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lundi 29 août 2016

Straights The straight razor journey begins

Just got my first straight razor in the mail from Whippeddog.com. I was super excited to try it out but in all honesty I was a bit intimidated as well. I've been DE shaving for several years with the intention to upgrade to the straights but when it was actually in my hand I was definitely a little hesitant.

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After looking at it in my bathroom for 2 days and watching countless videos online, I decided it was time to grow a pair and dive in. I did the sides of my face as well as the sides of my neck, finishing up the rest with my trusty safety razor. I probably should have minimized my first shave but if I'm going to try something I try it :)

I was too excited and nervous and went way too fast throughout the whole process, I even made a rookie shaving mistake and didn't take the time to make a good lather. It didn't help that SWMBO was standing off to the side threatening death if I seriously cut myself, nothing like a supportive audience to help me push through my own anxiety. Luckily there were just a few small cuts, nothing that bleed for more than a few seconds, and a fair amount of razor burn. I did give myself matching cuts near the middle of both ears, it's the only time I've been symmetrical with anything to do with facial hair. Next time I'm going to have to really slow down, focus on the angle of the blade, and lose the peanut gallery.

I was surprised at how awkward it is to hold and maneuver, it'll definitely take getting used to. It was interesting trying to find the right position with a decent angle and visibility in the mirror, it felt like the majority of my shave was cocking my head this way and that trying to see better. Part of that might have been that I used my dominant hand for the whole thing but the whole idea of using the off hand is terrifying right now, we'll see how I feel after a few more shaves.

All in all it was a great learning experience and fun, minus the burning cheeks and neck. In terms of actual smoothness it was not the best shave I've given myself. Ok, it was kind of terrible and my face felt like sand paper for the rest of the day. But now that I've gotten the first shave jitters out of the way the next one, the next one will be the magical experience Youtube has promised me...

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Straights The straight razor journey begins

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