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jeudi 29 mai 2014

Building pipe smoking cellar - Calculating requirements - Seeking feedback

Hi to all, been away for a while and am back catching up.

I read this post from cap http://ift.tt/1gD88lo

I've been considering a 'real' cellar myself as it's pretty dire here in Aus and the rest of the world is following suite.

I tried to weigh up a bowl on my scales but the scales couldn't read it. I tried two bowls, three, then got a reading. It SEEMS that on average, a bowl for me is 3grams. I smoke pretty small bowls. Would anyone concur with 3g per bowl or am I wildly off?

Based on:

  • 3g per bowl

  • which is about 16 bowls per 50g tin

  • at the rate I smoke, if I want to continue that rate (about 3 bowls a week)

  • it would be about 5 weeks per tin

  • which is about 10 tins per year

  • which is about 400 tins required to give me another 40 years

Did that all seem sound? That's a LOT of tobacco! :w00t:

About $6000 for me with postage to Aus right now.



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