For the past few months I've been using modern razors from Ikon and ATT (apart from a flirtation with a Wilkinson Sword Sticky) and must admit they are smooth, well made, effective and generally really good. I've also read many positive comments about these razors, and also on other models by the likes of Rockwell and Wolf Man, with numerous users claiming they are the best ever, will "end my RAD", etc.
I had almost got to the point of believing these sleek modern models are the finest yet created, until this morning I spotted a New Improved sitting rather forlornly on the back of my razor rack and decided to give it a spin, with a new Feather blade loaded. It was a wonderful shave, as good as anything from the young pretenders, and reminded me not to get caught up too much in the hype of shiny new stuff. Yes, a lot of it is good, but there have been some great razors around for a long time and even the latest stainless steel and aluminium creations haven't consigned them to redundancy.
Beware the hype