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mercredi 12 novembre 2014

Am I doing it wrong?

After years of using Gillette de razors (specifically super speeds) I decided I was going to bite the bullet and get brushes, soap... the whole 9...

So for 3 years now. I have been using various brushes. A few weeks ago when ordering new brushes I referenced b&b and read reviews. I noticed a lot of good reviews of the Parker WHBB Black Badger, and the Omega 13564. So I ordered them both. I've used the Parker a few times and I'm not caring for it. The Omega on the other hand... love at first lather. I'm just not getting a good thick lather out of the Parker. I let a friend try it and she has been using de razors on her legs for about two years now and her feelings where that it doesn't whip a good lather and its too soft. Is there a different technique to beat a lather than the Omega's, and other brands I've grown accustomed to?

Am I doing it wrong?

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