Let me first say that I have had my Merkur Vision for 3 years now. During that time, I never really used it much and I still have 5 of the original 10 blades that came with it. The blades never felt right to me, always feeling like a hard pull. I thought that DE shaving was supposed to be painful and I went back to cartridge and electric. Less than a month ago, I found this board. I ordered some new blades and thought I would give DE another shot. Blades do make a difference! My first try was with the PolSilvers. My shave is no longer painful and the blades glide over my face. I make it a point to shave everyday now and have since ditched my electric razor. Here is my humble blade collection so far. Note the original Merkurs on the right side. Now, everyday I troll the online shops looking for new blades to try.
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