عيد مبارك سعيد

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samedi 27 août 2016

Most Extravagant Shaving Routine Most Luxurious Shave

What is the most extravagant shaving routine you followed to try to get the most luxurious shave? How far down the rabbit hole did you go? What is the most over-the-top shaving routine that your practiced?

I'm thinking hot towels, pre-shave oils, soaking brushes, razors, warming a shaving scuttle, blooming soaps, multi-pass shaves, aftershaves, trying to match your soap to aftershave, moisturizers, etc.

One of the reasons why I shave with a DE is because it feels more luxurious than a cart. I'm trying to get some inspiration to create an even more luxurious shaving experience.

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Most Extravagant Shaving Routine Most Luxurious Shave

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