuff sitting in a box in the basement for about 2 years since I have used any of it and would like to sell it off. I currently forge custom knives and would like to start into making straights as well. So here it goes...

Add $6 for shipping. Paypal personal only. CONUS only especially for liquids, but might work something out for the other stuff.

Click image for larger version.  Name: 20170102_222620.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 34.5 KB  ID: 713664
Starting on the top left.

Fatboy E4 - $60
Fatboy F2 (little more wear)- $40
Gillette Slim G4 - $40
Gillette UK TV Rocket - Not sure about selling after taking the pictures, but feel free to make an offer.
Bottom row would be a lot, SE Gem brass, Ever Ready, and a plastic handled Star. they could use a clean up. All 3 for $30

Click image for larger version.  Name: 20170102_222852.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 38.7 KB  ID: 713671

Top row, Vander Hagen best badger, Two different Omega boars, and a travel brush, $10 each
Bottom is a custom handled silver tip- $75

Click image for larger version.  Name: 20170102_222949.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 24.2 KB  ID: 713674

3/8 Straight with the yellow handle. H. Eicker&Sohne 3000 Effilier Boy, strop it and shave- $90
Top one is 7/8 S. Mibbert&Son "The Celebrated" Someone put a lot of scratches in this one, but no nicks in the blade. Could use as is or polish it up (that was my plan) - $45

Click image for larger version.  Name: 20170102_223102.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 21.6 KB  ID: 713675

5/8 straight made by Shapliegh in St. Louis has some gray from being high carbon but can be stropped and used. - $60

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Den clearance-Fatboys,Slim, Straights, Creed, Italian soaps and more

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