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samedi 12 septembre 2015

passes, comfort, and efficiency

I had to do two bad shaves this week. trying those isreali blades. bad ting.

first one in my wieshi, it went OK but had more weepers and rough spots. burn bad though.

second on the first blade, one pass and I had to swap the blade out. that blade was only good enough for two or three passes before I went back to Wilkinson sword. still ended up with burn.
ended up really burned. counted and I did 4 wtg, 2 Gillette slides, 2 xtg
and I didn't get any better or closer of a shave then a simple 2 wtg on a Wilkinson sword.

tried a tech today. with those isreali blades. same result. had to do 2 wtg, 1 Gillette slide, 1 atg on face, 2 atg on the neck

yet the result was nothing superior then two simple wtg passes with a better blade. am I a dunce?

passes, comfort, and efficiency

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