An overwhelming amount of information on this site. Any quick guidance would be great.
A small story.
Generally used wallgreen and cvs pharmacy generic blades and shaving gels.
Have bought the traditional razors online a while ago; and bought some stuff from Art of Shaving a while.
In LA on a project for 4 to 5 months i got rashes on my face with pharmacy generic blades and shaving gels.
Read a bit online and went back to my art of shaving stuff but razors similar to today's style. But put warm water before, used pre shave lotions and after shave lotions and got everything back to normal.
But now want to re do the way I do my shaving with old style razors. The badger brushes keep falling off (the version I bought at Art of Shaving).
Could use some good simple guidance that I will follow and report back with data.
Thank you in advance
Newbie from Houston, TX