عيد مبارك سعيد

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vendredi 9 mai 2014

A too cheap to pay Canadian postage Ottawa area PIF

The title says it all. Canada Post recently increased their rates by a ton, and is phasing out door-to-door delivery. A more-money-for-less-service business strategy. To heck with that. Anyone in the Ottawa area, or willing to drive to the Ottawa area for this kit, is welcome to enter.

I have a shave kit resulting from a decision to quit hoarding stuff I'm not using. I'd call it a den clearing if I had a den.

A nice Gillette Tech -- 1964 J3

A Vulfix 660M brush -- a lovely, soft brush. But sadly a bit of a shedder--2-3 hairs per shave. This is irritating in a brush I bought, but I think is might be just fine in a freebie.

A mostly full box of Personna blades -- prabably about 80 blades in the box

A bowl -- take your pick, the blue or the brown

A couple of soaps--a Colonel Conk amber and and artisan soap from a soap maker in Almonte

A shave stick for travel--Ogalla Bay Rum, Sage and Cedar


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