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dimanche 5 février 2017

newbe questions

I am new here at B&B.
I have been using DE for several years but straight razor for just a couple of month now and I think get pretty decent shaves, but to be able to get futher in my shaving, i need answeres of a couple of questians.

1) How aften do you need to hone your straight razor?
I have read that you will have to hone your razor ones or at mest a couple of Times' a year.
I have to hone maybe ones a month, could I do the stroping wrong or something else?
What is common misstankes to damage the sharpness?

2) I try to use both hand equally during my shave, but I have some issues.
What different grep shall i use when shave the neck? I have tried to watch youtube but still I dont get it.

3) what is the pro and cons to have a straight razor of the size 5/8 and 6/8?


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newbe questions

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