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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

The ubiquitous water bottle

Inspired by the "Has our society really become this" thread, I took to thinking why I carried a water bottle all over the place as If I were crossing the Sahara.

I did not do this in school, when did this start and why ?

Thinking back to school I remembered that If I wanted a drink of water I would just go to a Drinking water fountain.

Remember those ?

nestle apr6 fountain main.jpg

Were I work they have all been removed for hygienic reasons, apparently they spread germs.

I honestly can't remember seeing one for ages.

How ever there are a large number of vending machines with sugar drinks in them and one even has water bottles. ( the price of the gold dust drinking water will not be mentioned because it is obscene)

I want my drinking fountain back!

I Think the Janitor mentioned that there still was one in the sub basement in the fall out shelter.


The ubiquitous water bottle

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