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lundi 1 août 2016

Getting a handle on this

Been using the R41 for a few days now with a GSB blade. I also put a S.S. handle on it and last night i got as close to a bbs shave as ive ever gotten. A couple spots on my neck that have the slightest bit of tiny, tiny stubble left. After my shave i used Alum bar and felt a little discomfort in one area. Than with some splash and baulm all was good. My neck looks very clean and no redness or irritation. DFS if i say so myself.

Not sure why peaple call the R41 blood thursty but if it is, its going to starve with me. I use more angle on the blade and the lightest touch. 3 passes and some buffing. I also ordered the ATT OC set the other day. Think i might be ready for this change. I thank all the b&b members who have helped me tune my abillities to get a great shave. I have many different blades left and after i find what works with the ATT set ill PIF all the rest of my blades.
Best forum on the web and the best of shaves to all.

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Getting a handle on this

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