As I type this out, this will be my 4000th post to Badger & Blade. Although I probably only have something like 39 meaningful posts. But in honor of the milestone...I thought I would give something away!
I am giving away a tub of St. James Sandalwood & Bergamot Shaving Cream and the corresponding After Shave Gel. These are not the small sizes but the full five ounce cream and the 3.4 ounce aftershave gel. I have used these two products exactly twice and I have decided that while they are an exceptional cream and a good after shave...I am more of a soap and splash kind of dude. So my loss is your gain. So who can enter. I am limiting this to those who have at least 50 posts. That's it just 50 posts. If you don't have 50 posts yet, post away. I will leave this up long enough for those who don't have enough posts to make them. There are enough "What is your..." soap, cream, aftershave, brush, razor, or blade threads around here that 50 posts can really be obtained in a few days if so inclined. Unfortunately, I can not ship out of the country unless it is APO/FPO, so my Brethren across the pond or to the north or south of me, or those in exotic places and those who like Vegemite, Marmite, or whatever that yeasty tasting stuff is...I apologize for not being able to send this off to you. One of these days I will do an international PIF.
I do ask...and I really cannot stress this enough. After the winner has used it a time or two...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, start a new thread and review the products so that others can learn. When reviewing the product, please mention me so I can come back and read it also. If you are not good at reviews, no biggie. Just tell us if you like it or not. Maybe compare it to another product you have. Tell us if there are qualities you like or dislike about it. I have seen some reviews that are about two sentences long and provide more information than some reviews that are pages.
So let's review:
"I'm In"
50 Posts or more
Review the product
I will pick a winner on August 7th, 2016 at a time of my choosing. At that time I will send a PM to the winner and that person will have exactly 24 hours to respond. If said person does not respond in the appropriate time frame, then another member will be selected and PM'd. So forth and so on!
I will not delay any longer, I hope this goes to a good home and good luck!
My 4,000th Post PIF!