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jeudi 8 mai 2014

First Straight razor and restoration.

I've DE and SE shaved for a couple months now but I'm starting to get the itch to use a straight. So I picked up a little Copper Head razor at an antique shop. It wasn't in the best shape but I couldn't help but like the look of it. I read a lot of articles on restoring razors here on B&B. I didn't have any fancy power tools so I used a lot of sandpaper (300,400,600,800,1000,1500,2000,2500), more than a few hours and a good deal of elbow grease. It turned out fairly well. I should of spent a bit more time at the 300 grit but I'm happy with it. Now I just have to send it off to be honed then take this little snake for a spin(once i learn to shave with a straight that is)! :thumbup1: I'd appreciate any constructive criticism. I enjoyed restoring the razor and plan to do more in the future so any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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