Hello B&B community I've been lurking on this fine site for about a month and I usually don't join forums due to almost every question I can think of already having been answered numerous times. However if there's one thing I've learned from reading here is everyone's ideas/technique/prep/set up is a little different and YMMV appears in nearly every thread.
A little back story, I was given a Weishi TTO a year ago with a large supply of dorco st-301's. All I did for prep was shower and rub irish spring aloe on my face and go to town. It was a step up from my Mach 3 but I'd end up with nicks oozing all over my face... ouch. My Weishi threads galled and stripped so I tossed it then ended up here as I looked for a replacement that I've been using a month now.
I ended up with a Merkur 23c, escali/tweezerman, and col. conk soaps cheap and utilitarian, then went about improving my lathering and shaving techniques thanks to this forum (face mapping, no pressure, brush soaking and lather slickness).
Sorry for the novel but my question is I'm working through a decent stack of sample blades from TryaBlade and I'm doing a shave a day, two shaves per blade and tried several so far and I've noticed differences with WTG and XTG passes but seems like I'm barely removing hair with the WTG on "milder" blades but every blade so far is pretty rough ATG. Lots of blade skipping, tugging and occasionally some cuts. I have a noticeable amount of stubble left if I don't go ATG and the more days I wait the smoother the shave I've noticed.
I'm not looking to collect I just want a nice set up that works well for me, would you guys recommend a more aggressive or milder razor to try next if I don't find a blade that works for me in this sampler? Or an entirely different suggestion?
Nick H.
Hi! first post and newbie question