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mardi 26 avril 2016

Recommendations for new razors or shaving supplies.

So I have been saving to buy shaving supplies and well the time has come to break the piggy bank open. I was wondering any razors you guys would recommend and/or shaving products. Some info about me: I have been wet shaving for 4-5months. I own 3 razors: a 1959 Fatboy, 1962 ball end tech, and a merkur 34c HD. As for brushes I own an omega 10066 boar brush and a maggard razor 24mm synthetic brush. Soaps and creams I have about 20 samples and then I bought a tube of palmolive classic cream. I haven't used it, but it smells fantastic. So I was wondering what you would recommend or your favorite product. I was thinking maybe Ikon, plissoft, att, or gillette long comb. Let me know your thoughts!
Thanks guys!

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Recommendations for new razors or shaving supplies.

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