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lundi 1 août 2016

A good quality shaving brush for £25

Hi everyone, I joined the forum a few days ago and got a wonderful response to my first newbie post. I'm in the market for a new shaving brush as my first one (a Wilkinson Sword synthetic) is falling apart. I would like a good all-round brush for approx £25 that will last. I've a short list gleaned from suggestions from ot and wondered if anyone has experienced using any of the following (Simpson Beaufort 1 / Special pure badger, Vulfix 404 "Grosvenor", Muhle black synthetic - sorry I can't remember the actual name, Muhle synthetic silver tip, Edwin Jagger best Badger) or can anyone recommend other options that maybe a better option for a newbie. Thank you.

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A good quality shaving brush for £25

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