I just got started wet shaving in September when my wonderful bride-to-be bought me a starter kit at AOS. I've since bought 3 more types of cream/soap, a few bowls and mugs, starter pack of blades, more blades, and finally this EJ Brush. I alternate between the AOS Pure Badger brush, and the new Best Badger EJ brush. Definitely like the EJ.
My Dad has been shaving with the same boars hair brush and Williams Shaving Soap for as long as I can remember. I got my first sideburn trim with them. Initially he used a 2-blade cartridge with a custom brass handle (wedding present from my mom). Now he's using modern cartridges and handles. He always kept the brush in the mug with the soap.
Once I started wet shaving, he started talking about a new brush. So I bought him the same EJ I have for his 61st birthday. He's excited, planning to use the drip stand and rinse out the brush, etc. Success!
My Dad has been shaving with the same boars hair brush and Williams Shaving Soap for as long as I can remember. I got my first sideburn trim with them. Initially he used a 2-blade cartridge with a custom brass handle (wedding present from my mom). Now he's using modern cartridges and handles. He always kept the brush in the mug with the soap.
Once I started wet shaving, he started talking about a new brush. So I bought him the same EJ I have for his 61st birthday. He's excited, planning to use the drip stand and rinse out the brush, etc. Success!