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vendredi 9 mai 2014

Help me identify and care!

Good afternoon gentlemen.

Yesterday I was visiting my grandad and asked him if by chance he doesn't happen to have any of his old razors stashed somewhere (knowing he's using M3 and Fusion past couple of years). Lo and behold - this is what we found. It made me twice as happy as adjustable was my next intended buy, so I can at least try it!


As you can see the razor isn't in the best condition as far as cleanliness goes so I would like to clean and polish it, maybe (if that is possible) to check if everything is as tight as it is supposed to be. As well, is there supposed to be something stuck at the bottom of the handle? From the view of things it seems that there was something glued down there originaly.

So please, would you kindly tell me what Gilette I added to my collection and suggest the best care for it?All advices and help are very much appreciated.

Attached Images

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