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lundi 29 août 2016

Hi y'all

New to DE shaving and this site. Well, that's not entirely accurate - my father taught me shave with a DE razor some 45 years ago. Cut myself rather badly and been using cartridge blades ever since. Just recently decided to give it another go and have been enjoying it immensely. Started with a Merkur 38 but switched quickly to a Rockwell. Tried a few different blades but been using Astras mostly. Bought a bowl from a fellow on Etsy and a brush from WSP via Amazon. Have tried some crime from Taylor and soap from Razorock. I've actually been using my stock of Cremo as a pre-shave and it definitely helps to lubricate more than plain lather. Looking forward to reading more about what those with experience have to say.

Quick question: Been using the Proraso Blue (aloe and vitamin E) aftershave balm and love the scent. Any ideas as to its ingredients? Would like a similarly scented aftershave liquid.

Will be headed to southern France and northern Italy for a couple of weeks and hope to find some interesting old world soft goods there.

That's all for now.

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Hi y'all

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