Hi Everyone,
I'm a new wet shaver, but have been onto shaving soap and brushes for the last few years. I originally looked at ways to make shaving more comfortable, and Van Der Hagen soap seemed to lessen irritation considerably with the razors I was using. I had switched from Edge Gel and Mach 3 razors to Van Der Hagen soap and Gillette Good News razors. It was going nice, and then one day at the grocery store, I saw Van Der Hagen safety razors. I didn't know what that was, but it was enough to send me home to do some research. Needless to say, I spent hours reading threads here, and educated myself. I've been at it for about 3 weeks, and am still experimenting. I plan to contribute as I learn!
Brian H - Houston, TX
New Guy, and recent wet shaving convert