I'm looking to buy the Stop Shoppe Instinct (Special Edition). I'm in Canada, so I understand that shipping costs will be a little higher from the US.
If you would prefer a trade, I have the Black Tie that I've used once. I also have 2 Mystic Waters that I could trade (Sandalwood Rose and Bay Rum). Both used about a dozen times. I'll even throw in Stirling's Barbershop for free in a trade. This is the old tin can. I would say that it's at 75%.
My only condition is that the scent has to be moderate to strong. The Black Tie I have is only lightly scented. From reading reviews, scents can be a hit and miss. Although I know that scent is subjective, I do believe that one can tell the difference between a light and string scent. I think that Black Tie is known to be lightly scented.
In a trade, we both cover our own shipping. In a buy, please let me how much of the soap you have, as well as shipping costs.
Soap WTB/WTT Strop Shoppe Special Edition Instinct