Thinning the herd! - Sell those 2 as a lot, which I don't want to break as shipping is getting expensive.
- Canadian Red and Black set with NEW Long Comb razor
- Canadian NEW Bostonian set with NEW Short Comb razor
Both sets are complete in their original conditions, matching cases and blade banks (the blue Gillette blades are made in Canada too - have 2 unwrapped blades inside). Both razors are user grade with some wear mostly on the top cap. All teeth present and straight. Could use some cleaning.
The two cases are in OK shape. The R&B one has some dark spots seen on the photos. Please review the photos and ask questions if you should have any!
Price is USD $70, including shipping with tracking number and insurance. Canada/CONUS only! Paypal only!
Not really interested in trades except for:
- a case for silver NEW Belmont Deluxe Chromium with a blade bank in good condition
- 2 brown bakelite banks from #77 set in good condition
DE/SE Razor WTS 2 Canadian sets: Red and Black and New Bostonian set