Boots is a very old British name in shaving goods.The soap in the tub is different than the soap in the stick cylinder,that one is handcrafted for BOOTS by a private soapmaker. The cap on the tub looks to be made from a high quality polycarbonate,it doesn't have much flex,and fits like a tight glove ,thanks to both tub and cap having short ,effective locking threads.!...The tub itself is not a cheapo ,it's sturdy plastic ,and very reuseable . The scent is unique,a kind of dry powdery scent with a hint of black pepper and dry citrus ,like grapefruit pith , I like it,nice and clean...Fantastic lather that really lasts,one lathering made enough suds to shave both my head and face !...The lube is excellent , I was using a fat handled Tech and a virgin TREET Silver carbon blade ,the shave was par excellence !!,BBS all the way with not even a hint of irritation..All this being said ,the stick has a little extra scent,and perhaps a little richer lather,it is handcrafted and it shows the soapmaker really knows what the hell he is doing..So sad BOOTS products are extremely hard to get in the U.S. ,they are very desireable shave products.
BOOTS tub 'o soap