عيد مبارك سعيد

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jeudi 29 mai 2014

Some tape, a digital micro and a JNAT finish (Picture Heavy)

I was bequeathed (for a price of course) a scope that Alfredo (Doc226) used awhile ago, and no longer uses. Perhaps it was his first scope and therefore, I feel very blessed that he parted with it and to me. Thank you Alfredo.

For some time now, a Morley and Sons Clover Brand 6/8 has been haunting me on the hones and then at the shave sink, I just could not get it smooth. Sharp? Yes ..... smooth? Not so much. I tried my Naniwa progression and finished on a JNAT that I acquired from Heespharm (another generous B&B member). But then, after working on honing another member's razor, I discovered .......... well ........ tape.

So for your viewing pleasure and education (I hope) I would like to offer up some pictures of my progression tonight. Some ground rules however: I do not claim to be good at honing. I do not claim to do this for a living nor do I feel confident enough to repair edges or conduct any advanced techniques such as bread-knifing. Further, I have hads some success on certain grinds while others give me fits and I am completely lost replacing scales and pinning/peening new ones into place. So I have much more to learn. Also, the pictures that I am posting were taken while I was adjusting focus with one hand and activating the shutter with another all while the razor was mounted on a wooden platform that I am using when viewing edges.

With that now said, here are the before pictures of the Morley & Sons 6/8:

The toe:

Mid way down the edge:

Near the heel:

These photos were taken before I began with a full bevel set and progression to the finish. More to follow in next post.


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