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lundi 29 août 2016

Experimenting with black&white conversion


This weekend in a nearby village, we had a meeting for vintage cars.

The light conditions were really harsh and somehow, the color photos did not really work for me, harsh light, harsh contrast,... I experimented a while with the Silver Efex plugin under Lightroom to convert the photos to black & white. My first goal was not to make them look like vintage photos, but to get rid of the harsh light conditions. Strong contrasts in color remain strong contrasts in b&w, I had to find something else and spend quite some time with a rather trial and error method until I found a treatment perfectly suited to the subject!







I hope you like the photos. I am used to the more "classical" black&white conversion, but here, I wanted to try something different than my usual b&w photos.

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Experimenting with black&white conversion

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