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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

An Open Note to Voskhod Users

I like Voskhod blades. I really do. While I use a Feather in my ATT R1 at home when I have the time and equipment for a full/careful prep, when I am on the road I use the trusty Voskhod - that would be about 5 or 6 weeks every year. It is not as sharp as the Feather, but it is smooth and reliable and easy. And at $15/100, the Voskhod is a great bargain in shaving.

A few weeks ago, on a lark, I got 3 different Treet carbon blades from The Great Blade Exchange. My expectations were low for the inexpensive carbon blades from Pakistan, but the fun part of this great hobby of ours is the occasional big surprise. Let me start out by saying that neither the Treet Classic nor Black Beauty worked for me. Neither was a match for my heavy beard. The final blade in the trial was the Durasharp, a PTFE coated carbon blade. With the very first pass of the blade I knew the smooth and sharp Durasharp was a winner. The Great Blade Exchange gives a 2 blade sample. I used my first Durasharp for 4 impressive shaves making sure to clean and dry the carbon blade in between shaves. I threw it away after 4 shaves because I didn't want to spoil a good run and the blade was starting to pull a bit.

With the second blade I decided to do a comparison with the Voskhod, the other bargain blade in my den. In fact at 10 cents/blade(Connaught Shaving), the Durasharp is much cheaper than the inexpensive Voskhod (15 cents/blade). For this experiment I shaved half of my face with the Voskhod and half with the DuraSharp. I did the experiment for four consecutive shaves. I even alternated left and right to make sure that there wasn't a left/right bias to my shaving. It really wasn't much of a contest: On my face anyway, the Treet DuraSharp was both sharper and smoother than the Voskhod. The experiment finished, I put in an order for 200 DuraSharp blades from Connaught.

Will the DuraSharp replace the samurai sharp Feather in my arsenal? My sense is that it will not. I shave daily and the Feather gives me a great single-pass WTG shave. I don't believe that the DuraSharp will be able to do that for me. On the other hand, I am certain that the DuraSharp will be a smoother, easier blade to use than the Feather. In the blink of an eye, the Feather can take a pound of flesh. The DuraSharp is just not that mean.

4 quality shaves from a 10 cent blade makes the Treet DuraSharp a great bargain. Could the DuraSharp be Better and Cheaper than the beloved Voskhod??? I say give it a try. Who doesn't enjoy a great Treet?

Fell in love with a beautiful blonde once. Drove me to drink. And I never had the decency to thank her.

W.C. Fields

An Open Note to Voskhod Users

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