I'm about 2 months into my project to convert the tightly trimmed goatee and mustache into a full blown set of handlebars. I generally trimmed weekly before but have now taken to no trimming on the mustache portion and only using the Wahl on the goatee portion.
Up until now, I just wax the mustache to the sides and let the longer tails run down the side of my mouth. Today I was working at home, so I started playing with twisting the bars. So now i can see what is underneath the mustache on the sides of my mouth.
On the top, I shave down to the crack between my cheeks and my upper lip.
So my question is if I only had the mustache, where should I trim it vertically, the edge of my mouth?
I need to know how high go in trimming the goatee, but not harming the mustache growing.
Where to Trim For Handlebars