Even though I think it quite ridiculous, I love having different soaps and creams. I use each one on different shaves. I have arko, prorasco sensitive, VDH, 4 Conks, Blades Grim, three arko creams, DSC cream, and two super great soaps from a local artisan. Each one has its own character, lather, pros and cons and i love them like my wife loves her bath soaks. I find myself about to buy a derby soap, derby lavender cream and lemon cream. And wanting a palmolive stick, with a few more different soaps. It will take me forever to use all these soaps and creams. Do yall know if soap or cream ever really expires, or will it still be good 5-7-10 years from now now when my supply is dwindling? Thanks!
Question about soaps and creams.