Hi, this is a post more for the beginner wet shaver because for those seasoned vets out there this is not going to be anything new. I do hope this can help anyone who is new to the hobby and might clear a few things up/get you going in the right direction towards better and better shaves!
Just a small note, I am only 3 months into this wet shaving journey myself so I know I have much still to learn, but I think I have learned some things that might be useful to others who are in the same position I was, just 3 months ago, wielding a brush and a DE for the first time(s).
The 4 Ps
Technique is EVERYTHING
This is something that anyone who has been wet shaving for any considerable amount of time will already know, but it was re-affirmed for me by my shave this evening. I have recently been shaving with some vintage Gillettes (a New and a couple of techs) that have been giving me some really nice shaves (the New especially!). This evening, however, I decided to see if I could emulate the results I had been getting from these old Gillettes with my Parker 97R. I took my time, concentrated on not using any pressure and got a really, really great shave. It's one of the best shaves I've ever had, in fact. This just served as a massive reminder to me that the tools don't matter nearly as much as how you use them.
In short, Technique is EVERYTHING!
So, newbies, keep working on that technique and enjoy your shaves!
Just a small note, I am only 3 months into this wet shaving journey myself so I know I have much still to learn, but I think I have learned some things that might be useful to others who are in the same position I was, just 3 months ago, wielding a brush and a DE for the first time(s).
The 4 Ps
- Preparation: I'm sure we've all heard the old saying "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail" and it's pretty true for most things in life. Wet shaving is no exception. Face prep is, IMO, the single most important factor for getting a good shave. There is no one size fits all approach to face prep so try a few different methods out and see what works for you. I have found my own personal prep that is giving me really great results at the moment, so do make sure you take the time to try things out and find what works for you.
- Pressure: Pressure was actually not that far off taking the top spot in this list, but I think it belongs at a very close second. Using too much pressure when shaving is the number one cause of irritation for new (and not so new) wet shavers. Making the transition from carts it is extremely easy to fall into old habits and push the razor into the skin, causing irritation. I have to constantly remember to apply as little pressure as possible, especially on my ATG passes as this is where I am most prone to irritation. Use the lightest touch you possibly can and let the razor do the work for you.
- Patience: Shaving isn't a race. If you're shaving in the morning, before work, get up 20-30 minutes earlier so you never have to rush through your shave, or shave at night. This will allow you both to enjoy your shave a lot more and also help you avoid falling into bad habits (like pushing too hard against your skin). Really take it as slowly as you can while you are learning to wet shave. Focus on your angle, make sure your lather is good, make sure you are using as little pressure as possible and of course that you are allowing yourself sufficient time to prep your face.
- Perseverance: You're going to have some bad shaves, maybe a lot of bad shaves. Then some good shaves, some great shaves and some more bad shaves. Don't give up. Stick with it and don't be afraid to go back to the basics. You will get there in the end.
Technique is EVERYTHING
This is something that anyone who has been wet shaving for any considerable amount of time will already know, but it was re-affirmed for me by my shave this evening. I have recently been shaving with some vintage Gillettes (a New and a couple of techs) that have been giving me some really nice shaves (the New especially!). This evening, however, I decided to see if I could emulate the results I had been getting from these old Gillettes with my Parker 97R. I took my time, concentrated on not using any pressure and got a really, really great shave. It's one of the best shaves I've ever had, in fact. This just served as a massive reminder to me that the tools don't matter nearly as much as how you use them.
In short, Technique is EVERYTHING!
So, newbies, keep working on that technique and enjoy your shaves!
The 4 Ps and why Technique is EVERYTHING: Reflections on 3 Months of Wet Shaving.