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jeudi 8 mai 2014

Saddleback Leather Colour Comparison

I recently received three Saddleback card holders in Chestnut, Tobacco, and Dark Coffee Brown (shown in this order in the picture).

Just wanted to give everyone a better idea of what the colours actually look like next to each other. I think this picture shows it quite well, apparently larger items may be a bit lighter in colour.

I really like the tobacco leather, I know some people have a problem with the company because they think the owner is a wack-a-doodle, or because of his claims about leather, or because he includes bible verses with some of his products.

Personally I don't care too much, the customer service from them has been absolutely top notch, and I am really enjoying my tobacco card holder; my girlfriend nicked the Chestnut, and my best mate nicked the Dark Coffee Brown :lol:

Attached Images

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